this image contains text
-1- welcome to cia con
spiracy number 35, we have some great stuff for you
this month .. and every month for that matter
read on for some more
really important information reguarding cia, its future
member information: takin
g off this month is skypager! of the ansi
crew, he goes off to join some canadian buddies in dark il
best of luck to yah sp! and never forget about your buds o
ver here.
liquid vision would like to remind everyone
especially me : that
his handle is now instrumental, and has been for a
while.. woops!
there was also rumor of Creator changing his handl
e to Alcoholic
Goblins.. er, Ashraf Ghori, but as of this pac
k hes still Creator.
tagging on to the cia team this month are, in almost but n
ot quite
completely un-ordered randomization: vade 79 v9
joins the ansi
ranks, spear of cia ascii contributes a little ans
i this month and
will continue to do so in future months! Mighty Mouse
also joins our
ansi department with his smooooooth stylin.. r11
moves into tels
house to help out the vga depo, crayon also joins
up with the ansi
men and has a little treat in the works muahah
.. everlast makes
a new addition to our ascii team who will be picki
ng up in the
next few months ..and now for something completely di
-I- this months cia pack
is brought to you by the letter 6 and the
number q... and a band of half-naked exploding
porpoises! oh my..
-4- cia code team update: the
coding department has been reaaaaaal
busy lately, with several projects in the works. a big
thanks to
sudden death, chrome and fatslayer
in particular for getting
things back on track. the post-hard-drive-failure beta of
should be making its way into pack 36. also,
as some of you may
have seen, ciadraw
, our new ansi editing/drawing util and much,
much more! is coming along great! ci
adraw is sure to set a new
standard for ansi drawing programs, taking things beyond t
and onto a new level.. get ready, an official public beta
should be coming to a hard drive near you in the next few
for now, cia members volunteer their time to test and use
the new
program as it is constantly updated by the ciadraw team, t
hank to
all members who are helping out with the project!
effects used to stress the neatness of this particular pro
-iv- just to set things straight.. th
ere are NO cia distro sites, so
puleeeeeeze dont ask for one, and for goodness sake, dont
to be one.. only Hqs and member boards ex
ist, see 0696memb.cia.
-- as you may/may not know/care
next month marks cias 3rd anniversary,
and it promises to be one of our best months ever! con
spiracy 36
will debut around the 5th of July with some of
the best art and code
work that cia has ever released, were all looking forward
to the
big three as one of the only few remaining senior citiz
en art
groups out there! big nods to ice, acid an
d dark who also dont seem
to be dropping dead anytime soon, and hats off to blad
e who just
refuse to accept death
-7- no, mister muff did no
t actually move to uganda in search for the
perfect mate, he got this really neat minivan and.. oh, lo
ng story..
-ate- applications: application
s for agent positions in the ansi,
ascii, code, rip, vga and music departments are currently
accepted. if you want to be part of cia please create a zi
with a few samples of your work best and worst
include a
text file with your first name, phone number email addre
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to the
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member who c
get your application to either mister muff or napalm. plea
see contact info in the member list for more information.
-IX- napalms music pick of
the month: curtis mayfields Superfly
-t3n- revival?.. yes, our lit dep
artment is once again part of cia as
a whole, and will no longer release in seperate revival
rather, the lit will be contained in a coded executabl
e in future
packs, this month due to deadlines and planning the lit wi
ll be
in a self-extracting zip called rvl-0696.exe, chec
k it out!
-11- quite enough for one info file
... enjoy cia conspiracy no. 35 !
-napalm seoro
-1- welcome to cia con
spiracy number 35, we have some great stuff for you
this month .. and every month for that matter
read on for some more
really important information reguarding cia, its future
member information: takin
g off this month is skypager! of the ansi
crew, he goes off to join some canadian buddies in dark il
best of luck to yah sp! and never forget about your buds o
ver here.
liquid vision would like to remind everyone
especially me : that
his handle is now instrumental, and has been for a
while.. woops!
there was also rumor of Creator changing his handl
e to Alcoholic
Goblins.. er, Ashraf Ghori, but as of this pac
k hes still Creator.
tagging on to the cia team this month are, in almost but n
ot quite
completely un-ordered randomization: vade 79 v9
joins the ansi
ranks, spear of cia ascii contributes a little ans
i this month and
will continue to do so in future months! Mighty Mouse
also joins our
ansi department with his smooooooth stylin.. r11
moves into tels
house to help out the vga depo, crayon also joins
up with the ansi
men and has a little treat in the works muahah
.. everlast makes
a new addition to our ascii team who will be picki
ng up in the
next few months ..and now for something completely di
-I- this months cia pack
is brought to you by the letter 6 and the
number q... and a band of half-naked exploding
porpoises! oh my..
-4- cia code team update: the
coding department has been reaaaaaal
busy lately, with several projects in the works. a big
thanks to
sudden death, chrome and fatslayer
in particular for getting
things back on track. the post-hard-drive-failure beta of
should be making its way into pack 36. also,
as some of you may
have seen, ciadraw
, our new ansi editing/drawing util and much,
much more! is coming along great! ci
adraw is sure to set a new
standard for ansi drawing programs, taking things beyond t
and onto a new level.. get ready, an official public beta
should be coming to a hard drive near you in the next few
for now, cia members volunteer their time to test and use
the new
program as it is constantly updated by the ciadraw team, t
hank to
all members who are helping out with the project!
effects used to stress the neatness of this particular pro
-iv- just to set things straight.. th
ere are NO cia distro sites, so
puleeeeeeze dont ask for one, and for goodness sake, dont
to be one.. only Hqs and member boards ex
ist, see 0696memb.cia.
-- as you may/may not know/care
next month marks cias 3rd anniversary,
and it promises to be one of our best months ever! con
spiracy 36
will debut around the 5th of July with some of
the best art and code
work that cia has ever released, were all looking forward
to the
big three as one of the only few remaining senior citiz
en art
groups out there! big nods to ice, acid an
d dark who also dont seem
to be dropping dead anytime soon, and hats off to blad
e who just
refuse to accept death
-7- no, mister muff did no
t actually move to uganda in search for the
perfect mate, he got this really neat minivan and.. oh, lo
ng story..
-ate- applications: application
s for agent positions in the ansi,
ascii, code, rip, vga and music departments are currently
accepted. if you want to be part of cia please create a zi
with a few samples of your work best and worst
include a
text file with your first name, phone number email addre
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to the
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member who c
get your application to either mister muff or napalm. plea
see contact info in the member list for more information.
-IX- napalms music pick of
the month: curtis mayfields Superfly
-t3n- revival?.. yes, our lit dep
artment is once again part of cia as
a whole, and will no longer release in seperate revival
rather, the lit will be contained in a coded executabl
e in future
packs, this month due to deadlines and planning the lit wi
ll be
in a self-extracting zip called rvl-0696.exe, chec
k it out!
-11- quite enough for one info file
... enjoy cia conspiracy no. 35 !
-napalm seoro
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