this image contains text
the thirty-fourth cia conspir
acy information file
I Welcome to the thirty-fourthcia conspiracy
! yes, its
the same info file header as pack number 33, you didnt
expect me to do a brand new one every single month, di
d you?
II Just some fun and exciting member inform
ation in this section:
Joining the ranks this month are, in an almost random or
der are:
into our ansi departmentwewelcome violent,
our ascii department
picks up spear who will be acting as ascii coor
dinator since he
has both time and inclination, mr. manson also j
oins our ascii
members along with brain nuke. a man they call
hydro teams up with
the other coding criminals in our code department.fi
nally or as
far as i can remember this month deuterium
joins the vga gallery!
Leaving this month is demize, he give us some wo
rk this month as he
attempts to deal with life, the universe, and everything
.some other
people may be randomly deleted from the member list :
Changing nicks this month is elusive, he is now
known as estatic yep,
its spelt that way :also an apology to
skypager! whose ! i keep
leaving off of the member list.. !sorry!skypager!anot
her big sowwy
to acidjazz, his stuff missed last pack by sever
al seconds, hence the
large ammount of his work this month, thanks for it all
III bad news for the coding department.. well, sort of
! the source code
to our new viewer, Wiretap, was lost in a hard
drive failure in
Chromes computer : luckily there was some old source,
both Sudden Death and Chrome felt it wo
uld be better to just start
all over again! they worked for about 12 hours straight
and optimizing code to bring wt back to almost where it
was. the cia
music disk is also currently being coded! stay tuned..
IV grey hawk update: this month i was grea
tly tempted to delete his
name from the member list just to piss him off, other t
han that, he
did nothing as usual.
V napalms music pick of the month:the so
undtrack of the movie
im gonna git you sucka
VI applications: applications for agent position
s in the ansi,
ascii, code, rip, vga and music departments are currentl
y being
accepted. if you want to be part of cia please create a
with a few samples of your work best and worst
include a
text file with your first name, phone number email add
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to t
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member wh
get your application to either mister muff or napalm.
see contact info in the member list for more information
VII want a dist site? perhaps a hq? we
ll, too bad, we arent giving
them out right now : there are NO ..count em,
0, 0, 0 none,
absolutely nill, cia distro sites, there are only membe
r boards
and the hqs listed in the member list. There is not, co
ntrary to
popular belief cough a swedish hq, so there.
VIIIalso contrary to popular belief, mr. muff
is, in reality, a turnip
IXever wonder what artists were like before
we at cia got our dirty
little hands on them? check out cheezes memorie
s in 0596past.cia
and 0596pas1.cia.. some good and/or funny stuff!
Xthis months pack brough to
you by everyones favorite
japanese electronic monopoly
- napalm one of them cia head honch
art, layout, text, graphics, music,
code and color by napalm
c 1996 cia productions, do not reproduce in whole
or in part without the
written consent of cia productions, napalm and our commer
cial sponsors.
acy information file
I Welcome to the thirty-fourthcia conspiracy
! yes, its
the same info file header as pack number 33, you didnt
expect me to do a brand new one every single month, di
d you?
II Just some fun and exciting member inform
ation in this section:
Joining the ranks this month are, in an almost random or
der are:
into our ansi departmentwewelcome violent,
our ascii department
picks up spear who will be acting as ascii coor
dinator since he
has both time and inclination, mr. manson also j
oins our ascii
members along with brain nuke. a man they call
hydro teams up with
the other coding criminals in our code department.fi
nally or as
far as i can remember this month deuterium
joins the vga gallery!
Leaving this month is demize, he give us some wo
rk this month as he
attempts to deal with life, the universe, and everything
.some other
people may be randomly deleted from the member list :
Changing nicks this month is elusive, he is now
known as estatic yep,
its spelt that way :also an apology to
skypager! whose ! i keep
leaving off of the member list.. !sorry!skypager!anot
her big sowwy
to acidjazz, his stuff missed last pack by sever
al seconds, hence the
large ammount of his work this month, thanks for it all
III bad news for the coding department.. well, sort of
! the source code
to our new viewer, Wiretap, was lost in a hard
drive failure in
Chromes computer : luckily there was some old source,
both Sudden Death and Chrome felt it wo
uld be better to just start
all over again! they worked for about 12 hours straight
and optimizing code to bring wt back to almost where it
was. the cia
music disk is also currently being coded! stay tuned..
IV grey hawk update: this month i was grea
tly tempted to delete his
name from the member list just to piss him off, other t
han that, he
did nothing as usual.
V napalms music pick of the month:the so
undtrack of the movie
im gonna git you sucka
VI applications: applications for agent position
s in the ansi,
ascii, code, rip, vga and music departments are currentl
y being
accepted. if you want to be part of cia please create a
with a few samples of your work best and worst
include a
text file with your first name, phone number email add
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to t
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member wh
get your application to either mister muff or napalm.
see contact info in the member list for more information
VII want a dist site? perhaps a hq? we
ll, too bad, we arent giving
them out right now : there are NO ..count em,
0, 0, 0 none,
absolutely nill, cia distro sites, there are only membe
r boards
and the hqs listed in the member list. There is not, co
ntrary to
popular belief cough a swedish hq, so there.
VIIIalso contrary to popular belief, mr. muff
is, in reality, a turnip
IXever wonder what artists were like before
we at cia got our dirty
little hands on them? check out cheezes memorie
s in 0596past.cia
and 0596pas1.cia.. some good and/or funny stuff!
Xthis months pack brough to
you by everyones favorite
japanese electronic monopoly
- napalm one of them cia head honch
art, layout, text, graphics, music,
code and color by napalm
c 1996 cia productions, do not reproduce in whole
or in part without the
written consent of cia productions, napalm and our commer
cial sponsors.
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