this image contains text
.. c i a p r e . s . e . n . t s ..
: : j a c k p h l a s h s a s c i i c o l l y n u m b e r e i g h t : :
step 1: make sure that he is definitly dead..
sigh, this month has been fucking strange, a new demonic pack released yay!
but not much else, i havnt done to much ascii, and this colly was put together
amazingly quickly.. blah blah, if you have any ascii requests, mail me at
send them phlash@cia-art.org, dont ask for newscho0l either.. beeyatch
...I...N...D...3...X...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
1.................................colly number eight header
2..................................................urinal 3
3...........................................defcon reg info
4................................................apathy diz
6.............................................wicked city 1
7.............................................wicked city 2
8.............................................wicked city 3
9.............................................wicked city 4
10............................................wicked city 5
14.......................................anonymous provincy
15...............................................phare side
18..................................................toe jam
20......................................dont call this bbs
22...........................................digital herpes
title: urinal 3 c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: vintage/ /
. .. ....:: * T H R E E * . .. ...........::
. .. ...if I dont burn in hell, I just might burn in bed... .. .
title: defcon bbs software, v1, reg nfo c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: myself/ /
/ // registered to...... /
...... // .......... d e f c o n o n e ..
title: apathy skanky diz c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
::. aPATHY
... apathy ascii editor ...
first release ... by dark entity
title: apathy ascii editor c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
/ a p a t h y jp
title: wicked city logo c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
:::::::... ..... . wiCKED!ciTY ..
jp!cia / .........::::.
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: wicked city stats screen c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
-l - - /
--------------- : . ---------------------------------- --- -- - - jp
wICEKD cITY .... . ........................................ ... .. . .
.........................:: S T A T S ............. ... .. . .
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: wicked city main menu c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
wICKED cITY mENU .. // .......... / ... / :::::::::... //
/ ::................:: ......jp!srl.::
title: wicked city small font c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
:: wICKED cITY ........ ....jp
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: wicked city block logo c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// * for: request/ /
:: ::jp
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: elenium c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
::......... e l e n i u m ...............::
title: abraxus c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// * for: boredom/ /
a B R A X U s
title: mhz jeah.. m3gg4h3rtz! c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ***** for: bordom/ /
/ j
/ mHZ!rEMORSE .... //
title: anonymouse provincy c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ***** for: request/ /
/ :: anonymous provincy ................
. .. ::// /.........:: jp!serial/cia
title: the phare side matrix c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
: .. L logon : // ::
: : A apply / // / // / ::
:. : P peek / / / //..::
: : G logoff .......-------....-------....-------....-----------
:..... ::......:: ....: -------------- pHARE sIDE jp
title: alcoholiday the color one ruled c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
::............. A L C O H O L i D A Y .............::
::............. / .........jp!srl/cia
title: crisp like wet sox in tha morning c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
:.. c r i s p . .. ... .....................................................:
. .. ... ...........: jp!cia/srl
title: toejam bbs, matrix type thing c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
:: t0ej4m! :: ::.... / , , ...::
:: logon . :: ::.. ...
:: apply .. ::... ::..... .. .. :
:: check ... ::.....................::............::............::
:: leave .... ........:: - -- --- ------- jp!srl/cia
title: the slums of shaolia.. i think c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// * for: request/ /
/ / // / / / / //jp
::.......... the slums of shaolia?........ / /
title: dont call this bbs c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
::...........:: ::.... : . ::........:: ::....:: jp!srl/cia
::........ . dONT cALL tHIS bBS! ::...::
title: vim header c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
::. . , ....... ... .. . V i M . .. ... .......::
.... // : from: . .. .....
:: / / : / subject: ::
-- -- - :/ - - - - -- --- ---jp!cia
title: digital herpes c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
- -- ------ ::..............................................:: - ---jp!cia
. . . . ..:: D i G i T A L H E R P E S ::.. . . . .
title: doors header, use it c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: myself/ /
::::::::::::::::::::::: never believe online doors menu :::::::::::::::::::::::
title: colly eight diz, and im bored c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: you mother/ /
.. c i a p r e . s . e . n . t s ..
: : j a c k p h l a s h s a s c i i c o l l y n u m b e r e i g h t : :
step 1: make sure that he is definitly dead..
sigh, this month has been fucking strange, a new demonic pack released yay!
but not much else, i havnt done to much ascii, and this colly was put together
amazingly quickly.. blah blah, if you have any ascii requests, mail me at
send them phlash@cia-art.org, dont ask for newscho0l either.. beeyatch
...I...N...D...3...X...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
1.................................colly number eight header
2..................................................urinal 3
3...........................................defcon reg info
4................................................apathy diz
6.............................................wicked city 1
7.............................................wicked city 2
8.............................................wicked city 3
9.............................................wicked city 4
10............................................wicked city 5
14.......................................anonymous provincy
15...............................................phare side
18..................................................toe jam
20......................................dont call this bbs
22...........................................digital herpes
title: urinal 3 c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: vintage/ /
. .. ....:: * T H R E E * . .. ...........::
. .. ...if I dont burn in hell, I just might burn in bed... .. .
title: defcon bbs software, v1, reg nfo c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: myself/ /
/ // registered to...... /
...... // .......... d e f c o n o n e ..
title: apathy skanky diz c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
::. aPATHY
... apathy ascii editor ...
first release ... by dark entity
title: apathy ascii editor c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
/ a p a t h y jp
title: wicked city logo c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
:::::::... ..... . wiCKED!ciTY ..
jp!cia / .........::::.
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: wicked city stats screen c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
-l - - /
--------------- : . ---------------------------------- --- -- - - jp
wICEKD cITY .... . ........................................ ... .. . .
.........................:: S T A T S ............. ... .. . .
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: wicked city main menu c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
wICKED cITY mENU .. // .......... / ... / :::::::::... //
/ ::................:: ......jp!srl.::
title: wicked city small font c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
:: wICKED cITY ........ ....jp
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: wicked city block logo c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// * for: request/ /
:: ::jp
Pause...Space To Resume:
title: elenium c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
::......... e l e n i u m ...............::
title: abraxus c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// * for: boredom/ /
a B R A X U s
title: mhz jeah.. m3gg4h3rtz! c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ***** for: bordom/ /
/ j
/ mHZ!rEMORSE .... //
title: anonymouse provincy c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ***** for: request/ /
/ :: anonymous provincy ................
. .. ::// /.........:: jp!serial/cia
title: the phare side matrix c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
: .. L logon : // ::
: : A apply / // / // / ::
:. : P peek / / / //..::
: : G logoff .......-------....-------....-------....-----------
:..... ::......:: ....: -------------- pHARE sIDE jp
title: alcoholiday the color one ruled c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
::............. A L C O H O L i D A Y .............::
::............. / .........jp!srl/cia
title: crisp like wet sox in tha morning c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: request/ /
:.. c r i s p . .. ... .....................................................:
. .. ... ...........: jp!cia/srl
title: toejam bbs, matrix type thing c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
:: t0ej4m! :: ::.... / , , ...::
:: logon . :: ::.. ...
:: apply .. ::... ::..... .. .. :
:: check ... ::.....................::............::............::
:: leave .... ........:: - -- --- ------- jp!srl/cia
title: the slums of shaolia.. i think c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// * for: request/ /
/ / // / / / / //jp
::.......... the slums of shaolia?........ / /
title: dont call this bbs c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: request/ /
::...........:: ::.... : . ::........:: ::....:: jp!srl/cia
::........ . dONT cALL tHIS bBS! ::...::
title: vim header c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
::. . , ....... ... .. . V i M . .. ... .......::
.... // : from: . .. .....
:: / / : / subject: ::
-- -- - :/ - - - - -- --- ---jp!cia
title: digital herpes c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// **** for: request/ /
- -- ------ ::..............................................:: - ---jp!cia
. . . . ..:: D i G i T A L H E R P E S ::.. . . . .
title: doors header, use it c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// *** for: myself/ /
::::::::::::::::::::::: never believe online doors menu :::::::::::::::::::::::
title: colly eight diz, and im bored c 0 l l y 3 i g h t //
// ** for: you mother/ /
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