this image contains text
the anagolous collection, by -EverLast- of creators of intense art ascii
in this colly, the price is right cia showcase showdown!
oldskool ascii fan, COME ON DOWN! youre the next contestant on
the price is right !!
your showcase showdown will start with an all expense paid trip to the world
of creators of intense art ascii studios! youll meet the true underground
oldskool artist, -EverLast-, along with Cain, our new Ascii Coordinator.
Youll spend 7 days of fun with Napalm, and enjoy muff diving with Mr. Muff.
sure i can draw other styles, but showcases gave to have themes, right?
o f
. @/ : .
: . @/
. @/
: @/ .
3v : .
. @/ .
: . @/
@/ . .
-- -- --- --- -- -@/- ---:-- -
Creators of Intense Art @/
-EverLast- presents the analogous collection, presented in cia pak
number thirty-seven. look up analogous, and it will all become clear.
note due to circumstances 100 out of my hands, a couple of logos from
my insanity colly, which appeared in ciapak36.zip were also released
under another art group. though i am sure this has caused noone but me
a problem, i am very sorry for any confusion this may have caused .
trade me? mayebe not / /
a r x :
b a a s
the diabolical abraxas. many have entered the halls, but few have
been able to withstand the darkness.
i wanted to do a 90000 line ascii pic....so i bit the first 25 lines of nappies
saturated fat pic...help me improve this...
ev says: im trying ok bitch?!
guess what, im on dark shadows bad side, i cant call hellbound, and stuff.
i hope he doesnt get the whole Twisted Toilet Paper Krew on me...come here,
down to Los Angeles, from Kentucky or wherever the fuck your sister raping ass
lives, and face me you sound like a fucking girl, you little bitch!
and he probably took that seriously too
---creators of intense art draw--------------------------------------------
your prize package will continue when you recieve a copy of ciadraw, the
best screen editor available today, brought to you by sudden death and
burning chrome!
: : : : : : : : evcia: : : :
. . CiaDraw - The Future of Computer Drawing Programs . . .
napalm says i have to be nice to everyone now...
---sodiums downtown militarized zone--------------------------------------
your trip will take a violent turn as you visit sodiums dmz..
: ev : cia / /
. . . downtown militarized zone . . .
. opd by sodium of acid productions
ev says: i think this was a trade..oh well, who cares?
---camelot bbs-------------------------------------------------------------
youll then relive the medieval times at the CiA Camelot Dinned/Tournament.
3v! Camelot - Sysop: Black Night HST
:::: 310-476-0104 ::::
High Speed Traders Distrobution Site cia!
ev says: oh yeah, real nice!
---isty diz 1-------------------------------------------------------------
At the end of the day, relax with your new copy of ISTY magazine!
ISTY Literature E-Mag - Release One
: : : ev
:: :: cia:
presented by Kempman
sudden death sounds like crimeboss
-isty diz 2-----------------------------------------------------------------
ISTY lit/poetry magazine 2 8-96
/ // / / /e
---/ // //v
-isty diz 3----------------------------------------------------------------
ISTY Lit/Poetry Magazine Issue @ 8-1996
/isty magnum2/ /ev
---logistix fileid--------------------------------------------------------
your showcase showdown continues with a ware of your choice from logistix.
+- ev /--+
be a true rebel /
right align the art /
------ ----cia/
l o g i s t i x presents
ev says: i didnt rape that price is right bitch, i swear!
---players club-----------------------------------------------------------
youll then be treated to dinner in our Players Club dining room.
t h e p l a y e r s c l u b 818
ev says: this is usable
---whippets no2-----------------------------------------------------------
and then, a free dose of nO before bed.
: n02818.781.1702 :
all sorts of texts!
ev says: i drew these a LONG time ago...thought they were kinda funny
-everlast- of cia productions : . :
a : : : a
a . : a
a ,aa, : : a--+--
a @/ a
- ---a SSSS . a-- -- -
a,a,a OverDose - Run by Gatekeeper a,a,a
a a
ev says: kinda a newoldskool thing? didnt work kHz approved, i swear..
---apathy promo------------------------------------------------------------
youll then tour misfits apathy studios.
- -- : ---- : ev : : : -
--------: p --------: t : : y ----
a ------ a ------- -------- - -
-- -- -- - - -- ---- - h ----- - - -
ev says: what the HELL? oh well
-diet cola-----------------------------------------------------------------
as we continue, youll recieve a free can of diet cola!
::::// : // ::..Diet Cola..::::::::::::::::
:::: // // //::..Opd By That Nigga Spear..:
::::::::::::::::::// // // :ev::::::
ev says: ill finish it one day
---cia serv2---------------------------------------------------------------
youll then recieve your very own account on cia serv2, as we continue
with prizes revealed as we tour the CiA Ascii department.
cia : : : :
: : : : : : : : serv2
s e r v 2
--apathy studios-----------------------------------------------------------
. / /: / / / ev .-/
: : apathy studios. : - :
---misfits acetone--------------------------------------------------------
add some color to your ascii with your very own..can of acetone!
@/ /
: :/ : : :: ev: : : :
- : - ---/- --acetone - -
// Acetone - run by Misfit of Apathy Studios // :
i wanted to draw yet another ascii. i wanted to fuck it up with some kinda
unusual stuff. sorry if i embarrased misfit by using his bbs name in it
---eclipse for cytral skunk------------------------------------------------
and watch the eclipse..
e l p e
c i s
/ // / // // / ev / // / /
// / // // cia/ / / /
/ / eclipse/
ev says: haha..remember when i used to be able to draw?
: // ev // //
-- --- / cia : // /-
- - - - - d e t e r g e n t - --- -
. Virtual/Detergent. Independently Operated Somewhere in 213 by
the one and only Bleach.
and youll be the talk of the town with your very own in-home abraxas/casino!
: : : :: : : / casino entrance
3v ---- ------ ------- -- -- ---- -
--art in madness-----------------------------------------------------------
Art in Madness. . 1996!
:AiM : : .
: : : :AiM :
just wanted to do a tribute to one of my favorite groups of all time, AiM,
Art in Madness. Theyre pretty much dead now, but when they were alive, i was
a young kid, and i thought they were the dopest fucking group in the world,
and, to some extent, they were. Rest in Peace AiM.
--small ash logo-----------------------------------------------------------
------a s h-----
--stolen archives comment/bbsad--------------------------------------------
steal archives from other studios with burning chrome and the cia crew...
this archive has been stolen from stolen archives.
Stolen - Archives
Running Alliance BBS SoftWare
CiA Programming Headquarters
iCE Member Board aSh US HQ
ev Revival Distrobution Board
cia BlackNet/SpeedNet/HackNet/ITC
Official Alliance Beta Board
5 Nodes Operated By
Burning Chrome, Sudden Death
Digital InterfaceJudge Dredd
--survival high ascii------------------------------------------------------
as we continue your showcase, youll get a free cheap high ascii!
Survival. Opd by Mister E of CiA
Creators of Intense Art CiA NHQ
haha mr. e beeitch! im sure youll use this high ascii piece of crap!
-mighty mouses------------------------------------------------------------
::: ::: :::: : : : ::: :: ::: here i come to save
-- ----- -- : : : : - --- - -- - the day, might mouse
: : : : is on the way. so let
--- --- ----: : : : - ---- ---- the trumpet players
: : : : mouse play, mighty mouse
mighty : : is here to stay
cia senior eclipse artist
ev says: elite as fuck call me rt again and die.
--hst high ascii-----------------------------------------------------------
hst sucks
hst is slow.
--newskool ash crap--------------------------------------------------------
youll then recieve a subscription to the newskool crap of the month club!
isss ssss
i:: :: :: :: :
i :: :: ::
-- -- - - -- --::i:: -- -- - - -- --
:: : :: : :i :: ::: ::: :: ::
-- -- ---- - --aSia SS aSSa aSSa ::-- -- ---- - --
i: aSSa :: aSSa :: a::a
Si:S :: ::S :: SSS :: .
--hst diz------------------------------------------------------------------
youll then recieve yet another ware from hst, as we continue with prizes
revealed as we tour the cia ascii studios.
High Speed Traders 8/96 InfoPak
To fill you in, high speed traders
are a bunch of extremely un-deicat
ed warez kidz in my area code that
i very often feel quite sorry for
high speed traders 96
sooth your aching muscles in your very own...acidbath!
/ / : / / / evcia
.. . aCIDbATH - oPERATED By lITOZ . ..
--request info-------------------------------------------------------------
to request ascii from me, mail me at one of the following addresses, with the
text of your message following the format shown below pacbell@primenet.com,
phils7@primenet.com, 862-1@tnet.bluethun.com, ev@anon.penet.fi varies,
everlast@voices.org, or, not yet, but soon, ev@creators.org!....fillthisout:
your handle:
your affils:
net address:
ascii you liked in this colly:
yer ircnick:
request txt:
your request will be drawn judged solely upon who you are, and the length
and letters included in your request text...if asciis are not found in the
cia conspiracy, they will me mailed to you via inet, or dccd on irc.
as we continue with your showcase showdown, youll recieve a pair of
glasses that will allow you to read this font stand a few feet back
better known as abraxas.
font by -everlast- of cia
this is -EverLast- reminding you to control the art population, have shitty
art taken out of the paks! -everlast- aka bob barker would like to throw
greets out to napalm, mrmuff, sudden death, mre, cain, spear, everyone in
cia and acid, julia, janet, rod rody!, and everyone ive ever ragged on.
alright now bitch HOW DO YOU BID ON THIS SHOWCASE?!
cia creators of intense art - mad style - end of file@689 cia
in this colly, the price is right cia showcase showdown!
oldskool ascii fan, COME ON DOWN! youre the next contestant on
the price is right !!
your showcase showdown will start with an all expense paid trip to the world
of creators of intense art ascii studios! youll meet the true underground
oldskool artist, -EverLast-, along with Cain, our new Ascii Coordinator.
Youll spend 7 days of fun with Napalm, and enjoy muff diving with Mr. Muff.
sure i can draw other styles, but showcases gave to have themes, right?
o f
. @/ : .
: . @/
. @/
: @/ .
3v : .
. @/ .
: . @/
@/ . .
-- -- --- --- -- -@/- ---:-- -
Creators of Intense Art @/
-EverLast- presents the analogous collection, presented in cia pak
number thirty-seven. look up analogous, and it will all become clear.
note due to circumstances 100 out of my hands, a couple of logos from
my insanity colly, which appeared in ciapak36.zip were also released
under another art group. though i am sure this has caused noone but me
a problem, i am very sorry for any confusion this may have caused .
trade me? mayebe not / /
a r x :
b a a s
the diabolical abraxas. many have entered the halls, but few have
been able to withstand the darkness.
i wanted to do a 90000 line ascii pic....so i bit the first 25 lines of nappies
saturated fat pic...help me improve this...
ev says: im trying ok bitch?!
guess what, im on dark shadows bad side, i cant call hellbound, and stuff.
i hope he doesnt get the whole Twisted Toilet Paper Krew on me...come here,
down to Los Angeles, from Kentucky or wherever the fuck your sister raping ass
lives, and face me you sound like a fucking girl, you little bitch!
and he probably took that seriously too
---creators of intense art draw--------------------------------------------
your prize package will continue when you recieve a copy of ciadraw, the
best screen editor available today, brought to you by sudden death and
burning chrome!
: : : : : : : : evcia: : : :
. . CiaDraw - The Future of Computer Drawing Programs . . .
napalm says i have to be nice to everyone now...
---sodiums downtown militarized zone--------------------------------------
your trip will take a violent turn as you visit sodiums dmz..
: ev : cia / /
. . . downtown militarized zone . . .
. opd by sodium of acid productions
ev says: i think this was a trade..oh well, who cares?
---camelot bbs-------------------------------------------------------------
youll then relive the medieval times at the CiA Camelot Dinned/Tournament.
3v! Camelot - Sysop: Black Night HST
:::: 310-476-0104 ::::
High Speed Traders Distrobution Site cia!
ev says: oh yeah, real nice!
---isty diz 1-------------------------------------------------------------
At the end of the day, relax with your new copy of ISTY magazine!
ISTY Literature E-Mag - Release One
: : : ev
:: :: cia:
presented by Kempman
sudden death sounds like crimeboss
-isty diz 2-----------------------------------------------------------------
ISTY lit/poetry magazine 2 8-96
/ // / / /e
---/ // //v
-isty diz 3----------------------------------------------------------------
ISTY Lit/Poetry Magazine Issue @ 8-1996
/isty magnum2/ /ev
---logistix fileid--------------------------------------------------------
your showcase showdown continues with a ware of your choice from logistix.
+- ev /--+
be a true rebel /
right align the art /
------ ----cia/
l o g i s t i x presents
ev says: i didnt rape that price is right bitch, i swear!
---players club-----------------------------------------------------------
youll then be treated to dinner in our Players Club dining room.
t h e p l a y e r s c l u b 818
ev says: this is usable
---whippets no2-----------------------------------------------------------
and then, a free dose of nO before bed.
: n02818.781.1702 :
all sorts of texts!
ev says: i drew these a LONG time ago...thought they were kinda funny
-everlast- of cia productions : . :
a : : : a
a . : a
a ,aa, : : a--+--
a @/ a
- ---a SSSS . a-- -- -
a,a,a OverDose - Run by Gatekeeper a,a,a
a a
ev says: kinda a newoldskool thing? didnt work kHz approved, i swear..
---apathy promo------------------------------------------------------------
youll then tour misfits apathy studios.
- -- : ---- : ev : : : -
--------: p --------: t : : y ----
a ------ a ------- -------- - -
-- -- -- - - -- ---- - h ----- - - -
ev says: what the HELL? oh well
-diet cola-----------------------------------------------------------------
as we continue, youll recieve a free can of diet cola!
::::// : // ::..Diet Cola..::::::::::::::::
:::: // // //::..Opd By That Nigga Spear..:
::::::::::::::::::// // // :ev::::::
ev says: ill finish it one day
---cia serv2---------------------------------------------------------------
youll then recieve your very own account on cia serv2, as we continue
with prizes revealed as we tour the CiA Ascii department.
cia : : : :
: : : : : : : : serv2
s e r v 2
--apathy studios-----------------------------------------------------------
. / /: / / / ev .-/
: : apathy studios. : - :
---misfits acetone--------------------------------------------------------
add some color to your ascii with your very own..can of acetone!
@/ /
: :/ : : :: ev: : : :
- : - ---/- --acetone - -
// Acetone - run by Misfit of Apathy Studios // :
i wanted to draw yet another ascii. i wanted to fuck it up with some kinda
unusual stuff. sorry if i embarrased misfit by using his bbs name in it
---eclipse for cytral skunk------------------------------------------------
and watch the eclipse..
e l p e
c i s
/ // / // // / ev / // / /
// / // // cia/ / / /
/ / eclipse/
ev says: haha..remember when i used to be able to draw?
: // ev // //
-- --- / cia : // /-
- - - - - d e t e r g e n t - --- -
. Virtual/Detergent. Independently Operated Somewhere in 213 by
the one and only Bleach.
and youll be the talk of the town with your very own in-home abraxas/casino!
: : : :: : : / casino entrance
3v ---- ------ ------- -- -- ---- -
--art in madness-----------------------------------------------------------
Art in Madness. . 1996!
:AiM : : .
: : : :AiM :
just wanted to do a tribute to one of my favorite groups of all time, AiM,
Art in Madness. Theyre pretty much dead now, but when they were alive, i was
a young kid, and i thought they were the dopest fucking group in the world,
and, to some extent, they were. Rest in Peace AiM.
--small ash logo-----------------------------------------------------------
------a s h-----
--stolen archives comment/bbsad--------------------------------------------
steal archives from other studios with burning chrome and the cia crew...
this archive has been stolen from stolen archives.
Stolen - Archives
Running Alliance BBS SoftWare
CiA Programming Headquarters
iCE Member Board aSh US HQ
ev Revival Distrobution Board
cia BlackNet/SpeedNet/HackNet/ITC
Official Alliance Beta Board
5 Nodes Operated By
Burning Chrome, Sudden Death
Digital InterfaceJudge Dredd
--survival high ascii------------------------------------------------------
as we continue your showcase, youll get a free cheap high ascii!
Survival. Opd by Mister E of CiA
Creators of Intense Art CiA NHQ
haha mr. e beeitch! im sure youll use this high ascii piece of crap!
-mighty mouses------------------------------------------------------------
::: ::: :::: : : : ::: :: ::: here i come to save
-- ----- -- : : : : - --- - -- - the day, might mouse
: : : : is on the way. so let
--- --- ----: : : : - ---- ---- the trumpet players
: : : : mouse play, mighty mouse
mighty : : is here to stay
cia senior eclipse artist
ev says: elite as fuck call me rt again and die.
--hst high ascii-----------------------------------------------------------
hst sucks
hst is slow.
--newskool ash crap--------------------------------------------------------
youll then recieve a subscription to the newskool crap of the month club!
isss ssss
i:: :: :: :: :
i :: :: ::
-- -- - - -- --::i:: -- -- - - -- --
:: : :: : :i :: ::: ::: :: ::
-- -- ---- - --aSia SS aSSa aSSa ::-- -- ---- - --
i: aSSa :: aSSa :: a::a
Si:S :: ::S :: SSS :: .
--hst diz------------------------------------------------------------------
youll then recieve yet another ware from hst, as we continue with prizes
revealed as we tour the cia ascii studios.
High Speed Traders 8/96 InfoPak
To fill you in, high speed traders
are a bunch of extremely un-deicat
ed warez kidz in my area code that
i very often feel quite sorry for
high speed traders 96
sooth your aching muscles in your very own...acidbath!
/ / : / / / evcia
.. . aCIDbATH - oPERATED By lITOZ . ..
--request info-------------------------------------------------------------
to request ascii from me, mail me at one of the following addresses, with the
text of your message following the format shown below pacbell@primenet.com,
phils7@primenet.com, 862-1@tnet.bluethun.com, ev@anon.penet.fi varies,
everlast@voices.org, or, not yet, but soon, ev@creators.org!....fillthisout:
your handle:
your affils:
net address:
ascii you liked in this colly:
yer ircnick:
request txt:
your request will be drawn judged solely upon who you are, and the length
and letters included in your request text...if asciis are not found in the
cia conspiracy, they will me mailed to you via inet, or dccd on irc.
as we continue with your showcase showdown, youll recieve a pair of
glasses that will allow you to read this font stand a few feet back
better known as abraxas.
font by -everlast- of cia
this is -EverLast- reminding you to control the art population, have shitty
art taken out of the paks! -everlast- aka bob barker would like to throw
greets out to napalm, mrmuff, sudden death, mre, cain, spear, everyone in
cia and acid, julia, janet, rod rody!, and everyone ive ever ragged on.
alright now bitch HOW DO YOU BID ON THIS SHOWCASE?!
cia creators of intense art - mad style - end of file@689 cia
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