this image contains text
login // / : : // ....
..... / // // : matrix
: /3v / / /
/cia! /
login in eh? / : :
: . . abraxas/diabolic
. .abraxas/diabolic. . login.too.system
..ash. universal modders home . apply.for.access
. high speed traders member . check.for.access
. united couriers member . page!.the.sysawp
. idea e-mahg distro . mail!.the.sysawp
.creators of intense art member. hang!.off.system
---bust a kut--------------------------------------------------------------
sumone actually asked me for an ascii logon matrix on irc one day. i have
NO idea who it was, or his bbs stats, so i just filled it in with my own..
since i dont remember, i couldnt care less what you do with this, change the
wording if youre stupid color it, whatever, just leave my sig -evcia
..... / // // : matrix
: /3v / / /
/cia! /
login in eh? / : :
: . . abraxas/diabolic
. .abraxas/diabolic. . login.too.system
..ash. universal modders home . apply.for.access
. high speed traders member . check.for.access
. united couriers member . page!.the.sysawp
. idea e-mahg distro . mail!.the.sysawp
.creators of intense art member. hang!.off.system
---bust a kut--------------------------------------------------------------
sumone actually asked me for an ascii logon matrix on irc one day. i have
NO idea who it was, or his bbs stats, so i just filled it in with my own..
since i dont remember, i couldnt care less what you do with this, change the
wording if youre stupid color it, whatever, just leave my sig -evcia
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