this image contains text
you better ask somebody muthaphucka! greets go way the fuck out to sd, na, aj,
and the rest of the inten..no,art, no...creators of intense art - yeah, thatsit
have crew loyalty my son - no amount of skill makes up for poor subject matter
anyways, respect the oldskool art you are about to see -EverLast-cia
----kut here for my oldskool ascii colly----------------------------------
c r e a t o r s
o f
: cia! :
: : 666!
. : : foru : : ----
i n ---- t e n ---- s ----------e
its a good thing . i caught sudden death
on irc while he : . . was drunk, so he let
my oldskool ass : o : : : : key drawing ass into
cia - now i create . : : intense art mutha
phuckas - now : : i get ops everywhere
i go, even in . : : : sex, just because i
be in cia - : : what dope fucking
benefits - . . life is good and shit.
a ----------r ----- t
/ / //------ / / me again - just doodling.
/ / / / / / / you knowing if you pronounce
/ / / / / / / the letters in cia it sounds
/ / / / / like kaya what a bunch of
/ fucking bud schmokers...damn..
disclaimer - the text characters that appear below the superkuts and above
the otherkuts line are there 100 by choice. they were NOT placed there
by me, or any other cia member to symbolize, or represent for that matter
any sort of gang slogan. the text found in this file is guaranteed only to
make you squint - nothing less, nothing more. creators of intense art is
not responsible for any adverse effects viewing it may cause.
------nutkuts here for scotland yard!--------------------------------------
//---- : // / / / 3v!
/ scotland yard 213 is back!
/ / 5 nodes, 3 28.8k/ 2 isdn
// too many affils to list!
home to the founders of united couriers - the first courier group
running the cleanest renegade youll ever see /
s: sherlock ohms, remotes: trouble, -everlast- /
find the number and apply before it falls underground / /
------knife here for props/beatdowns---------------------------------------
props - to sigmar of origin, for getting his ass into cia..
-CiA Logo look closer
: : : : : : : did you know that if you took the a in cia, put it
: : : : : : : first, took the c, put in second, took the i, and
. . . . . . . put it third, then added a d, it would say Acid??
- or you could just cut off the ci and move it in
.--------------------. / one big block after the a...whatever, ya know?
little known facts -
-------------------- did you know that if you took the i in cia, put it
did you know that - first, took the c, put it second, and dropped the a
if you flipped cia and added an e, it would say Ice?? or you could
around, it would say flip the i and the c, and chop the a into an 3
Iac? thats bout it.. whatever, ya know?
beatdowns - to pharcyde from the 818, for taking Pharcyde AiM/KRONiCKs
handle to disguise your lameass bbs past, and for becoming a courier...
what a fucking talentless lamer! spread those files dork!
i --pharcydes mom - a golden retriever
@ @ --im pharcyde, -everlast- just beat my kermit the
i frog looking ass!
------pipecuts here for the broken pipe mag logo---------------------------
excuse me sir, can you help me out? i seem to have broken my pipe
the - broken - pipe - issue - two
------wristkut here for st/2----------------------------------------------
: ---3v!----- ----- --- --- ---
---+---- t e n d e n c i e s ----+---
ops: wild bill corruption
running the phattest rg in 310
ash distrobution site
add more bullshit stats here
------kut here for ascii main menu-----------------------------------------
one of the systems i have on my comp is a mail only style shell, and i find it
much easier and faster, and nicer looking to use ascii menus. this is my main,
of course the commands are all insane, but edit them to your liking. evcia
ev.cia / / / / /
: aauto msg ggoodbye ooneliners :
: bbbs list isysinfo ppersonal :
cchat op jjoin conf ssys stats
ddaily log kkonfig ttransfers
: eemail mnu llast on uuser list :
: ffile mnu mmsg mnu voting mnu :
. useruser list pageop page autosigsig edit .
- bbs software name here - main menu -
------cut here for infinite confusion-------------------------------------
infinite // / // / / etinifni
noisufnoc / / / confusion
c o n f u s i o n
insert stats here
sum nigger requested this on irc one nite - i think his name was stonecold..
this is the weirdest ascii ive ever drawn...i may have missed a few letters
even - anyways..enjoy biznacho...
and the rest of the inten..no,art, no...creators of intense art - yeah, thatsit
have crew loyalty my son - no amount of skill makes up for poor subject matter
anyways, respect the oldskool art you are about to see -EverLast-cia
----kut here for my oldskool ascii colly----------------------------------
c r e a t o r s
o f
: cia! :
: : 666!
. : : foru : : ----
i n ---- t e n ---- s ----------e
its a good thing . i caught sudden death
on irc while he : . . was drunk, so he let
my oldskool ass : o : : : : key drawing ass into
cia - now i create . : : intense art mutha
phuckas - now : : i get ops everywhere
i go, even in . : : : sex, just because i
be in cia - : : what dope fucking
benefits - . . life is good and shit.
a ----------r ----- t
/ / //------ / / me again - just doodling.
/ / / / / / / you knowing if you pronounce
/ / / / / / / the letters in cia it sounds
/ / / / / like kaya what a bunch of
/ fucking bud schmokers...damn..
disclaimer - the text characters that appear below the superkuts and above
the otherkuts line are there 100 by choice. they were NOT placed there
by me, or any other cia member to symbolize, or represent for that matter
any sort of gang slogan. the text found in this file is guaranteed only to
make you squint - nothing less, nothing more. creators of intense art is
not responsible for any adverse effects viewing it may cause.
------nutkuts here for scotland yard!--------------------------------------
//---- : // / / / 3v!
/ scotland yard 213 is back!
/ / 5 nodes, 3 28.8k/ 2 isdn
// too many affils to list!
home to the founders of united couriers - the first courier group
running the cleanest renegade youll ever see /
s: sherlock ohms, remotes: trouble, -everlast- /
find the number and apply before it falls underground / /
------knife here for props/beatdowns---------------------------------------
props - to sigmar of origin, for getting his ass into cia..
-CiA Logo look closer
: : : : : : : did you know that if you took the a in cia, put it
: : : : : : : first, took the c, put in second, took the i, and
. . . . . . . put it third, then added a d, it would say Acid??
- or you could just cut off the ci and move it in
.--------------------. / one big block after the a...whatever, ya know?
little known facts -
-------------------- did you know that if you took the i in cia, put it
did you know that - first, took the c, put it second, and dropped the a
if you flipped cia and added an e, it would say Ice?? or you could
around, it would say flip the i and the c, and chop the a into an 3
Iac? thats bout it.. whatever, ya know?
beatdowns - to pharcyde from the 818, for taking Pharcyde AiM/KRONiCKs
handle to disguise your lameass bbs past, and for becoming a courier...
what a fucking talentless lamer! spread those files dork!
i --pharcydes mom - a golden retriever
@ @ --im pharcyde, -everlast- just beat my kermit the
i frog looking ass!
------pipecuts here for the broken pipe mag logo---------------------------
excuse me sir, can you help me out? i seem to have broken my pipe
the - broken - pipe - issue - two
------wristkut here for st/2----------------------------------------------
: ---3v!----- ----- --- --- ---
---+---- t e n d e n c i e s ----+---
ops: wild bill corruption
running the phattest rg in 310
ash distrobution site
add more bullshit stats here
------kut here for ascii main menu-----------------------------------------
one of the systems i have on my comp is a mail only style shell, and i find it
much easier and faster, and nicer looking to use ascii menus. this is my main,
of course the commands are all insane, but edit them to your liking. evcia
ev.cia / / / / /
: aauto msg ggoodbye ooneliners :
: bbbs list isysinfo ppersonal :
cchat op jjoin conf ssys stats
ddaily log kkonfig ttransfers
: eemail mnu llast on uuser list :
: ffile mnu mmsg mnu voting mnu :
. useruser list pageop page autosigsig edit .
- bbs software name here - main menu -
------cut here for infinite confusion-------------------------------------
infinite // / // / / etinifni
noisufnoc / / / confusion
c o n f u s i o n
insert stats here
sum nigger requested this on irc one nite - i think his name was stonecold..
this is the weirdest ascii ive ever drawn...i may have missed a few letters
even - anyways..enjoy biznacho...
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