this image contains text
Welcome to the 24th see-eye-ate.. cia consp
iracy - Theyre eyes, Mr. Jones.
- cia -
butta-bing.. butta-boom..
buttafucco! -
Muff with his Afro Puffs, and cia
is here to bring
you the 2
year anniversary pack for creators of intense art..
2 years in the running and cia is only getting better. Y
might ask yourself h
ow a group can stay together for so long
and still produce
quality packs each month! Well, the number
one reason why
cia has been around that long is that people
dicated their time and hard work to keep cia aliv
e and
kickin. One thing
cia never lacked is organazition, ever
since the be
gining, weve had excellent leaders for the group
and members that was ded
icated to cia. Over the years, weve
had great artists
pass through cia, and in the future, we
see more gre
at artists come to cia. Im gonna make my words
short, because we
have a long ass info file this month, from
members giving their
words on cia this month. But one last
thing, i want to tha
nk all people that have helped cia make
it to where
we are today, i would list their names, but their
is too many to list,
and besides, you know who you are :
Back to the monthly
happenings on cia, weve had hell of a
th for new additions in the cia crew.
New Membs
We have added alot of new blood into cia
this month, and
i am very pleased wi
th all new members.. First, i want to
welcome in o
ur telecom people. Dark Prophet is our new
telecom head, he has set
up confs right and left, he will make
a great addition
into cia. I personally thank him for
ng* he has done for cia, including his
little voices
on the conf.
Defcon 4 has also joined along with Dr. Free
side winder
, and percival. Last but not least comes
from acid, i would also like to think
for his quickness on
things we need done quickly. Next up,
is our a
nsi division. First, id like to welcome grimm
apostle to
cia drawing fonts, logos etc. He comes to us
from the new group
motion. We also welcome Diptheria, a c
i found on escape-net. He will also be doing fon
ts, and
pics for us, he has
alot of potential, and he will get
better and draw mo
re kick ass shit for us. Last but not least
is New School
, Napalm found this fella, and his work is
ce, and he will only get better. Vga, did you say
vga! Well
one guy joins our vg
a dept, and that is ear, the former
or of cancer, what can i say, ear will be a good
addition to our vga dept
.. Ascii dept has no new members, but
in our lit dept,
we have isded come to us from revolt.
blurr back, i knew he couldnt stay away from us,
he will be the
courier coordinator. We welcome all new
members into cia
this month and look forward to working with
you for months to co
me!! Digital Assasin is back in cia, h
work wont b
e released this month, but we do welcome him
back into cia
. On a bad note, Defcon 4, his friend rece
passed away, he and
he is taking a break for awhile.
Cip ne
t infinity news...
For all of you
that dont already know, Cip-Net is back
and waitin for applicants. The info packet is included in
this zip, if you was
in cip before, or want to apply, send
your applications
to high fidelity, 217-874-2442, you th
will be added in! E
ither, crash mail the board, or call and
ke an account. There is also an infinity packet i
n this
pack also, it tells
you how to contribute, check it out and
do something
for it... Welp, thats it for me, now you get to
read some more from othe
r members from the group.
Since th
is was the 2 year anniversary of cia, we got some
people to do some
guest work for the pack. We have a gif
from schizosynth
, and a gif of people quisling hangs out w
ks, or whatever he does with them : Finally, an a
nsi logo
by lordjazz
which also appeared in the bleach pack that
was done for this
occasion. thanks to everyone who helped!
Words from members
What a long
strange trip it has been. I guess its ok if
i ripoff the dead. We
ll i have been with cia since it
began in20
1. We originally made infoforms and menus and
the acronym
stood for creators of infoforms assosication.
It was prettyha
rd to find a lamer group than us.
that summer i moved
to 908 and we merged with a group
called ACE
who had suddendeath and tron
. After that
merge things
began to change for thebetter. We had a
strongbase of art
ists with napalm, tron, andsudd
en death.
Once our quality imp
roved we made sure ourattitude of a
ly remained the same. Throughout the triptron
ly were always conferring on ideas and
Napalm was always there to give us his brief
helpful opinions. I
n the last 3 or 4 months tron
and myself
distanced ourselves
from the group and formed our lives away
from the scene. In
may i made my comeback and brought some
old blood wi
th me. I found that the group had fallen into the
mature and level hea
ded control of Mr. Muff. He was a little
more outspoken than
myself or tron but the group was in ve
dshape and was very organized. Mr. Muff has bu
ilt a
radory with the members that emphasizes the family
attitude and respect
we show for each other. I am glad to
rejoin the senior
staffwith Muffster and to see our expert
taking care oftheir respective divisions.
Darkprophet ou
r beloved telecomking has setup many
conferencesfor us
. The friendships among the group have
been deepene
d by this mean of communication. I have had
a great time with th
is group and i do not see an end for cia
anywhere in the next
hundred years so i suggest you get
d to these long anniversary info files.
cia senior/founder
every year i get to do greets
You are the man i am anxious for your return
lle: Will you let Tron use the computer damn it??
Napalm: You
have improved a little bit i gues..
Mr. Muff
: You are a cool guy.i know joe -mm :
Impulse will soon be dominating i can feel it.
fly: You have the coolest voice
aphex twin and qu
azar: you are my favorite ansi guys
wizard of
id: infinity rocks.. Maybe you can help me
learn pascal..
The Brady Bunch of the scene.
The Dork One:
: Yes, I would like to setup a conf..
one on irc: ops!??!?!
Any good pe
ople in the scene: How bout an ansi?
well, two years
. im mighty impressed, no doubt alot of
other people are to
o. its been six months since i first
ined cia, and in the six months, ive talked to a
ll of
the seniors
, and a good deal of the members. in thes
talkings, ive se
en nothing but positive attitude. this
makes it clear to
see why cia has made it to two years.
see many more packs ahead of us, there really is no
stopping us. a few
congratulations to all of the seniors,
the coo
rdinators, and all of the members, for wit
hout all of
our combined efforts, w
e could never have brought cia to the
point at which w
e are today.
cia lit coordinator
well, we be two
. : congrats to all of the members
roughout the last two years for making cia what i
t is,
and especially to t
hose who put in their best effort in
making this s
upreme two year anniversery pack.
unfortunatley for
me, my harddrives suddenly decided to go
n vacation.. and they came back about two days la
ter with
one nasty
hangover. fdisk city. anyway, that was about
halfway during the
month, so i have to apologize for a lack
of art and slave-dr
iving g this month, but i have returned.
y artwork requests and/or applications should be
resubmitted to me,
if they want to be noticed. also, our
ascii department
is currently reviewing applications.. so if
youre interested,
apply! :.. either call illegal embassy
somehow, or uuencode your application in
email to
..drink gui
nness and be happy..
hawk cia ascii co..
a. two years. In a scene that moves as fast as
ours, thats a hell
of a long time. cia was one of the
first ansi gr
oups out there, and has moved from being a
all local group of guys just looking to have fun while
improving their ans
i talent to a world-class ansi group and
finally to what i
t is now: A true ART group, producing
amazing work from
every medium in the digital spectrum.
ll due to many of our members and coordinator
s that set
the standard for de
dication and loyalty. Because of their
rd work, cia has become, despite its size, one of
the most
laid back,
personal, and fun groups in the sc
ene. Great job,
guys. Also, than
x to a terrific VGA division! Through the
work of both our
VGA vets and our most rec
ent members, cia
A has experienced a renaissance in the past few month
becoming a division
of truly the highest quality. The surge
of new tale
nt and unique work youve been seeing is only the
tip of the iceberg, I p
years and no end in site, and we just keep
getting bet
ter and better. Look forward to at least two MORE
years of ass-kickin
g CiApaks! After all, the digital
has just begun...
@@@ Veno
m/CiA VGA Coordinator @@@
Superfly her
e, just to add one or two things to this epic .nfo
file. I just want t
o say, I LUB YOU GUYS...no, really, this
oup is full of some of the nicest, unegotistical individuals
I have ever
had the pleasure working with, and I hope that
whatever happens, th
at cia keeps on trucking upholding the
tradition of quality
artwork with half the caffeine.
Hey all...
Telstar here. Welp, two years down and cia
is still in existe
nce. In these two years the group has
one from one with a few pioneer members, to the group that
exists today with m
ore submissions than can reasonably fit
in a pack.
I remember when the biggest argument within the
group was whether to us
e an upper-case or lower-case i in
cia. I gu
ess we all know how that one ended. Greets go out
to everyone
who has kept cia what it is. trident
- The
reason CiA even exi
sts. napalm - Thanks for spamming out
the packs t
o the public. mr. muff - I never want
your phone
bill. superfl
y - You want to pick up the Taco Bell or
should I? tro
n - Wish you had more time on your hands.
blurr - So whens Blurrstock?
venom - Your art rocks....now
fix the CalComp! A
nd anyone else that Ive met during these
two years. A spe
cial greet to all the telecom guys who put
their asses on the
line to keep up the communication. Werd!
... ok.. no
w if you are still reading this you must REALLY
like us : welp, he
res napalm again, as usual suck at the
very bottom of the
info file.. then again, i kinda like it
re. id like to congratulate all the cia members on this
two year anniversar
y, we have come a hell of a long way...
a big thanks
to trident and tron for keeping it going in
the earlier days a
nd another big thanks to muff for keeping
verything together well.. most of the time : i dont want
you to be reading t
his so long you cant look at the art, so
ill make my
section short and en
. cia ansi co-coordinator
cia conspiracy 24 - the two year anniversar
y - info file c 1995 cia prod.
Welcome to the 24th see-eye-ate.. cia consp
iracy - Theyre eyes, Mr. Jones.
- cia -
butta-bing.. butta-boom..
buttafucco! -
Muff with his Afro Puffs, and cia
is here to bring
you the 2
year anniversary pack for creators of intense art..
2 years in the running and cia is only getting better. Y
might ask yourself h
ow a group can stay together for so long
and still produce
quality packs each month! Well, the number
one reason why
cia has been around that long is that people
dicated their time and hard work to keep cia aliv
e and
kickin. One thing
cia never lacked is organazition, ever
since the be
gining, weve had excellent leaders for the group
and members that was ded
icated to cia. Over the years, weve
had great artists
pass through cia, and in the future, we
see more gre
at artists come to cia. Im gonna make my words
short, because we
have a long ass info file this month, from
members giving their
words on cia this month. But one last
thing, i want to tha
nk all people that have helped cia make
it to where
we are today, i would list their names, but their
is too many to list,
and besides, you know who you are :
Back to the monthly
happenings on cia, weve had hell of a
th for new additions in the cia crew.
New Membs
We have added alot of new blood into cia
this month, and
i am very pleased wi
th all new members.. First, i want to
welcome in o
ur telecom people. Dark Prophet is our new
telecom head, he has set
up confs right and left, he will make
a great addition
into cia. I personally thank him for
ng* he has done for cia, including his
little voices
on the conf.
Defcon 4 has also joined along with Dr. Free
side winder
, and percival. Last but not least comes
from acid, i would also like to think
for his quickness on
things we need done quickly. Next up,
is our a
nsi division. First, id like to welcome grimm
apostle to
cia drawing fonts, logos etc. He comes to us
from the new group
motion. We also welcome Diptheria, a c
i found on escape-net. He will also be doing fon
ts, and
pics for us, he has
alot of potential, and he will get
better and draw mo
re kick ass shit for us. Last but not least
is New School
, Napalm found this fella, and his work is
ce, and he will only get better. Vga, did you say
vga! Well
one guy joins our vg
a dept, and that is ear, the former
or of cancer, what can i say, ear will be a good
addition to our vga dept
.. Ascii dept has no new members, but
in our lit dept,
we have isded come to us from revolt.
blurr back, i knew he couldnt stay away from us,
he will be the
courier coordinator. We welcome all new
members into cia
this month and look forward to working with
you for months to co
me!! Digital Assasin is back in cia, h
work wont b
e released this month, but we do welcome him
back into cia
. On a bad note, Defcon 4, his friend rece
passed away, he and
he is taking a break for awhile.
Cip ne
t infinity news...
For all of you
that dont already know, Cip-Net is back
and waitin for applicants. The info packet is included in
this zip, if you was
in cip before, or want to apply, send
your applications
to high fidelity, 217-874-2442, you th
will be added in! E
ither, crash mail the board, or call and
ke an account. There is also an infinity packet i
n this
pack also, it tells
you how to contribute, check it out and
do something
for it... Welp, thats it for me, now you get to
read some more from othe
r members from the group.
Since th
is was the 2 year anniversary of cia, we got some
people to do some
guest work for the pack. We have a gif
from schizosynth
, and a gif of people quisling hangs out w
ks, or whatever he does with them : Finally, an a
nsi logo
by lordjazz
which also appeared in the bleach pack that
was done for this
occasion. thanks to everyone who helped!
Words from members
What a long
strange trip it has been. I guess its ok if
i ripoff the dead. We
ll i have been with cia since it
began in20
1. We originally made infoforms and menus and
the acronym
stood for creators of infoforms assosication.
It was prettyha
rd to find a lamer group than us.
that summer i moved
to 908 and we merged with a group
called ACE
who had suddendeath and tron
. After that
merge things
began to change for thebetter. We had a
strongbase of art
ists with napalm, tron, andsudd
en death.
Once our quality imp
roved we made sure ourattitude of a
ly remained the same. Throughout the triptron
ly were always conferring on ideas and
Napalm was always there to give us his brief
helpful opinions. I
n the last 3 or 4 months tron
and myself
distanced ourselves
from the group and formed our lives away
from the scene. In
may i made my comeback and brought some
old blood wi
th me. I found that the group had fallen into the
mature and level hea
ded control of Mr. Muff. He was a little
more outspoken than
myself or tron but the group was in ve
dshape and was very organized. Mr. Muff has bu
ilt a
radory with the members that emphasizes the family
attitude and respect
we show for each other. I am glad to
rejoin the senior
staffwith Muffster and to see our expert
taking care oftheir respective divisions.
Darkprophet ou
r beloved telecomking has setup many
conferencesfor us
. The friendships among the group have
been deepene
d by this mean of communication. I have had
a great time with th
is group and i do not see an end for cia
anywhere in the next
hundred years so i suggest you get
d to these long anniversary info files.
cia senior/founder
every year i get to do greets
You are the man i am anxious for your return
lle: Will you let Tron use the computer damn it??
Napalm: You
have improved a little bit i gues..
Mr. Muff
: You are a cool guy.i know joe -mm :
Impulse will soon be dominating i can feel it.
fly: You have the coolest voice
aphex twin and qu
azar: you are my favorite ansi guys
wizard of
id: infinity rocks.. Maybe you can help me
learn pascal..
The Brady Bunch of the scene.
The Dork One:
: Yes, I would like to setup a conf..
one on irc: ops!??!?!
Any good pe
ople in the scene: How bout an ansi?
well, two years
. im mighty impressed, no doubt alot of
other people are to
o. its been six months since i first
ined cia, and in the six months, ive talked to a
ll of
the seniors
, and a good deal of the members. in thes
talkings, ive se
en nothing but positive attitude. this
makes it clear to
see why cia has made it to two years.
see many more packs ahead of us, there really is no
stopping us. a few
congratulations to all of the seniors,
the coo
rdinators, and all of the members, for wit
hout all of
our combined efforts, w
e could never have brought cia to the
point at which w
e are today.
cia lit coordinator
well, we be two
. : congrats to all of the members
roughout the last two years for making cia what i
t is,
and especially to t
hose who put in their best effort in
making this s
upreme two year anniversery pack.
unfortunatley for
me, my harddrives suddenly decided to go
n vacation.. and they came back about two days la
ter with
one nasty
hangover. fdisk city. anyway, that was about
halfway during the
month, so i have to apologize for a lack
of art and slave-dr
iving g this month, but i have returned.
y artwork requests and/or applications should be
resubmitted to me,
if they want to be noticed. also, our
ascii department
is currently reviewing applications.. so if
youre interested,
apply! :.. either call illegal embassy
somehow, or uuencode your application in
email to
..drink gui
nness and be happy..
hawk cia ascii co..
a. two years. In a scene that moves as fast as
ours, thats a hell
of a long time. cia was one of the
first ansi gr
oups out there, and has moved from being a
all local group of guys just looking to have fun while
improving their ans
i talent to a world-class ansi group and
finally to what i
t is now: A true ART group, producing
amazing work from
every medium in the digital spectrum.
ll due to many of our members and coordinator
s that set
the standard for de
dication and loyalty. Because of their
rd work, cia has become, despite its size, one of
the most
laid back,
personal, and fun groups in the sc
ene. Great job,
guys. Also, than
x to a terrific VGA division! Through the
work of both our
VGA vets and our most rec
ent members, cia
A has experienced a renaissance in the past few month
becoming a division
of truly the highest quality. The surge
of new tale
nt and unique work youve been seeing is only the
tip of the iceberg, I p
years and no end in site, and we just keep
getting bet
ter and better. Look forward to at least two MORE
years of ass-kickin
g CiApaks! After all, the digital
has just begun...
@@@ Veno
m/CiA VGA Coordinator @@@
Superfly her
e, just to add one or two things to this epic .nfo
file. I just want t
o say, I LUB YOU GUYS...no, really, this
oup is full of some of the nicest, unegotistical individuals
I have ever
had the pleasure working with, and I hope that
whatever happens, th
at cia keeps on trucking upholding the
tradition of quality
artwork with half the caffeine.
Hey all...
Telstar here. Welp, two years down and cia
is still in existe
nce. In these two years the group has
one from one with a few pioneer members, to the group that
exists today with m
ore submissions than can reasonably fit
in a pack.
I remember when the biggest argument within the
group was whether to us
e an upper-case or lower-case i in
cia. I gu
ess we all know how that one ended. Greets go out
to everyone
who has kept cia what it is. trident
- The
reason CiA even exi
sts. napalm - Thanks for spamming out
the packs t
o the public. mr. muff - I never want
your phone
bill. superfl
y - You want to pick up the Taco Bell or
should I? tro
n - Wish you had more time on your hands.
blurr - So whens Blurrstock?
venom - Your art rocks....now
fix the CalComp! A
nd anyone else that Ive met during these
two years. A spe
cial greet to all the telecom guys who put
their asses on the
line to keep up the communication. Werd!
... ok.. no
w if you are still reading this you must REALLY
like us : welp, he
res napalm again, as usual suck at the
very bottom of the
info file.. then again, i kinda like it
re. id like to congratulate all the cia members on this
two year anniversar
y, we have come a hell of a long way...
a big thanks
to trident and tron for keeping it going in
the earlier days a
nd another big thanks to muff for keeping
verything together well.. most of the time : i dont want
you to be reading t
his so long you cant look at the art, so
ill make my
section short and en
. cia ansi co-coordinator
cia conspiracy 24 - the two year anniversar
y - info file c 1995 cia prod.
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