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:.. : ,,, :: , ,.,,...: tr5 : . ........ :/
T H E R E V O L U T I O N A R Y C i R C E T R:A N S G R E S S I O N
Word. This is Truman Starr on the keys writing the first info and news
file for Circe 3. You may ask What? the first or the third?. Well, the big
amount of changes and news in the group, and the standards of the now-a-days
art scene forced me to write this text in this format.
After a lot of discussions we have an agreeing about the delay between
the Circe releases. We decided to release our shit in between months, it means
that we are releasing packs in February, April,:June, August, October and
December. I wish we could release monthly, but we are still a little group,
and we dont like to release packs with less than 20:files.
Although we are not releasing literature this month this is the *best*
Circe pack ever. You will see a very big improvement in our style in general,
some new awesome artists and guest appearances, mostly in joints. As senior
member and ascii coordinator i would say *THANKS* to all the members for
their big effort to keep our group quality almost at the top of the scene
expectatives. Im very proud to run this group with my buddies.
A lot of people dont like us just because of our location. Thats a
very fool prejudice, since we are getting better pack by pack, and no one
can deny it. Our style is neat. Anyways, there are a lot of other people
who like us and ask for memberships, headquarters and distro sites, and were
very happy with that fact. Thats the only way to keep the group in growing.
So, if you like Circe, please contact us and ask for a membership. We are in
need of ansi artists, because, although they are::very skillsfull, we have rather few ansiers. . ....... ::
- arrives :::::::::::
* Gavilan: well, there are so much to say about this:guy... Hes like a legend
in argentinian scene. He rocked with his ansi style in the Innuendo times the first argentinian art crew, later he shocked us with his wonderful
oldschool ascii, and he is joinin Circe with his:incredible RIP style. Man,
were very proud to have you between us. ::
* Cleaner: our second euro member. Although he need:a bit of improvement, we
like him and we like his style. He has a very big future of glory with the
Circe posse. He comes from Triloxy. ::
- We have no departures this month. ::
Now go and enjoy the transgression. ::
Thank you for listening.
Sebastian aka:Truman Starr
February 1998
T H E R E V O L U T I O N A R Y C i R C E T R:A N S G R E S S I O N
Word. This is Truman Starr on the keys writing the first info and news
file for Circe 3. You may ask What? the first or the third?. Well, the big
amount of changes and news in the group, and the standards of the now-a-days
art scene forced me to write this text in this format.
After a lot of discussions we have an agreeing about the delay between
the Circe releases. We decided to release our shit in between months, it means
that we are releasing packs in February, April,:June, August, October and
December. I wish we could release monthly, but we are still a little group,
and we dont like to release packs with less than 20:files.
Although we are not releasing literature this month this is the *best*
Circe pack ever. You will see a very big improvement in our style in general,
some new awesome artists and guest appearances, mostly in joints. As senior
member and ascii coordinator i would say *THANKS* to all the members for
their big effort to keep our group quality almost at the top of the scene
expectatives. Im very proud to run this group with my buddies.
A lot of people dont like us just because of our location. Thats a
very fool prejudice, since we are getting better pack by pack, and no one
can deny it. Our style is neat. Anyways, there are a lot of other people
who like us and ask for memberships, headquarters and distro sites, and were
very happy with that fact. Thats the only way to keep the group in growing.
So, if you like Circe, please contact us and ask for a membership. We are in
need of ansi artists, because, although they are::very skillsfull, we have rather few ansiers. . ....... ::
- arrives :::::::::::
* Gavilan: well, there are so much to say about this:guy... Hes like a legend
in argentinian scene. He rocked with his ansi style in the Innuendo times the first argentinian art crew, later he shocked us with his wonderful
oldschool ascii, and he is joinin Circe with his:incredible RIP style. Man,
were very proud to have you between us. ::
* Cleaner: our second euro member. Although he need:a bit of improvement, we
like him and we like his style. He has a very big future of glory with the
Circe posse. He comes from Triloxy. ::
- We have no departures this month. ::
Now go and enjoy the transgression. ::
Thank you for listening.
Sebastian aka:Truman Starr
February 1998
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