this image contains text
cia conspiracy number 32.
ichi. Welcome to the thirty second cia
conspiracy. This pack
contains quality artwork showcased from our artists.
Please, dont be alarmed if you see ass kicking shit
inside the pack. You might be wondering why and the
hell is muff writing the cia info file agai
n, well i
told napalm if he wouldnt let me write it, i wou
tell all about our love affair : hehehe. Anyways,
we have had one busy month here at cia. Along wi
new members popping up, new projects, and alot more
organized chaos, cia is slowly making it back up
the top. After i took my break and came back, i really
didnt want to do to much, but after awhile i became
bored of not doing a thing. So, i wanted to see the
group get back where it used to be. I found myself
doing work, the type im good at. Along with all the
members joining in, i find us growing again. Let me tell
you, it wont be like it was last year. Instead of
hanging on to dead weight, and people that dont
understand the philosophy of cia, they will be gon
We will only keep the best artists, and the people
that understand cia. Besides that, nothing real
happened this month, ohh, well, i guess you can call
all the new members exciting, hell yeah it is, well
read along about the members...
+- member info
ni. Dont call it a come back, we been here
for years famous
quote from LL Cool J. : Anyways, alot of you been asking
me what and the hell is going on with cia. Well, weve been
busy getting cia back up to where it used to be. We have
lots of quality artists joining in this month. The bigge
thing that has happened, we had delusion merge into u
and that brought back Sudden Death, one of the origin
founding members of cia, and a really good ansi artist.
It also brought Amorphis over, another great little an
artists, along with Burning Chrome doing that phunky a
ascii, and Night Stalker, welcome to the group gu
we hope you enjoy your flight : The people from delusion
are a great addition into the group, and bring us a lot
of great talent. Besides that merge, we still have more
artists that joined up with us. I want to welcome Killa
Hertz back in, hell be doing ansi for us, and he fucki
rocks, another great addition into the group. I want to
thank him for the work and all that he has done for me
over the past couple of weeks. Now, here comes some more
members. Night Blade has joined up with us, and
a crew
of his buds. I want to thank Night Blade for
me get some memers in the group, since he has done that
for us, he is general co-oridnator for us, welcome aboard
and keep up the good work. Along with Night Blade came,
O-Tron, this is not the same person as Tron,
but O-Tron
brings us his ansi talent to stenghten up our ansi dept.
We also got Thrasher, i personally think he rocks, anoth
ass kickin ansi artist. And well, we have one other ansi
artist that joined up with us. And it is that ever so
talented, kick ass ansi artist named Stone the Crow. Yeo
stc joins us for this month, then he is off to fire,
we welcome him for this month, good luck wherever you go
to, but you still owe me an ansi : We also
have one
hell of an old school artist coming in, you may r
him from gothic shiver, if you havent guessed it
, it is
Death Karnage, he will be doing ansi for us
, and in months
to come he will also be doing vga, welcome to the group
man. For our vga department, we have one hell o
f a guy
and an artist make his way back to us, it is
thats right kiddies, sf is back, and hell hav
e work
in the next pack or sometime after that, welcom
e back
supes. Next we have mouse, nightblade brought him over,
we welcome him and his talents. We also have
coming into our vga department this month, good luck with
your new format cole, we just had to release 1 last ascii!
One person i forgot to mention is Gen-X. He is our n
internet co-ordinator, he has already put up some bots f
us, and is working on a mailing list for us. Coding, well
we got some kick ass coders through the merger also.
Welcome Judge Dread, Sudden Death, Amor
phis, Burning
Chrome into the coding dept, we will have lots of go
stuff in months to come.Last but not least, it is our
telecom department, yes, as we stated la
st month, our
co-ordinator is back, Dark Prophet, he
ll be busy with
doing his duties. And we at cia are an equal oppu
employer, hehe, we welcome pinguino in
to our telecom
also, shell be a great addition to the team
dark prophet doesnt do a good enough girly impression fo
the ATT operators : Also joining, Black Knight
, he will
be doing ascii and some coding for us, welcome
man, and remember what i said G : We welcome
D.J Quad
back into the group help doing our Web Page.. w
e wish to
welcome all new members into the group this mont
h, and if
i forgot anyone, im sorry.. oh! woops
! We also welcome
AmericA back into the group joining the ansi ranks.
+- flame
san. napalm here, i would like to ta
ke this time to say just a
few little things about that really annoying
who just happens to
an d
big s O R E
eats C E N
over and
i hope he never
ever that either!.. thank you very much.
+- grey hawk update!
shi. this month Grey Hawk did relati
vely nothing, just as usual.
+- projects
go. Other projects at cia central.
Well, our most recent one
would be the come back of our viewer. Our, ever so ki
ass coders are in the process as we speak coding it. The
new name of the viewer will be Wire Tap. Right now,
have no definate date on when it will be finished, but
we will keep you posted.
Most of you probably remember Duck Hunt that cia push
out a couple of months ago. Well, i have some great
news. We will be doing another game like that, just keep
tuned in, itll be out soon.
Another big project that is on the list is our web page
In the next couple of months we should and wil
l update
it, and keep it maintained properly. So, thats
thing to watch out for.
Finally, look out for Infinity 5 coming soon to a comput
near you! And secondly finally as usual check out revival
+- misc info
roku. You might be getting sick of us t
elling you this. But
we urge you to pick up blacknet. Yes
, blacknet is the
official support network for cia p
roductions, and
infinity e-mag. Blacknet is ran by
magellan, and me
and Genesis Porridge help him out. We
recently merged
with escape net, so we are the best
art network out
there. If you wish to apply, run the blacknet ap
generator and send your app to me, or magellan
. If your
in canada, send it to Genesis Porridge.
bad joke protection agency block
: heheeh, I
wish to
take this time to thank napalm for
all that he has
done for cia. He wont give up, thats wh
y i look
up to him. If it wasnt for him i would
of never
of came back. Well Andy, im back and you
have to
put up with my shit : Cia would not be wha
t it is
today without napalm. All the cia crew t
hanx you
nappy. Now, enjoy the pack you crazy fellas
Peeps go out to all my irc, cia, infinity nigs, a
everyone else that knows i like em :
nana. we would like to wish a fond fare
well to blade this month,
be sure to check out their goodbye pack the 25th to be
released this month. Unfortunately, MindCrime was just
able to juggle the running of an art group and his career
as a professional circus midget.
hachi. these numbers are written in romani
zed japanese.
juu. napalms cd pick o the month: cibo ma
ttos viva! la woman.
kuu. one of the above sections is completely a
nd utterly false.
information file written by mr. muff and n
apalm, art by napalm
cia conspiracy number 32.
ichi. Welcome to the thirty second cia
conspiracy. This pack
contains quality artwork showcased from our artists.
Please, dont be alarmed if you see ass kicking shit
inside the pack. You might be wondering why and the
hell is muff writing the cia info file agai
n, well i
told napalm if he wouldnt let me write it, i wou
tell all about our love affair : hehehe. Anyways,
we have had one busy month here at cia. Along wi
new members popping up, new projects, and alot more
organized chaos, cia is slowly making it back up
the top. After i took my break and came back, i really
didnt want to do to much, but after awhile i became
bored of not doing a thing. So, i wanted to see the
group get back where it used to be. I found myself
doing work, the type im good at. Along with all the
members joining in, i find us growing again. Let me tell
you, it wont be like it was last year. Instead of
hanging on to dead weight, and people that dont
understand the philosophy of cia, they will be gon
We will only keep the best artists, and the people
that understand cia. Besides that, nothing real
happened this month, ohh, well, i guess you can call
all the new members exciting, hell yeah it is, well
read along about the members...
+- member info
ni. Dont call it a come back, we been here
for years famous
quote from LL Cool J. : Anyways, alot of you been asking
me what and the hell is going on with cia. Well, weve been
busy getting cia back up to where it used to be. We have
lots of quality artists joining in this month. The bigge
thing that has happened, we had delusion merge into u
and that brought back Sudden Death, one of the origin
founding members of cia, and a really good ansi artist.
It also brought Amorphis over, another great little an
artists, along with Burning Chrome doing that phunky a
ascii, and Night Stalker, welcome to the group gu
we hope you enjoy your flight : The people from delusion
are a great addition into the group, and bring us a lot
of great talent. Besides that merge, we still have more
artists that joined up with us. I want to welcome Killa
Hertz back in, hell be doing ansi for us, and he fucki
rocks, another great addition into the group. I want to
thank him for the work and all that he has done for me
over the past couple of weeks. Now, here comes some more
members. Night Blade has joined up with us, and
a crew
of his buds. I want to thank Night Blade for
me get some memers in the group, since he has done that
for us, he is general co-oridnator for us, welcome aboard
and keep up the good work. Along with Night Blade came,
O-Tron, this is not the same person as Tron,
but O-Tron
brings us his ansi talent to stenghten up our ansi dept.
We also got Thrasher, i personally think he rocks, anoth
ass kickin ansi artist. And well, we have one other ansi
artist that joined up with us. And it is that ever so
talented, kick ass ansi artist named Stone the Crow. Yeo
stc joins us for this month, then he is off to fire,
we welcome him for this month, good luck wherever you go
to, but you still owe me an ansi : We also
have one
hell of an old school artist coming in, you may r
him from gothic shiver, if you havent guessed it
, it is
Death Karnage, he will be doing ansi for us
, and in months
to come he will also be doing vga, welcome to the group
man. For our vga department, we have one hell o
f a guy
and an artist make his way back to us, it is
thats right kiddies, sf is back, and hell hav
e work
in the next pack or sometime after that, welcom
e back
supes. Next we have mouse, nightblade brought him over,
we welcome him and his talents. We also have
coming into our vga department this month, good luck with
your new format cole, we just had to release 1 last ascii!
One person i forgot to mention is Gen-X. He is our n
internet co-ordinator, he has already put up some bots f
us, and is working on a mailing list for us. Coding, well
we got some kick ass coders through the merger also.
Welcome Judge Dread, Sudden Death, Amor
phis, Burning
Chrome into the coding dept, we will have lots of go
stuff in months to come.Last but not least, it is our
telecom department, yes, as we stated la
st month, our
co-ordinator is back, Dark Prophet, he
ll be busy with
doing his duties. And we at cia are an equal oppu
employer, hehe, we welcome pinguino in
to our telecom
also, shell be a great addition to the team
dark prophet doesnt do a good enough girly impression fo
the ATT operators : Also joining, Black Knight
, he will
be doing ascii and some coding for us, welcome
man, and remember what i said G : We welcome
D.J Quad
back into the group help doing our Web Page.. w
e wish to
welcome all new members into the group this mont
h, and if
i forgot anyone, im sorry.. oh! woops
! We also welcome
AmericA back into the group joining the ansi ranks.
+- flame
san. napalm here, i would like to ta
ke this time to say just a
few little things about that really annoying
who just happens to
an d
big s O R E
eats C E N
over and
i hope he never
ever that either!.. thank you very much.
+- grey hawk update!
shi. this month Grey Hawk did relati
vely nothing, just as usual.
+- projects
go. Other projects at cia central.
Well, our most recent one
would be the come back of our viewer. Our, ever so ki
ass coders are in the process as we speak coding it. The
new name of the viewer will be Wire Tap. Right now,
have no definate date on when it will be finished, but
we will keep you posted.
Most of you probably remember Duck Hunt that cia push
out a couple of months ago. Well, i have some great
news. We will be doing another game like that, just keep
tuned in, itll be out soon.
Another big project that is on the list is our web page
In the next couple of months we should and wil
l update
it, and keep it maintained properly. So, thats
thing to watch out for.
Finally, look out for Infinity 5 coming soon to a comput
near you! And secondly finally as usual check out revival
+- misc info
roku. You might be getting sick of us t
elling you this. But
we urge you to pick up blacknet. Yes
, blacknet is the
official support network for cia p
roductions, and
infinity e-mag. Blacknet is ran by
magellan, and me
and Genesis Porridge help him out. We
recently merged
with escape net, so we are the best
art network out
there. If you wish to apply, run the blacknet ap
generator and send your app to me, or magellan
. If your
in canada, send it to Genesis Porridge.
bad joke protection agency block
: heheeh, I
wish to
take this time to thank napalm for
all that he has
done for cia. He wont give up, thats wh
y i look
up to him. If it wasnt for him i would
of never
of came back. Well Andy, im back and you
have to
put up with my shit : Cia would not be wha
t it is
today without napalm. All the cia crew t
hanx you
nappy. Now, enjoy the pack you crazy fellas
Peeps go out to all my irc, cia, infinity nigs, a
everyone else that knows i like em :
nana. we would like to wish a fond fare
well to blade this month,
be sure to check out their goodbye pack the 25th to be
released this month. Unfortunately, MindCrime was just
able to juggle the running of an art group and his career
as a professional circus midget.
hachi. these numbers are written in romani
zed japanese.
juu. napalms cd pick o the month: cibo ma
ttos viva! la woman.
kuu. one of the above sections is completely a
nd utterly false.
information file written by mr. muff and n
apalm, art by napalm
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