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here yooz go cu, tanks for the infinity ansi..
..extreme? BULLSHIT! when i was in the corps,
we used ta light our faces on fire
and jump off the planes..just ta scare
the enemy...
s y n d i c a t e
integrity uSHq . rebel uSHq
s: kamikazee iCe . johnny walker . cold ugly int
ansi y el fonte del shitholio by diehard cia
..extreme? BULLSHIT! when i was in the corps,
we used ta light our faces on fire
and jump off the planes..just ta scare
the enemy...
s y n d i c a t e
integrity uSHq . rebel uSHq
s: kamikazee iCe . johnny walker . cold ugly int
ansi y el fonte del shitholio by diehard cia
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