this image contains text
cia conspiracy 25 informatio
n file
y0, wazzup fo0lios.. enjoy!
s3D 1,o0,O 0r YlL eV S yU gRdM g!
- c
What is this you say, the cia pack, numba 25 comin
at you. This has been one hectic month, plus a very
good month talent wise. First, i liked to say that
their will not be a lit subzip this month. Edicius
had to leave town and we did not have the time to
collect the lits, if you submitted lits, they will
be in the next pack, my apologies to anyone this may
affect. Besides that, all other departments produced, and m
ight i say the pack
looks very nice. Along with the nice pack, and new additions into c
ia, we had
a few good people leave. Blenderhead left to join vapor
as a senior staff, he
wanted to try something different, hopefully things will work out h
ow he wanted
them to, if not, your always welcome back. Liquid Vision de
cided to leave, he
really didnt say much about leaving, but he wanted a change, all t
he luck
to him. Grimm Apostle joined us, then left, i dunno why, bu
t may he find his
way to another group and draw, even though he is still weclome here
. We also ha
people removed from the fadeout method, if this happened to you and
you feel yo
can contribute, contact us at our vmb. We also had alot of people a
pply this
month, and we did receive your apps, but some got lost, if you appl
ied please
call our vmb at 800-245-4366 and leave your name, handle, v
oice , position you
applied for, and a good time to reach you, we will then contact you
New nigs in cia...
We had some good talent float our way this month. I want to sta
rt with
phoenix. He comes to us from union/spastic, his sty
le and his skills will help
cias ansi division alot, i look forward to seeing work fro
m him. Next up comes
prong from rival, he is very talented, and will con
tinue to get better as he
joins up as a logo artist. Next is mcp, better known as
mutated chia pet, he
comes to us from blade. Hell be handling the viewer for us
, hes one hell of
a coder, and expect a new viewer very soon. I also want to thank
devestator for
all the work he has done on the infinity homepage, and
cia homepage, thanx alot
man :
This has been a pretty interesting month for the vga and
rip divisions...
The vga division acquired three new members -- Darkfyre, an
amazing artist
with a very powerful style thats all his own Phoenix, a f
ormer UNiON ansi
artist, making his VGA *debut* in cia and what a d
ebut it is... and
Mainframe, coming at us from... hmm... uhh.. countless othe
r groups GRiN
and showing some great talent : In addition, the vga divis
ion features
something which is not seen in cia very often -- I MADE
A VGA!! w00p!
Yeah, I finally found some time off of my busy schedule to grab tha
t tablet
and flood my screen... the results can be seen in this very pack B
The rip division is once again being run by yours truly. Du
e to some
disagreements between the group and Shaolin about t
he way coordinators
should... well... coordinate their divisions, Shaolin has c
hosen to resign
from the group, and, due to a lack of enthusiastic applicants for t
position of rip coordinator, I once again became the head of this v
talented, but *very* disorganized division :In spite of all th
is we welcome
death adder into our rip department, he is very goo
d and very talented, we look
forward to seeing his work.
If you wish to apply to either the vga or the rip division or want
more info
about either, e-mail me at venom@wam.umd.edu, leave a message on th
e cia
VMB for me at 800-245-4366, or catch me on IRC. How
ever, I will be leaving
for Israel on July 20th until the middle of Aug
ust, and Superfly will be
taking over for me while Im gone. Any applications and/or messages
either division after the 20th should be addressed to him.
Venom -- CiA VGA/RIP Coordinator
Thats about it for the new members coming over. There was some chan
ges in the
co-oridnators area this month. First, i want to welcome wizard
of id as the
coder co-ordinator, i forgot to mention it last month, but
i do apologize to
him, but now i remembered to mention him : Then, Blurr ste
ps down, and
astaroth takes over as courier co-ordinator, hell
do one hell of a job.
Well, this is short but sweet, but nothing real exciting has happen
ed this
month. But the scene has been upsetting to me. I am really upset th
at shiver
died this month, along with union. It may sound lame, but i
should be happy
that they died? No, i am not, both of these groups meant alot to th
e scene,
and them dying means that we really dont have any decent groups le
ft, all the
people will be either quitting the scene, or join the newly founded
groups. If
any of you are groupless, consider cia as a possible home.
When TGuardian
announced that shiver was dead, he told me that if they mer
ged it would be with
us, that really shocked me but, we have to continue on with the sce
ne. I wish
these groups would not of died, groups as old as shiver and
union, made a big
impact on the scene, and them dying like they did shock everyone. A
ll the
luck to everyone in finding a place to go to. Enough of the babblin
g, enjoy the
pack nigs..
Mr. Muff
cia prez.infinity founder
well, thats about all i have to say this month, i think the other t
wo guys took
care of most of it.. id like to thank everyone who did work for thi
s pack, one
thing, mainframes vga was incomplete in the zip i recieved and eve
ryone was
antzy for the pack to come out so its been left out and will appear
in next
months pack, sorry bout that mf.. id like to send a special thanks
out to jazz
who has been busy coding for acid and actually took the time out of
his busy
summer schedule to do us a fileid.diz, i hope he can get his sched
ule back on
track after that major inconvenience.. : jk.. he did something bu
t didnt get
the cash so itll be out later oh, we added the mercenary divis
ion officially
this month thanks to a great idea given to us by lord valgamon, jus
t dont piss
off the guys in that box and well let grandma live.. lates all
- napalm ciaansi co-coordinator
n file
y0, wazzup fo0lios.. enjoy!
s3D 1,o0,O 0r YlL eV S yU gRdM g!
- c
What is this you say, the cia pack, numba 25 comin
at you. This has been one hectic month, plus a very
good month talent wise. First, i liked to say that
their will not be a lit subzip this month. Edicius
had to leave town and we did not have the time to
collect the lits, if you submitted lits, they will
be in the next pack, my apologies to anyone this may
affect. Besides that, all other departments produced, and m
ight i say the pack
looks very nice. Along with the nice pack, and new additions into c
ia, we had
a few good people leave. Blenderhead left to join vapor
as a senior staff, he
wanted to try something different, hopefully things will work out h
ow he wanted
them to, if not, your always welcome back. Liquid Vision de
cided to leave, he
really didnt say much about leaving, but he wanted a change, all t
he luck
to him. Grimm Apostle joined us, then left, i dunno why, bu
t may he find his
way to another group and draw, even though he is still weclome here
. We also ha
people removed from the fadeout method, if this happened to you and
you feel yo
can contribute, contact us at our vmb. We also had alot of people a
pply this
month, and we did receive your apps, but some got lost, if you appl
ied please
call our vmb at 800-245-4366 and leave your name, handle, v
oice , position you
applied for, and a good time to reach you, we will then contact you
New nigs in cia...
We had some good talent float our way this month. I want to sta
rt with
phoenix. He comes to us from union/spastic, his sty
le and his skills will help
cias ansi division alot, i look forward to seeing work fro
m him. Next up comes
prong from rival, he is very talented, and will con
tinue to get better as he
joins up as a logo artist. Next is mcp, better known as
mutated chia pet, he
comes to us from blade. Hell be handling the viewer for us
, hes one hell of
a coder, and expect a new viewer very soon. I also want to thank
devestator for
all the work he has done on the infinity homepage, and
cia homepage, thanx alot
man :
This has been a pretty interesting month for the vga and
rip divisions...
The vga division acquired three new members -- Darkfyre, an
amazing artist
with a very powerful style thats all his own Phoenix, a f
ormer UNiON ansi
artist, making his VGA *debut* in cia and what a d
ebut it is... and
Mainframe, coming at us from... hmm... uhh.. countless othe
r groups GRiN
and showing some great talent : In addition, the vga divis
ion features
something which is not seen in cia very often -- I MADE
A VGA!! w00p!
Yeah, I finally found some time off of my busy schedule to grab tha
t tablet
and flood my screen... the results can be seen in this very pack B
The rip division is once again being run by yours truly. Du
e to some
disagreements between the group and Shaolin about t
he way coordinators
should... well... coordinate their divisions, Shaolin has c
hosen to resign
from the group, and, due to a lack of enthusiastic applicants for t
position of rip coordinator, I once again became the head of this v
talented, but *very* disorganized division :In spite of all th
is we welcome
death adder into our rip department, he is very goo
d and very talented, we look
forward to seeing his work.
If you wish to apply to either the vga or the rip division or want
more info
about either, e-mail me at venom@wam.umd.edu, leave a message on th
e cia
VMB for me at 800-245-4366, or catch me on IRC. How
ever, I will be leaving
for Israel on July 20th until the middle of Aug
ust, and Superfly will be
taking over for me while Im gone. Any applications and/or messages
either division after the 20th should be addressed to him.
Venom -- CiA VGA/RIP Coordinator
Thats about it for the new members coming over. There was some chan
ges in the
co-oridnators area this month. First, i want to welcome wizard
of id as the
coder co-ordinator, i forgot to mention it last month, but
i do apologize to
him, but now i remembered to mention him : Then, Blurr ste
ps down, and
astaroth takes over as courier co-ordinator, hell
do one hell of a job.
Well, this is short but sweet, but nothing real exciting has happen
ed this
month. But the scene has been upsetting to me. I am really upset th
at shiver
died this month, along with union. It may sound lame, but i
should be happy
that they died? No, i am not, both of these groups meant alot to th
e scene,
and them dying means that we really dont have any decent groups le
ft, all the
people will be either quitting the scene, or join the newly founded
groups. If
any of you are groupless, consider cia as a possible home.
When TGuardian
announced that shiver was dead, he told me that if they mer
ged it would be with
us, that really shocked me but, we have to continue on with the sce
ne. I wish
these groups would not of died, groups as old as shiver and
union, made a big
impact on the scene, and them dying like they did shock everyone. A
ll the
luck to everyone in finding a place to go to. Enough of the babblin
g, enjoy the
pack nigs..
Mr. Muff
cia prez.infinity founder
well, thats about all i have to say this month, i think the other t
wo guys took
care of most of it.. id like to thank everyone who did work for thi
s pack, one
thing, mainframes vga was incomplete in the zip i recieved and eve
ryone was
antzy for the pack to come out so its been left out and will appear
in next
months pack, sorry bout that mf.. id like to send a special thanks
out to jazz
who has been busy coding for acid and actually took the time out of
his busy
summer schedule to do us a fileid.diz, i hope he can get his sched
ule back on
track after that major inconvenience.. : jk.. he did something bu
t didnt get
the cash so itll be out later oh, we added the mercenary divis
ion officially
this month thanks to a great idea given to us by lord valgamon, jus
t dont piss
off the guys in that box and well let grandma live.. lates all
- napalm ciaansi co-coordinator
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