this image contains text
this shit was done by black knight .. so fuck your neck in blue jeans bitz ....
this is Orpheuss message header and matrix .. these are ONLY for zero gravity,so ple
ase do not use them unless your name is Orpheus and you run Zero Gravity!-cut here-thi
s message header for Orpheus, and Orpheus only, or ZG-ereh tuc- dA
TE: 10:59 pm Fri Dec 15, 1995 nUMBER.: 5 of 5
fROM: Orpheus bASE...: No
t used . tO..: All rEFER :
None .: sUBJ: .... rEPLIES: None
:i sTAT: Normal oRIGIN.: Local
sssssssssstS,sQQs zero gravi
ty message bases - header by black knight.trank
SS-cut here-this matrix is for zero gravity .. and zero gravity ONLY
-ereh tuc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . ,leaving already?
,d bye bye b. ,sS.
Ss. l. stay longer ,l ,S,Ss.
,ss.l. Sb. time bank ,dS
l,S ., .. . ,
SSssssSsss,S zero gravity!
l.SSsSl,S xuse to select
xxxasciibybeekayxxxxxxxx s.
,sS . S.Ss.g,
,S . ,sSSS@s,..
ll lll l
l ,s@S
,,SS. i ,
l. sSSSs..
ll ,S,.S,S
S, l.bk,
S dS
11 lS Sl
l1l SS SS
this is Orpheuss message header and matrix .. these are ONLY for zero gravity,so ple
ase do not use them unless your name is Orpheus and you run Zero Gravity!-cut here-thi
s message header for Orpheus, and Orpheus only, or ZG-ereh tuc- dA
TE: 10:59 pm Fri Dec 15, 1995 nUMBER.: 5 of 5
fROM: Orpheus bASE...: No
t used . tO..: All rEFER :
None .: sUBJ: .... rEPLIES: None
:i sTAT: Normal oRIGIN.: Local
sssssssssstS,sQQs zero gravi
ty message bases - header by black knight.trank
SS-cut here-this matrix is for zero gravity .. and zero gravity ONLY
-ereh tuc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . ,leaving already?
,d bye bye b. ,sS.
Ss. l. stay longer ,l ,S,Ss.
,ss.l. Sb. time bank ,dS
l,S ., .. . ,
SSssssSsss,S zero gravity!
l.SSsSl,S xuse to select
xxxasciibybeekayxxxxxxxx s.
,sS . S.Ss.g,
,S . ,sSSS@s,..
ll lll l
l ,s@S
,,SS. i ,
l. sSSSs..
ll ,S,.S,S
S, l.bk,
S dS
11 lS Sl
l1l SS SS
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