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CiA Member Profile Information
6/95 mr. muff
handle : Mr. Muff
just look at
age : twenty
the handl
city/state : Decatur
, illinois do y
years in the scene : one
and 1/2 censored
want to see
what his face
n looks like ?
hobbies : computers,pool
,muff diving
a - na :
masturbating,eatin pussy..
greets : supes,tron,napalm
dj quad,aphextwin,phoenix,wiz
oi,dp. mrmuff
artist : xanax,phoenix,a
phex movie : Dazed Confused
comic : none music :
White Zombie,Kmfdm,nin
food : steak,pussy,lasag
na person : Eddie Murphy
game : Duck Hunt tv show
: David Letterman
thanks to phatal for the neato header
CiA Member Profile Information
6/95 mr. muff
handle : Mr. Muff
just look at
age : twenty
the handl
city/state : Decatur
, illinois do y
years in the scene : one
and 1/2 censored
want to see
what his face
n looks like ?
hobbies : computers,pool
,muff diving
a - na :
masturbating,eatin pussy..
greets : supes,tron,napalm
dj quad,aphextwin,phoenix,wiz
oi,dp. mrmuff
artist : xanax,phoenix,a
phex movie : Dazed Confused
comic : none music :
White Zombie,Kmfdm,nin
food : steak,pussy,lasag
na person : Eddie Murphy
game : Duck Hunt tv show
: David Letterman
thanks to phatal for the neato header
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