this image contains text
cia conspiracy 49 - 8/9-97
* hey kids, do you know what time it is? thats right
! its almost a
week after the pack was due out! : Sorry for the delay of t
49 pack, but seems that everyone not excluding me
has been
very busy with moving back to college, going back to school,
there isnt too much information to divulge at the moment,
stay tuned for the 50th pack extravaganza coming next mon
cia member
* new members this month: an old friend and fo
rmer cia ansi pimp,
gould joins up with us once more.. look out for some
killer ansi
work from him in the coming months. the vga team expands quit
e a
bit this month with the arrival of exsaza, mr wee
d and phaeton ,
big greets to all the new guys!
* we say goodbye to inactive members, see the
member list for more
up-to-date information concerning these lazy-asses!
cia news
* note: work is due at the end of this month
september or within
the first three days of October, please send it all i
n asap!
the 50th edition of the cia conspiracy will be coming
out around
the first week of OCTOBER 97. all former cia mem
bers and anyone
else who is just a cia fan is invited to make some c
ia-50 promo
artwork for release in the big 5-0h. you can help make cias
the biggest and baddest art pack release EVE
R! you could even
WIN some cool stuff, check out the url listed below f
or pictures
of the prizes, prize updates, contest info and more!:
win! www.creators.
org/50 !win
* 50 is obviously not coming out in september as i acci
typed in last months info! thanks for the early subs though
email work to napalm@cyberwar.com or dcc it to th
e version of me
on cia on irc napalm or napalm - or you can
ftp it to here :
ftp.cyberwar.com pub/users/napalm or send it to any c
who might be lurking around irc. you can also mail it to me o
n a
230 meg syquest ez-flyer disk which i will happily ke
of the prizes, prize updates, contest info and more!:
misc other
* the cia conspiracy archive is now back on
the cdrom ftp archive,
previously the filenames were linked to our ftp or web site
downloading, but now the physical files are back on the artpa
archive thanks to good ole shivy bastage, new release
s are still
in .ZIP format and may not be available on the archive!
* napalms music pick o the month: The V
elvet Underground -
the andy warhol banana album!
* thats it for the info this month, as usual
check out the cia web
site at www.creators.org for news, up
dates and contest info!
- napalm cia gringo
* hey kids, do you know what time it is? thats right
! its almost a
week after the pack was due out! : Sorry for the delay of t
49 pack, but seems that everyone not excluding me
has been
very busy with moving back to college, going back to school,
there isnt too much information to divulge at the moment,
stay tuned for the 50th pack extravaganza coming next mon
cia member
* new members this month: an old friend and fo
rmer cia ansi pimp,
gould joins up with us once more.. look out for some
killer ansi
work from him in the coming months. the vga team expands quit
e a
bit this month with the arrival of exsaza, mr wee
d and phaeton ,
big greets to all the new guys!
* we say goodbye to inactive members, see the
member list for more
up-to-date information concerning these lazy-asses!
cia news
* note: work is due at the end of this month
september or within
the first three days of October, please send it all i
n asap!
the 50th edition of the cia conspiracy will be coming
out around
the first week of OCTOBER 97. all former cia mem
bers and anyone
else who is just a cia fan is invited to make some c
ia-50 promo
artwork for release in the big 5-0h. you can help make cias
the biggest and baddest art pack release EVE
R! you could even
WIN some cool stuff, check out the url listed below f
or pictures
of the prizes, prize updates, contest info and more!:
win! www.creators.
org/50 !win
* 50 is obviously not coming out in september as i acci
typed in last months info! thanks for the early subs though
email work to napalm@cyberwar.com or dcc it to th
e version of me
on cia on irc napalm or napalm - or you can
ftp it to here :
ftp.cyberwar.com pub/users/napalm or send it to any c
who might be lurking around irc. you can also mail it to me o
n a
230 meg syquest ez-flyer disk which i will happily ke
of the prizes, prize updates, contest info and more!:
misc other
* the cia conspiracy archive is now back on
the cdrom ftp archive,
previously the filenames were linked to our ftp or web site
downloading, but now the physical files are back on the artpa
archive thanks to good ole shivy bastage, new release
s are still
in .ZIP format and may not be available on the archive!
* napalms music pick o the month: The V
elvet Underground -
the andy warhol banana album!
* thats it for the info this month, as usual
check out the cia web
site at www.creators.org for news, up
dates and contest info!
- napalm cia gringo
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