this image contains text
Conspiracy 28
Whats up guys, it
s napalm here with the NEW
cia crew
. Weve taken some time off to pret
much start over. To put
it in a way all the computer
: type people can understand
... we had a few corrupt
sectors from the directory labeled C:cia
... we tried to re-
structure the directory tree but we had to ref
ormat the whole
damn thing, and here we are...
Welcome to the new cia, wer
gonna be a small, fun and fr
iendly group from now on, never
let our size get the best of us. So
, please enjoy this latest
pack as small as it may be just as mu
ch as you have enjoyed
past cia packs all 23 of em.. Enjoy
, read on for cia info !
Members: This month
s member list may seem a bit small
to you if you are used to the old 100+ m
ember cia, today we have
only a fraction of that, why?..
because when the group got that
big we sorta lost our original purpose,
to stay together closely
and to have fun doing what we do. now th
ere is the new cia agent
roster, those listed are able to stay i
n constant close contact
with the rest of the group and are willing to put s
ome work into
the group. if you feel like you want to
be a part of the new cia
see the contact and application below..
thanks for your support!
Applications: applications for agent po
sitions in ansi, code,
ascii and vga departments are being accepted
. if you want to be
part of cia please create a zip with a few samples
of your work
best and worst and include a text file with your
first name,
phone number and email address so that we may get b
ack to you..
send this zip to a cia member who has contact with
me napalm
or send it to me directly, see the cont
act information below.
Sites and Headquarters: if your board wa
s a headquarter or site
for the old cia it is no longer.. with
the new group it is only
fair to start out fresh with our sites and headquar
ters.. so far
only one hq has been set, and that is t
he whq at apocalypse. no
distrobution sites will be given out, he
adquarter spots are open
for large and reputable art based bulletin boards
only, please
contact napalm if you think your board should be a
Contacting Cia: we can be contacte
d in several ways: :
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http://ww
3. the cia world hq - apocalypse
@ 201-934-5613
4. napalms direct email - napalm
5. napalms homepage - http:
6. cias voice mail is currently down
, it will be back up soon.
1995 cia productions, written by napalm
Whats up guys, it
s napalm here with the NEW
cia crew
. Weve taken some time off to pret
much start over. To put
it in a way all the computer
: type people can understand
... we had a few corrupt
sectors from the directory labeled C:cia
... we tried to re-
structure the directory tree but we had to ref
ormat the whole
damn thing, and here we are...
Welcome to the new cia, wer
gonna be a small, fun and fr
iendly group from now on, never
let our size get the best of us. So
, please enjoy this latest
pack as small as it may be just as mu
ch as you have enjoyed
past cia packs all 23 of em.. Enjoy
, read on for cia info !
Members: This month
s member list may seem a bit small
to you if you are used to the old 100+ m
ember cia, today we have
only a fraction of that, why?..
because when the group got that
big we sorta lost our original purpose,
to stay together closely
and to have fun doing what we do. now th
ere is the new cia agent
roster, those listed are able to stay i
n constant close contact
with the rest of the group and are willing to put s
ome work into
the group. if you feel like you want to
be a part of the new cia
see the contact and application below..
thanks for your support!
Applications: applications for agent po
sitions in ansi, code,
ascii and vga departments are being accepted
. if you want to be
part of cia please create a zip with a few samples
of your work
best and worst and include a text file with your
first name,
phone number and email address so that we may get b
ack to you..
send this zip to a cia member who has contact with
me napalm
or send it to me directly, see the cont
act information below.
Sites and Headquarters: if your board wa
s a headquarter or site
for the old cia it is no longer.. with
the new group it is only
fair to start out fresh with our sites and headquar
ters.. so far
only one hq has been set, and that is t
he whq at apocalypse. no
distrobution sites will be given out, he
adquarter spots are open
for large and reputable art based bulletin boards
only, please
contact napalm if you think your board should be a
Contacting Cia: we can be contacte
d in several ways: :
1. cia email list - cia
2. cia homepage - http://ww
3. the cia world hq - apocalypse
@ 201-934-5613
4. napalms direct email - napalm
5. napalms homepage - http:
6. cias voice mail is currently down
, it will be back up soon.
1995 cia productions, written by napalm
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