this image contains text
..so umm.. this is like my 4th ascii colly for cia, this time cia number 42..
..with my usual greets to all the cia and demonic people.. blah blah and..
..if you havnt seen it yet leech my modding groups pack dem-0197.zip..
..also greets to all the ascii groups, mhz.. and all the others still kixin..
..oldschool.. jack phlash demonic prez/cia ascii..
immortal cds thingy
i M M O R T A L C D S
immortal cds thingy two
demonic header thingy
telegard/x logo
--- tELEGARD/X ---
telegard/x font
/: /:: /: /:: /: jaypee
mhtrics telegard/x
dark horizons thing for kargus
/ / / / / / / / / : ::d4rk h0r1z0n5:: :
jp/ / / / / / / / /
tric header
::::::::::::: TRiC i997 ::::::::::::::
messed up looking tric header
bio-hazard font
/ / /Jp!cIA
absorbance emag.. for a comp
- -- ------+ a b s o r b a n c e ! e m a g +------ -- -
woe bbs modding
jp /
panic emag
/ / / / / jp!cia
3m.. for mt
:: / /jp
/ 3m /::::::
empty for mt
/ / / / jp
it says empty. i mean it.. im sure it does..
operation ivy for illusion
// jp!cia
operation ivy
alcoholiday bbs
::::/ : : jp
A L C O H O L i D A Y
jack phlash cia
the mad circle bbs
- -- --- THE MADCiRCLE... //
instinct bbs software
:: :: :: :: :: : i N S T i N C T :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :
injustice couriers
// jp
// i n j u s t i c e c o u r i e r s
injustice couriers. diz?
: // jp
- -- i N j U S T i C E 9 7 -- --
instinct bbs software
the phreakers reich emag
the end
..with my usual greets to all the cia and demonic people.. blah blah and..
..if you havnt seen it yet leech my modding groups pack dem-0197.zip..
..also greets to all the ascii groups, mhz.. and all the others still kixin..
..oldschool.. jack phlash demonic prez/cia ascii..
immortal cds thingy
i M M O R T A L C D S
immortal cds thingy two
demonic header thingy
telegard/x logo
--- tELEGARD/X ---
telegard/x font
/: /:: /: /:: /: jaypee
mhtrics telegard/x
dark horizons thing for kargus
/ / / / / / / / / : ::d4rk h0r1z0n5:: :
jp/ / / / / / / / /
tric header
::::::::::::: TRiC i997 ::::::::::::::
messed up looking tric header
bio-hazard font
/ / /Jp!cIA
absorbance emag.. for a comp
- -- ------+ a b s o r b a n c e ! e m a g +------ -- -
woe bbs modding
jp /
panic emag
/ / / / / jp!cia
3m.. for mt
:: / /jp
/ 3m /::::::
empty for mt
/ / / / jp
it says empty. i mean it.. im sure it does..
operation ivy for illusion
// jp!cia
operation ivy
alcoholiday bbs
::::/ : : jp
A L C O H O L i D A Y
jack phlash cia
the mad circle bbs
- -- --- THE MADCiRCLE... //
instinct bbs software
:: :: :: :: :: : i N S T i N C T :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :
injustice couriers
// jp
// i n j u s t i c e c o u r i e r s
injustice couriers. diz?
: // jp
- -- i N j U S T i C E 9 7 -- --
instinct bbs software
the phreakers reich emag
the end

- title
- ascii colly 4
- author
- jack phlash
- group
- cia
- date
- 1997-01-31
- comments
- datatype
- character
- filetype
- ansi
- filetype info
width: 80
height: 297
icecolors: no
letter spacing: not specified
legacy aspect: not specified
- artist(s)
- group(s)
- content
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