this image contains text
rRrrRibit! 3o
Conspiracy 30
happy 1996 everyone, and wel
come to the 30th cia
cy. We are proud to bring you our ah..um
26th pack, whys it called 30
you might ask? welp, thats
something that Ive been ask
ed quite a bit lately, so..
it all started when a small 201 based grou
p called cia which at that
time stood for something different got together wit
h an art group in
513 called ace, ace already had fou
r packs out, so after the merge we
went right to cia pack 5 which r
eally sucked btw : and here we are,
a whole lot better, all the way at number 30.
thats it for your group
history lesson, and now for som
ething completely different, new info!
member information: leaving cia this month
, er.. i dont think anyone,
but we just arent quite sure where everyone is right
now.. we suspect
that as soon as the holiday booze wares off they will be ab
le to find
their way back to us. joining cia thi
s month are a whole big bunch of
great guys, some of whom im sur
e ill forget to mention... among those
i remember are ceryx from surge who we final
ly got in contact with:
ironman thanks for the ascii,
phatcap a late arrival who will have
some work next month, veediot
comes back, black viper gives grip the
boot, and pure nrg joins the ever-expanding a
lways improving vga dept
if i forgot about you, please f
orgive me.. im high on cough syrup :
ohohoho!.. i almost forgot about liqu
id vision, he re-joins cia this
month after a long vacation in the siberian is
lands where he was able
to learn the ways of the siberian isl
and three-fingered red toadstool
chucking monkey-like things. Wizo
i is back this month for some codin!
whats new? hey, where
d all the lit people go?! sti
ll wondering what
happened to cias quality lit department? wonder
no more, it is in a
sense back! sorta! Revi
val is now the cia officially supported lit
group headed up by old cia lit head honc
ho mr.e., good ole elvis has
plans to take over the literature world, so look out
all you puny and
defenseless lit groups out there,
mr e is coming to get you! muhahah!
for more information on revival please email mr e at
corrections, etc: must apologize to NJ Devi
l of Rancid...er,.. i mean
to MindCrime of Ran.. umm...
Blade for calling his board, The Devil
Playground... er.. woops
, i mean Alderaan.. for calling it
insanity in last months hq li
sting, eternal insanity , as we all
know, was a completely lame board somewhere down
in 609..er.. 908! :
other things: i had something else o
f relative importance to say... i
just cant seem to remember what that thing of relativ
e importance was
cia on the net: we have a new stable anony
ftp site where you can get
the new/old cia releases, check out t
he ftp outland.cyberwar.com g
to the directory /pub/cia
... on the irc front there is a new bot set
up for intros and such, Agent4
2. File areas should be up on it soon..
Muffs Corner: sup in 96 fellas..
i hope you all had one hell of a
new year eves bash.
once again cia brings you another quality pack,
at a low discount price. not alot has h
appened, except for me having
puter problems. you know
, its a bitch. but besides that
, we pulled
off yet another pack...
i would like to welcome all new members into
cia this month, all the members will be getting
a phone call from me
sometime this month so, be waiting by
your phones 24 hours a day :
anyways, napalm doneexplained things, and i d
ont have much to say,
so happy new years, andshouts to all
my nigs.... l8s
Applications: this month our crazy
coder guy Wizard of Id is back and
he brought us a new version of cia
-app.exe! use this to create a text
profile of you, add to the zip
a few samples of your work. both good
and bad and send them to a cia member who can
get it to me napalm
if you dont care about cia-app
.exe then just include in the zip a txt
file with your handle, n
ame, phone number if you can,
email address
Contacting Cia: we can be contacted in
several ways:
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http
4. cia ftp site - n
ew! outland.cyberwar
.com - anon - pub/cia
5. the cia world hq - apocalypse
@ 201-934-5613
the cia US hq - high f
idelity @ 217-874-2442
the cia east hq - Alderaan
the cia west hq - Evil Int
6. napalms direct email
- napalm@cyberwar.com
7. napalms homepage - http://
8. telstars cia page - http
Conspiracy 30
happy 1996 everyone, and wel
come to the 30th cia
cy. We are proud to bring you our ah..um
26th pack, whys it called 30
you might ask? welp, thats
something that Ive been ask
ed quite a bit lately, so..
it all started when a small 201 based grou
p called cia which at that
time stood for something different got together wit
h an art group in
513 called ace, ace already had fou
r packs out, so after the merge we
went right to cia pack 5 which r
eally sucked btw : and here we are,
a whole lot better, all the way at number 30.
thats it for your group
history lesson, and now for som
ething completely different, new info!
member information: leaving cia this month
, er.. i dont think anyone,
but we just arent quite sure where everyone is right
now.. we suspect
that as soon as the holiday booze wares off they will be ab
le to find
their way back to us. joining cia thi
s month are a whole big bunch of
great guys, some of whom im sur
e ill forget to mention... among those
i remember are ceryx from surge who we final
ly got in contact with:
ironman thanks for the ascii,
phatcap a late arrival who will have
some work next month, veediot
comes back, black viper gives grip the
boot, and pure nrg joins the ever-expanding a
lways improving vga dept
if i forgot about you, please f
orgive me.. im high on cough syrup :
ohohoho!.. i almost forgot about liqu
id vision, he re-joins cia this
month after a long vacation in the siberian is
lands where he was able
to learn the ways of the siberian isl
and three-fingered red toadstool
chucking monkey-like things. Wizo
i is back this month for some codin!
whats new? hey, where
d all the lit people go?! sti
ll wondering what
happened to cias quality lit department? wonder
no more, it is in a
sense back! sorta! Revi
val is now the cia officially supported lit
group headed up by old cia lit head honc
ho mr.e., good ole elvis has
plans to take over the literature world, so look out
all you puny and
defenseless lit groups out there,
mr e is coming to get you! muhahah!
for more information on revival please email mr e at
corrections, etc: must apologize to NJ Devi
l of Rancid...er,.. i mean
to MindCrime of Ran.. umm...
Blade for calling his board, The Devil
Playground... er.. woops
, i mean Alderaan.. for calling it
insanity in last months hq li
sting, eternal insanity , as we all
know, was a completely lame board somewhere down
in 609..er.. 908! :
other things: i had something else o
f relative importance to say... i
just cant seem to remember what that thing of relativ
e importance was
cia on the net: we have a new stable anony
ftp site where you can get
the new/old cia releases, check out t
he ftp outland.cyberwar.com g
to the directory /pub/cia
... on the irc front there is a new bot set
up for intros and such, Agent4
2. File areas should be up on it soon..
Muffs Corner: sup in 96 fellas..
i hope you all had one hell of a
new year eves bash.
once again cia brings you another quality pack,
at a low discount price. not alot has h
appened, except for me having
puter problems. you know
, its a bitch. but besides that
, we pulled
off yet another pack...
i would like to welcome all new members into
cia this month, all the members will be getting
a phone call from me
sometime this month so, be waiting by
your phones 24 hours a day :
anyways, napalm doneexplained things, and i d
ont have much to say,
so happy new years, andshouts to all
my nigs.... l8s
Applications: this month our crazy
coder guy Wizard of Id is back and
he brought us a new version of cia
-app.exe! use this to create a text
profile of you, add to the zip
a few samples of your work. both good
and bad and send them to a cia member who can
get it to me napalm
if you dont care about cia-app
.exe then just include in the zip a txt
file with your handle, n
ame, phone number if you can,
email address
Contacting Cia: we can be contacted in
several ways:
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http
4. cia ftp site - n
ew! outland.cyberwar
.com - anon - pub/cia
5. the cia world hq - apocalypse
@ 201-934-5613
the cia US hq - high f
idelity @ 217-874-2442
the cia east hq - Alderaan
the cia west hq - Evil Int
6. napalms direct email
- napalm@cyberwar.com
7. napalms homepage - http://
8. telstars cia page - http
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