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Dd! Circe october 1997 pack nr 1
At first, because this is our first pack, wed like to explain
how the idea of developing CiRCE came out.
From the vanishing of Ambush and other important groups in the argentinian
scene, that was, at that time, showing a high level in digital art,
it entered in deep decaymet.
A great quantity of artists were left spreaded out into individual
proyects, foreign groups or they were, simply, unactive.
Because of this, we now try to revibe the argentinian scene again
joining the most of the best digital artists, for showing that
there are artists of a great quality in our country, reaching the
level of some european or nortamerican groups.
Primeramente, por ser este nuestro primer pack, nos gustara explicar porque surge la idea de formar CiRCE.
Desde la disolucin de Ambush y otros grupos importantes de la escena
argentina, que vena mostrando un alto nivel en arte digital,
entro en una profunda decadencia.
Una gran cantidad de artistas quedaron dispersos en proyectos
individuales, grupos extranjeros o simplemente inactivos.
Debido a esto hemos intentado sacar nuevamente a flote a la escena
argentina juntando a la mayora de los mejores artistas digitales,
para demostar que existen artistas de gran envergadura en nuestro
pas, al nivel de grupos europeos o norteamericanos.
Diamond Darrell................................. Ddarrell@four11.com
Arlequin........................................ Arlequin@Pungas.com
Biozard................................ Biozard@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar
Uctumi............................................ Uctumi@Redbbs.com
Arlequin ....................................... Arlequin@Pungas.com
Groove .......................................... Gv@cyberjunkie.com
7alo ................................................. 7alo@Dant.com
Daemon ...................................... Daemon@sistema1.com.ar Tim Drake .............................................. Unknown
Peyo ................................................... Unknown
Diamond Darrell ................................ Ddarrell@four11.com
Peyo ................................................... Unknown
Soul Asylum .................................. Soulasylum@four11.com
Diamond Darrell ................................ Ddarrell@four11.com
Arlequin........................................ Arlequin@Pungas.com
Masacre Brutal Diamond Darrell +541-774-1130 World Hq
Sacred Grounds Speed Freak +32-1-XXXXXXX Belgian Hq
Too Oblivious Sagittarius +381-XXXXXXXX Yugo Hq The Kitchen mnMN +49-XXXXXXXXX Germany Hq
The Junk Yard Abnormal +3XXXXXXXXXXX Finland Hq
Pungas Site Pungas Staff Ftp.Pungas.Com /Groups/Circe
Nucliar Site 7alo Ftp.Dant.Com /Groups/Circe
We are looking for ansi/ascii/rip/vga/lit artists and spreaders
We are looking for HQ and Distro Sites too.
You can contact Us in
Handles in White ............................. division coordinators
Handles in Dark Gray .............................. inactive members Handles in Yellow ...................................... new members
Pvm / Etherial / Fedcon / Jsd / Triloxy / Addiction / Csf / Odelay
Society / Comic / Darkness / Maiden / Flux / Dark Horses / Prana
At first, because this is our first pack, wed like to explain
how the idea of developing CiRCE came out.
From the vanishing of Ambush and other important groups in the argentinian
scene, that was, at that time, showing a high level in digital art,
it entered in deep decaymet.
A great quantity of artists were left spreaded out into individual
proyects, foreign groups or they were, simply, unactive.
Because of this, we now try to revibe the argentinian scene again
joining the most of the best digital artists, for showing that
there are artists of a great quality in our country, reaching the
level of some european or nortamerican groups.
Primeramente, por ser este nuestro primer pack, nos gustara explicar porque surge la idea de formar CiRCE.
Desde la disolucin de Ambush y otros grupos importantes de la escena
argentina, que vena mostrando un alto nivel en arte digital,
entro en una profunda decadencia.
Una gran cantidad de artistas quedaron dispersos en proyectos
individuales, grupos extranjeros o simplemente inactivos.
Debido a esto hemos intentado sacar nuevamente a flote a la escena
argentina juntando a la mayora de los mejores artistas digitales,
para demostar que existen artistas de gran envergadura en nuestro
pas, al nivel de grupos europeos o norteamericanos.
Diamond Darrell................................. Ddarrell@four11.com
Arlequin........................................ Arlequin@Pungas.com
Biozard................................ Biozard@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar
Uctumi............................................ Uctumi@Redbbs.com
Arlequin ....................................... Arlequin@Pungas.com
Groove .......................................... Gv@cyberjunkie.com
7alo ................................................. 7alo@Dant.com
Daemon ...................................... Daemon@sistema1.com.ar Tim Drake .............................................. Unknown
Peyo ................................................... Unknown
Diamond Darrell ................................ Ddarrell@four11.com
Peyo ................................................... Unknown
Soul Asylum .................................. Soulasylum@four11.com
Diamond Darrell ................................ Ddarrell@four11.com
Arlequin........................................ Arlequin@Pungas.com
Masacre Brutal Diamond Darrell +541-774-1130 World Hq
Sacred Grounds Speed Freak +32-1-XXXXXXX Belgian Hq
Too Oblivious Sagittarius +381-XXXXXXXX Yugo Hq The Kitchen mnMN +49-XXXXXXXXX Germany Hq
The Junk Yard Abnormal +3XXXXXXXXXXX Finland Hq
Pungas Site Pungas Staff Ftp.Pungas.Com /Groups/Circe
Nucliar Site 7alo Ftp.Dant.Com /Groups/Circe
We are looking for ansi/ascii/rip/vga/lit artists and spreaders
We are looking for HQ and Distro Sites too.
You can contact Us in
Handles in White ............................. division coordinators
Handles in Dark Gray .............................. inactive members Handles in Yellow ...................................... new members
Pvm / Etherial / Fedcon / Jsd / Triloxy / Addiction / Csf / Odelay
Society / Comic / Darkness / Maiden / Flux / Dark Horses / Prana
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