this image contains text
ansi: filthc
..cia conspiracy
r thirty seven
1 welcome to cia conspiracy numbe
r 37, the most eagerly awaited cia
pack in history! right now there are about 50 angry people w
for me to release this so that they can bask in the quality a
enjoy the wonderful lits, most of all, get to use the new
So, instead of the usual few hours i spend on this im going t
o make
it incredibly short for me at least..
2 member information: oh boy..
where to start. Well, this month we
merged with a euro group named mozicart or m
ozicart to some of
you guys out there. Also this month we upped the rate of pe
with whom we have lost contact get removed from the member l
Due to size increases over 20 members were removed from the
because of inactivity or simply because they disappeared from
scene. We get a great bunch of euro guys on board this month,
all of them have been contacted yet due to the difficulty of
european communication process I usually list all of the b
new members in this section of the information, but
for the sake
of getting the pack out before being beaten to a bloody pulp
month i will not. see 0896memb.cia for new member information
Taking off this month are: Genocide Kitten
of wackily long logo
collies and crazy toon guys will be leaving after his release
this pack. Wishing to test the scene waters, and afraid tha
t we
will bill all our teleconferences to his phone line, he take
s a
trip to Eclipse i think : best of luck to him there! Also t
off this month is telecom master Dark Prophet.
DP was just a bit
upset pod? when some conf info gets leaked out, my since
apologies to andy2 a big smack to whoever gave it out!
of our ansi department calls it quits this month as he leave
s to
join 765.. wait, no, they died, he then joined bleach.. and
them too, i think he is in fire now, best of luck to him t
hopefully he will come back to cia one day. Finally, a former
member Outkast is expelled from the group for la
cking the level
of respect and maturity expected from cia members. Also, as n
before, a large number of members were deleted form the list
to inactivity and loss of contact. Members who were removed
invited to contact us as soon as they regain consciousness!
3 whats this? ciadrwb8.zip?! finally
?! YES!! finally, the creations
team releases an official public beta of their infamous new
drawing program! This is an unregistered version of
beta 0.8 for
everyone to try out. Many great features abound in the regist
version of CiaDraw, some have been left out of the un
regged beta,
and others have been slightly changed, we even threw in some
so that you will be encouraged to fill out bug.txt enjoy
program and be sure to send us feedback! thanks to everyone
all their hard work on this program, especially chrome who
most of the coding while sudden death sits in a chair, wat
TV, and thinks. -chrome.. i guess someone has to do it!
4 wiretap? with all this ciadraw stuff goin
g on, no one has really
had time to work on the viewer.. ahwell, included in the pac
k is
wiretap.exe, a beta copy from last month. .no guarantees on
one, but its about time we had something to view the pack! OR
could just load up every file with ciadraw : .. stay tuned
a real viewer coming next month as our coders take a break fr
om a
hectic ciadraw shedule.
5 napalms music pick o the month: Beas
tie Boys - Licensed to Ill
6 in music news, a new music disk was released by sh
rike, the coord
of our newly reformed music department. The disk contains s
from shrike only, the huge mozicart merge went on too recentl
y to
allow for euro work but make sure you keep a look out for the
release. a little oops in this section also, the disk had a f
name of ciadsk01.zip which has already been released by our f
music division, please rename your new disk to ciadk-01.zip!
..and now a word from the music man himself, shrike
sorry, had to cut this a bit short for time constrain
Well, I have never put anything into a conspiracy so, I th
it would benice for the scene know who I am and what Ive do
ne for
cia. I am Shrike, formerly Skarlet Shrike and before
that Death
Knight. I joined cia about a year ago and left them
for dark. I
released one song with dark and decided to rejoin cia. On A
3rd, 1996 I released the 1st Music disk called A
Renewed Honour.
I call it the first disk because it is the first disk since
music division has been re-formed.
The cia music division will soon be among one of the best fo
r we
have picked up quite a few outstanding members.. one of whic
h is an
old friend of mine, Blaze Runner. Another who I ha
ve never talked
to is Wiz. With the merger between us and Oasis and
MozicArt, we
have picked up quite a few musicians. Some will not stay in
music division, Im sorry to say, but most will.
I will try to keep our music disks down to 1 meg. I know ho
w much
of a pain in he butt it is to download 3 disks Another thing
many of you dont like the ciadsk01.zip beca
use there is no player.
Sudden Death has promised me that he shall make an .S3M play
er for
the next music disk, so we can look forward to that. The nex
t music
disk will be called the Chaos Music Disk and we already have
smooth logo by fonebone thanx.
if you have any comments, email m
e at
7 ...and now a word from the ever pleasant telst
ar of cia vga :
In VGA news, we bid farewell to Zuel... who seems
to have
vanished into cyberspace. Rumor has it that he may have
been aboard TWA flight 800... but FBI agents are handling
that, not cia. Also, placed temporarily on the disabled
list is Ceryx who is thoroughly involved in a gam
project. Look for more of his art in the game hopefully
in cia packs when that commitment is complete.
In the Had To Be Forcefully Removed department we have
Outkast. It is unfortunate when talent in the art s
is paired with both immaturity and disrespect. Those are
the two characteristics with which the handle Outkast has
become synonymous. I urge any artists if youre entering
the art scene with the intention to be obnoxious to others
dont waste anybodys time. Do something more productive
with your time.. like setting up some clones and flooding
yourself off of IRC.
On a lighter note, Id like to welcome all the new members
coming over from Europes mozicart. Now I know why
make ya take foreign languages in school. Also, check out
my VGA te-inc.jpg. Its the cover image for a CD currently
in the works. If youre interested in grabbing yourself a
copy, or are in need of your own CD cover, find me on IRC
or pop some mail in my e-mail box cooped@
rpi.edu. Ill get
ya any info ya need. Thats all for VGA news this month.
some required info!
8 just to set things straight.. ther
e are NO cia distro sites, so
puleeeeeeze dont ask for one, and for goodness sake, dont cla
to be one.. only Hqs and member boards exist
, see 0896memb.cia.
9 applications : applications f
or agent positions in the ansi,
ascii, code, rip, vga, lit music depts. are currently being
accepted. if you want to be part of cia please create a zip
with a few samples of your work best and worst
include a
text file with your first name, phone number email address
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to the ft
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member who can
get your application to either mister muff or napalm who will
then send it to the appropriate department head. literature
apps please talk to mister e. directly. see contact info in
the member list for more information.
10 there is a cia mailing list now
open to the public to talk about
cia, cia affairs and general stuff! to subscribe simply email
listserver@wizy.uit.net, in the body of your email in
subscribe cia-public your@email.address
11 ok.. its been an hour and i didnt even write most
of this, ill
shut up now.. A big thanks to all the mozicart co
uriers who do
a great job spreading cia across the rest of the known world
- napalm head editor!
eof line 216
ansi: filthc
..cia conspiracy
r thirty seven
1 welcome to cia conspiracy numbe
r 37, the most eagerly awaited cia
pack in history! right now there are about 50 angry people w
for me to release this so that they can bask in the quality a
enjoy the wonderful lits, most of all, get to use the new
So, instead of the usual few hours i spend on this im going t
o make
it incredibly short for me at least..
2 member information: oh boy..
where to start. Well, this month we
merged with a euro group named mozicart or m
ozicart to some of
you guys out there. Also this month we upped the rate of pe
with whom we have lost contact get removed from the member l
Due to size increases over 20 members were removed from the
because of inactivity or simply because they disappeared from
scene. We get a great bunch of euro guys on board this month,
all of them have been contacted yet due to the difficulty of
european communication process I usually list all of the b
new members in this section of the information, but
for the sake
of getting the pack out before being beaten to a bloody pulp
month i will not. see 0896memb.cia for new member information
Taking off this month are: Genocide Kitten
of wackily long logo
collies and crazy toon guys will be leaving after his release
this pack. Wishing to test the scene waters, and afraid tha
t we
will bill all our teleconferences to his phone line, he take
s a
trip to Eclipse i think : best of luck to him there! Also t
off this month is telecom master Dark Prophet.
DP was just a bit
upset pod? when some conf info gets leaked out, my since
apologies to andy2 a big smack to whoever gave it out!
of our ansi department calls it quits this month as he leave
s to
join 765.. wait, no, they died, he then joined bleach.. and
them too, i think he is in fire now, best of luck to him t
hopefully he will come back to cia one day. Finally, a former
member Outkast is expelled from the group for la
cking the level
of respect and maturity expected from cia members. Also, as n
before, a large number of members were deleted form the list
to inactivity and loss of contact. Members who were removed
invited to contact us as soon as they regain consciousness!
3 whats this? ciadrwb8.zip?! finally
?! YES!! finally, the creations
team releases an official public beta of their infamous new
drawing program! This is an unregistered version of
beta 0.8 for
everyone to try out. Many great features abound in the regist
version of CiaDraw, some have been left out of the un
regged beta,
and others have been slightly changed, we even threw in some
so that you will be encouraged to fill out bug.txt enjoy
program and be sure to send us feedback! thanks to everyone
all their hard work on this program, especially chrome who
most of the coding while sudden death sits in a chair, wat
TV, and thinks. -chrome.. i guess someone has to do it!
4 wiretap? with all this ciadraw stuff goin
g on, no one has really
had time to work on the viewer.. ahwell, included in the pac
k is
wiretap.exe, a beta copy from last month. .no guarantees on
one, but its about time we had something to view the pack! OR
could just load up every file with ciadraw : .. stay tuned
a real viewer coming next month as our coders take a break fr
om a
hectic ciadraw shedule.
5 napalms music pick o the month: Beas
tie Boys - Licensed to Ill
6 in music news, a new music disk was released by sh
rike, the coord
of our newly reformed music department. The disk contains s
from shrike only, the huge mozicart merge went on too recentl
y to
allow for euro work but make sure you keep a look out for the
release. a little oops in this section also, the disk had a f
name of ciadsk01.zip which has already been released by our f
music division, please rename your new disk to ciadk-01.zip!
..and now a word from the music man himself, shrike
sorry, had to cut this a bit short for time constrain
Well, I have never put anything into a conspiracy so, I th
it would benice for the scene know who I am and what Ive do
ne for
cia. I am Shrike, formerly Skarlet Shrike and before
that Death
Knight. I joined cia about a year ago and left them
for dark. I
released one song with dark and decided to rejoin cia. On A
3rd, 1996 I released the 1st Music disk called A
Renewed Honour.
I call it the first disk because it is the first disk since
music division has been re-formed.
The cia music division will soon be among one of the best fo
r we
have picked up quite a few outstanding members.. one of whic
h is an
old friend of mine, Blaze Runner. Another who I ha
ve never talked
to is Wiz. With the merger between us and Oasis and
MozicArt, we
have picked up quite a few musicians. Some will not stay in
music division, Im sorry to say, but most will.
I will try to keep our music disks down to 1 meg. I know ho
w much
of a pain in he butt it is to download 3 disks Another thing
many of you dont like the ciadsk01.zip beca
use there is no player.
Sudden Death has promised me that he shall make an .S3M play
er for
the next music disk, so we can look forward to that. The nex
t music
disk will be called the Chaos Music Disk and we already have
smooth logo by fonebone thanx.
if you have any comments, email m
e at
7 ...and now a word from the ever pleasant telst
ar of cia vga :
In VGA news, we bid farewell to Zuel... who seems
to have
vanished into cyberspace. Rumor has it that he may have
been aboard TWA flight 800... but FBI agents are handling
that, not cia. Also, placed temporarily on the disabled
list is Ceryx who is thoroughly involved in a gam
project. Look for more of his art in the game hopefully
in cia packs when that commitment is complete.
In the Had To Be Forcefully Removed department we have
Outkast. It is unfortunate when talent in the art s
is paired with both immaturity and disrespect. Those are
the two characteristics with which the handle Outkast has
become synonymous. I urge any artists if youre entering
the art scene with the intention to be obnoxious to others
dont waste anybodys time. Do something more productive
with your time.. like setting up some clones and flooding
yourself off of IRC.
On a lighter note, Id like to welcome all the new members
coming over from Europes mozicart. Now I know why
make ya take foreign languages in school. Also, check out
my VGA te-inc.jpg. Its the cover image for a CD currently
in the works. If youre interested in grabbing yourself a
copy, or are in need of your own CD cover, find me on IRC
or pop some mail in my e-mail box cooped@
rpi.edu. Ill get
ya any info ya need. Thats all for VGA news this month.
some required info!
8 just to set things straight.. ther
e are NO cia distro sites, so
puleeeeeeze dont ask for one, and for goodness sake, dont cla
to be one.. only Hqs and member boards exist
, see 0896memb.cia.
9 applications : applications f
or agent positions in the ansi,
ascii, code, rip, vga, lit music depts. are currently being
accepted. if you want to be part of cia please create a zip
with a few samples of your work best and worst
include a
text file with your first name, phone number email address
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to the ft
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member who can
get your application to either mister muff or napalm who will
then send it to the appropriate department head. literature
apps please talk to mister e. directly. see contact info in
the member list for more information.
10 there is a cia mailing list now
open to the public to talk about
cia, cia affairs and general stuff! to subscribe simply email
listserver@wizy.uit.net, in the body of your email in
subscribe cia-public your@email.address
11 ok.. its been an hour and i didnt even write most
of this, ill
shut up now.. A big thanks to all the mozicart co
uriers who do
a great job spreading cia across the rest of the known world
- napalm head editor!
eof line 216

- title
- cia conspiracy #37 information
- author
- cia
- group
- cia
- date
- 1996-08-08
- comments
- datatype
- character
- filetype
- ansi
- filetype info
width: 80
height: 25
icecolors: no
letter spacing: not specified
legacy aspect: not specified
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