this image contains text
- cia conspiracy 31 -
Jan/Feb 96 - informational file
- heres the poop -
ello again! napalm
here, welcome to the 31st cia conspirac
y we really really need to get out more o
ften.. Another showcase of our work from
january and february 1996, not much
to talk about this month, were
still just laying low and chilling out,
some projects going on that we cant t
ell you about cause itd spoil all the fun : sit ba
ck and enjoy the pack!
--- member information:
..taking off this month is ironman of ou
r ascii department, he has a lot goi
ng on and wishes to persue some other things
, well be sitting here awaiting h
is return! joining up this month is
shamanize, or s3 as you may know hi
m, he was a cia member
a while back and has re-joined as he slowly g
ets back into things...
skypager, another x-cia bud is ba
ck with some work for us this month..
oh! and rumor has it pliny of ascii fame
will be coming back, hope
youre feeling better after that car accident
! also, dark prophet ,
atts worst enemy, is back.. we
ll sorta, hes out of his coma
he was
also in a bad car accident and was last seen outsid
e by a telephone
pole with a bell uniform and a shovel.
corrections, etc: notice how the zip verify
still says 1995?.. well,
ignore that until i find my pkzip registration inform
ation : It is
really a 1996 release, i swear!.. ju
st check the file dates!
cia on the net: ..our ftp site is st
ill up running well, we have all
the new/old cia packs and we are working on get
ting the music disks up
there too.. if you have some disks you want
to send to save us the
trouble feel free to send em up to ftp outland.
cyberwar.com, anonymous
login, directory of pub/cia/
incoming, applications pack su
may also be sent directly there.. the cia web p
age is being rebuilt
re-done, both dev and
grey hawk are working on a cia page,
i will
award offical status to the one th
at is better upon completion..
Muffs Corner: ..once again cia has released
another pack. napalm
already discussed quite a few things so ill fo
cus on some other
things. as some of you may already know,
is that cias official net
is blacknet, we urge that all cia affiliated
boards carry the net.
this net is very good quality and anyone is welcome to
apply, if you
are interested fill out the app that is found in the black
net packet
inside this pack. another thing, if
you applied to cia and have not
heard from us, we been busy with our real lives
, busy is an under-
statement-na please keep bugging us, we ha
vent forgot you, just
keep bugging us. so, without further
mumbling, enjoy the pack, and
when things slow down for me and napalm, we
ll have more time to
focus on the group.... i got sick of formatting up
there. -na
Applications: applications for agent positio
ns in the ansi, ascii
vga departments are being accepted. if you want
to be part of cia
please create a zip with a few samples of your work
best and worst
and include either the file generated by cia-
app.exe or a text file
with your first name, phone number and email ad
dress so that we may
get back to you. send the zip either to the ftp
site, a cia bulletin
board, or to another cia member who can get you
r application to
either mister muff or napalm. see contact info
for more information.
Contacting Cia: we can be contacted in sever
al ways:
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http://
4. cia ftp site - outland
.cyberwar.com - anonymou
s - pub/cia
5. the cia world hq - apocaly
pse @ 201-934-5613
the cia US hq - high fidelity @
the cia east hq - Alderaan
the cia west hq - Evil Intentions
6. napalms direct email - nap
7. mrmuffs direct email - mrm
8. revival lit email revival@
9. napalms homepage - http
10. telstars cia page - http
- cia conspiracy 31 -
Jan/Feb 96 - informational file
- heres the poop -
ello again! napalm
here, welcome to the 31st cia conspirac
y we really really need to get out more o
ften.. Another showcase of our work from
january and february 1996, not much
to talk about this month, were
still just laying low and chilling out,
some projects going on that we cant t
ell you about cause itd spoil all the fun : sit ba
ck and enjoy the pack!
--- member information:
..taking off this month is ironman of ou
r ascii department, he has a lot goi
ng on and wishes to persue some other things
, well be sitting here awaiting h
is return! joining up this month is
shamanize, or s3 as you may know hi
m, he was a cia member
a while back and has re-joined as he slowly g
ets back into things...
skypager, another x-cia bud is ba
ck with some work for us this month..
oh! and rumor has it pliny of ascii fame
will be coming back, hope
youre feeling better after that car accident
! also, dark prophet ,
atts worst enemy, is back.. we
ll sorta, hes out of his coma
he was
also in a bad car accident and was last seen outsid
e by a telephone
pole with a bell uniform and a shovel.
corrections, etc: notice how the zip verify
still says 1995?.. well,
ignore that until i find my pkzip registration inform
ation : It is
really a 1996 release, i swear!.. ju
st check the file dates!
cia on the net: ..our ftp site is st
ill up running well, we have all
the new/old cia packs and we are working on get
ting the music disks up
there too.. if you have some disks you want
to send to save us the
trouble feel free to send em up to ftp outland.
cyberwar.com, anonymous
login, directory of pub/cia/
incoming, applications pack su
may also be sent directly there.. the cia web p
age is being rebuilt
re-done, both dev and
grey hawk are working on a cia page,
i will
award offical status to the one th
at is better upon completion..
Muffs Corner: ..once again cia has released
another pack. napalm
already discussed quite a few things so ill fo
cus on some other
things. as some of you may already know,
is that cias official net
is blacknet, we urge that all cia affiliated
boards carry the net.
this net is very good quality and anyone is welcome to
apply, if you
are interested fill out the app that is found in the black
net packet
inside this pack. another thing, if
you applied to cia and have not
heard from us, we been busy with our real lives
, busy is an under-
statement-na please keep bugging us, we ha
vent forgot you, just
keep bugging us. so, without further
mumbling, enjoy the pack, and
when things slow down for me and napalm, we
ll have more time to
focus on the group.... i got sick of formatting up
there. -na
Applications: applications for agent positio
ns in the ansi, ascii
vga departments are being accepted. if you want
to be part of cia
please create a zip with a few samples of your work
best and worst
and include either the file generated by cia-
app.exe or a text file
with your first name, phone number and email ad
dress so that we may
get back to you. send the zip either to the ftp
site, a cia bulletin
board, or to another cia member who can get you
r application to
either mister muff or napalm. see contact info
for more information.
Contacting Cia: we can be contacted in sever
al ways:
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http://
4. cia ftp site - outland
.cyberwar.com - anonymou
s - pub/cia
5. the cia world hq - apocaly
pse @ 201-934-5613
the cia US hq - high fidelity @
the cia east hq - Alderaan
the cia west hq - Evil Intentions
6. napalms direct email - nap
7. mrmuffs direct email - mrm
8. revival lit email revival@
9. napalms homepage - http
10. telstars cia page - http
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