this image contains text
,7S P, , ,g, , ,7S S8P,
frgnfruzawe SlS8 8Sl .,g SSl , ,7 SlS8 lS8P, kresilewhatever
------------- 78P S8S 88 Sl S8S S8S lSS ----------------
,db, SS SS 8 lS@ 8l
,TT, . S
b,.,d ll,. .,S ,
SSll g,. l AWe, .,g @g,
7SS lS .,g lSl S88M ,7S l8S
7S 8Sl S.., S8S 7S ,S8S TT
Sl S8S lS8S: 8S8S SSl SlmmSSP .,s l
48Smm S88SSS Sl lS8S lS8S .,sT,.,sd
T,S S S8S 88MS SMS SM88 TT,d
------------- lSl 7Sl 78Sl: ,SP,.SP lS8S yyyyyyyy yy y --------
.,7S , S88 ,7S 7S88Sl
the awe lettering team. on into the 1997.
/ / l / l /
l/ ----/----/ S T/Y L E .
. F RE E //
l -----/. ./ / l
5lq! l--------// -----/
thats all negr0ws..
., . essence world
,7S S8P, tour..
SlS8 :lS8P,
l8S l8l
,7S l8S
7S lS8S
,7 yyy kresile
l essence world tour..
: kresile iesone
peace to everyone who viewed..thanks for taking time to look at my
shit also, any reqs go to krezile@hotmail.com, im not saying theyll
all be done, but there is a good chance, especially if you have a cool
boardname.. even better if its got some elite letters.. anyway, lates
yall.. oh wait, shouts to my boys.. - jizm , necronite, omircon,
discofunk 1974, the prodigy, shiveem, blindman, rusted, black jack,
absent spinister, empower, tinyz, ms for the krez logo, CRANE! for
the smooth freestyle logo, sQuish for the ELITE freestyle logo at the
end you just viewed.. later
frgnfruzawe SlS8 8Sl .,g SSl , ,7 SlS8 lS8P, kresilewhatever
------------- 78P S8S 88 Sl S8S S8S lSS ----------------
,db, SS SS 8 lS@ 8l
,TT, . S
b,.,d ll,. .,S ,
SSll g,. l AWe, .,g @g,
7SS lS .,g lSl S88M ,7S l8S
7S 8Sl S.., S8S 7S ,S8S TT
Sl S8S lS8S: 8S8S SSl SlmmSSP .,s l
48Smm S88SSS Sl lS8S lS8S .,sT,.,sd
T,S S S8S 88MS SMS SM88 TT,d
------------- lSl 7Sl 78Sl: ,SP,.SP lS8S yyyyyyyy yy y --------
.,7S , S88 ,7S 7S88Sl
the awe lettering team. on into the 1997.
/ / l / l /
l/ ----/----/ S T/Y L E .
. F RE E //
l -----/. ./ / l
5lq! l--------// -----/
thats all negr0ws..
., . essence world
,7S S8P, tour..
SlS8 :lS8P,
l8S l8l
,7S l8S
7S lS8S
,7 yyy kresile
l essence world tour..
: kresile iesone
peace to everyone who viewed..thanks for taking time to look at my
shit also, any reqs go to krezile@hotmail.com, im not saying theyll
all be done, but there is a good chance, especially if you have a cool
boardname.. even better if its got some elite letters.. anyway, lates
yall.. oh wait, shouts to my boys.. - jizm , necronite, omircon,
discofunk 1974, the prodigy, shiveem, blindman, rusted, black jack,
absent spinister, empower, tinyz, ms for the krez logo, CRANE! for
the smooth freestyle logo, sQuish for the ELITE freestyle logo at the
end you just viewed.. later
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