this image contains text
baM!i napalm
- cia conspiracy 43 - with work fr
om 2/97 3/97 -
- nA
* note: this is not the same info file header as 42, it
is the Special Edition
Episode I
A long time ago, in a scene far, far away there w
as a group, cia
dedicated to the protection of the people and the reb
el forces,
united in a fight against the evil empire known to the all
ies as
da nation... Da Nation was busy
putting finishing touches on
the most deadly weapon in the universe... The Death Ca
r!!! This
horrifying construction is loosely based on blueprints of
a 1989
weapon of destruction known as the Honda CRX. This is th
e 43rd
release of the allied forces update known as cia consp
iracy 43!
Episode II
Once again proving that the allied forces posess more
mad skillz
and raw fire power than da nation are the
members. This period
sees several new members of the allied forces:
head gunner and ascii pimp Black Dawn joins squadr
on e1, retired
actor with plenty of fighting experience Francis Se
ven falls
under captain telstars command in the vga squadron.. fres
h from
another allied troop, The Night Angel joins the an
si bomber team
back from several years of jebdye training re-comes
Defcon IV.
.. unfortunately the entire music department w
as destroyed this
month, it appears that a da nation spy inser
ted what appeared
to be a Holthian Harrakan Hyper Hot Drive Destabilizin
g Dog into
the tail pipe of their battle cruiser which consequentl
y went
squufpht! and proceeded to promptly implode.
several other names were dropped from the allied roster fo
r this
month due to the fact that while testing the transport
ers we
accidentally beamed their brains into another sector. the
forces along with the mens bodies hope to hear from them
some time in the near future..
Episode III
to help decode several intercepted transmissions,
burning chrome
of the code unit has updated our multiple - format fi
le viewing
utility known to the allies as wiretap .. an
updated copy is
included with this status report for all allied forces t
o use,
improvements include vga modes and enhanced supports fo
r many
file formats including the format that our new member l
ist is
in, the triple-key encrypted .ADF format that
da nation has
yet to crack. also included is a utility to view strategi
c .BIN
files in more high resolution modes than you can shak
e a Trans-
Gorgolthropic Kranker Bapht Saber at.. this amazing devel
was created by our coder judge dredd in order
to help allied
forces decode his gigantic bin files.
Episode IV
despite being slightly damaged, our web site h
as managed to move
its secret base from an NT server to a *NI
X one. this strategic
move ensures that our pages will be up for us and comp
hidden from the evil site-mispelling da nation
leaders. the
pages are still being worked on as you read this, be s
ure to
check in with http://www.creators.or
g every-so-often, look for
creators caf, a gathering place for creative m
embers of the
allied forces to get together and talk, hopefully up late
r this
very month! lets hope that da nation doesnt f
ind out!
Episode V
napalms music pick o the month: Pizzica
to 5s
sister freedom tapes music pick of th
e month associated
concepts, ideas or publications are registered trademarks
copyrighted by cia productions, 1993-1997 may not be bor
stolen, re-used, or modified by any other groups in any
way, shape or form without the express written consent of
and the entire cia productions staff, US patent pending 37
Episode VI
due to communication lines being so heavily tapped in
to by evil
forces, creators of intense art can now be reach
ed via inter -
gallactic snail mail! send lots of donations to
help us fight
the good fight! no letter bombs and/or dead animals please
cia / creators
P.O. Box 59
Ramsey, NJ
Episode VII
you might have noticed that the secret agent listi
ng is now in a
new file format, ADF. this format allows for pal
lette and font
editing making the file a bit more interesting. our file d
wiretap other respectable viewers can view this
format.. info
on how to contact cia will now be released in th
files, in plain old ansi format! all of this was nec
essary due
to mcdonalds lowering the price of their burge
rs and thereby
completely fucking up the cosmic balance, had we not ma
de the
above changes there wouldve been a terrible temporal exp
and the dark side would have surely triumphed!
Episode VIII
in other news, it was recently revealed that radma
n is my father
mindcrime is my sister, halaster is my third uncle on
ce removed,
tna and fluor are 2nd cousins, thrasher has a dog named sy
finally that mighty mouse filth are, in fact, living tog
Episode IX
well fellow allies, i think you will see with a quick
viewing of
this months pack that we have what it takes to join forc
es and
put an end to both da nation and their most
fearsome weapon,
The Death Car!.. Until the next digitally enha
nced episode, may
the horse be with you! nrrrreeeigh!
Princess Napaleia
aka napalm cia!
baM!i napalm
- cia conspiracy 43 - with work fr
om 2/97 3/97 -
- nA
* note: this is not the same info file header as 42, it
is the Special Edition
Episode I
A long time ago, in a scene far, far away there w
as a group, cia
dedicated to the protection of the people and the reb
el forces,
united in a fight against the evil empire known to the all
ies as
da nation... Da Nation was busy
putting finishing touches on
the most deadly weapon in the universe... The Death Ca
r!!! This
horrifying construction is loosely based on blueprints of
a 1989
weapon of destruction known as the Honda CRX. This is th
e 43rd
release of the allied forces update known as cia consp
iracy 43!
Episode II
Once again proving that the allied forces posess more
mad skillz
and raw fire power than da nation are the
members. This period
sees several new members of the allied forces:
head gunner and ascii pimp Black Dawn joins squadr
on e1, retired
actor with plenty of fighting experience Francis Se
ven falls
under captain telstars command in the vga squadron.. fres
h from
another allied troop, The Night Angel joins the an
si bomber team
back from several years of jebdye training re-comes
Defcon IV.
.. unfortunately the entire music department w
as destroyed this
month, it appears that a da nation spy inser
ted what appeared
to be a Holthian Harrakan Hyper Hot Drive Destabilizin
g Dog into
the tail pipe of their battle cruiser which consequentl
y went
squufpht! and proceeded to promptly implode.
several other names were dropped from the allied roster fo
r this
month due to the fact that while testing the transport
ers we
accidentally beamed their brains into another sector. the
forces along with the mens bodies hope to hear from them
some time in the near future..
Episode III
to help decode several intercepted transmissions,
burning chrome
of the code unit has updated our multiple - format fi
le viewing
utility known to the allies as wiretap .. an
updated copy is
included with this status report for all allied forces t
o use,
improvements include vga modes and enhanced supports fo
r many
file formats including the format that our new member l
ist is
in, the triple-key encrypted .ADF format that
da nation has
yet to crack. also included is a utility to view strategi
c .BIN
files in more high resolution modes than you can shak
e a Trans-
Gorgolthropic Kranker Bapht Saber at.. this amazing devel
was created by our coder judge dredd in order
to help allied
forces decode his gigantic bin files.
Episode IV
despite being slightly damaged, our web site h
as managed to move
its secret base from an NT server to a *NI
X one. this strategic
move ensures that our pages will be up for us and comp
hidden from the evil site-mispelling da nation
leaders. the
pages are still being worked on as you read this, be s
ure to
check in with http://www.creators.or
g every-so-often, look for
creators caf, a gathering place for creative m
embers of the
allied forces to get together and talk, hopefully up late
r this
very month! lets hope that da nation doesnt f
ind out!
Episode V
napalms music pick o the month: Pizzica
to 5s
sister freedom tapes music pick of th
e month associated
concepts, ideas or publications are registered trademarks
copyrighted by cia productions, 1993-1997 may not be bor
stolen, re-used, or modified by any other groups in any
way, shape or form without the express written consent of
and the entire cia productions staff, US patent pending 37
Episode VI
due to communication lines being so heavily tapped in
to by evil
forces, creators of intense art can now be reach
ed via inter -
gallactic snail mail! send lots of donations to
help us fight
the good fight! no letter bombs and/or dead animals please
cia / creators
P.O. Box 59
Ramsey, NJ
Episode VII
you might have noticed that the secret agent listi
ng is now in a
new file format, ADF. this format allows for pal
lette and font
editing making the file a bit more interesting. our file d
wiretap other respectable viewers can view this
format.. info
on how to contact cia will now be released in th
files, in plain old ansi format! all of this was nec
essary due
to mcdonalds lowering the price of their burge
rs and thereby
completely fucking up the cosmic balance, had we not ma
de the
above changes there wouldve been a terrible temporal exp
and the dark side would have surely triumphed!
Episode VIII
in other news, it was recently revealed that radma
n is my father
mindcrime is my sister, halaster is my third uncle on
ce removed,
tna and fluor are 2nd cousins, thrasher has a dog named sy
finally that mighty mouse filth are, in fact, living tog
Episode IX
well fellow allies, i think you will see with a quick
viewing of
this months pack that we have what it takes to join forc
es and
put an end to both da nation and their most
fearsome weapon,
The Death Car!.. Until the next digitally enha
nced episode, may
the horse be with you! nrrrreeeigh!
Princess Napaleia
aka napalm cia!
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