this image contains text
village idiot o
f cia
look at me, im wearing your shirt. and, its bur
if you are interested in joining CiA, please call Apocal
ypse Systems. Nicest
toon setup youll see. I guess. 201-934-5613.
quick, promotional cia ansi by village idiot. hope i get time t
o do more for
the next pack. ah well. im not going to make you read all this
shit i put
down here, i just feel like typing it. ugh, this ansi really su
cks the shitter.
now time for some most likely to s
Most likely to:
Have sex with his sister Saint Sinner
Move away and never talk to anyone
Disband Shiver and join the Army
The Guardian
Join a group and have them never put out his ansis
Have a shitty 9600 modem
Masquerade as a female
Be one of the nicest people in the scene
Lord Jazz
Have no clue whats going on in the conference
Hate Americans because they are communist bastards
.. ?!? Treason
Kick people off of ansi Val
Have his 800 go down within a week Bor
Never do me an ansi Mag
netic M
Never get me cards or call me again Fel
onius Monk
Get Beat up by an old lady with the Me
littlewheelbarrow from Monopoly
Btw, you have no life, just like me. Call Apocalyp
e. The number is
201-934-5613. Napalm is the nigga with the biggest
Call failure. The 800 is somewhere, grab it, so y
ou can bug me.
i hate this ansi. i think my skills are busted or someth
f cia
look at me, im wearing your shirt. and, its bur
if you are interested in joining CiA, please call Apocal
ypse Systems. Nicest
toon setup youll see. I guess. 201-934-5613.
quick, promotional cia ansi by village idiot. hope i get time t
o do more for
the next pack. ah well. im not going to make you read all this
shit i put
down here, i just feel like typing it. ugh, this ansi really su
cks the shitter.
now time for some most likely to s
Most likely to:
Have sex with his sister Saint Sinner
Move away and never talk to anyone
Disband Shiver and join the Army
The Guardian
Join a group and have them never put out his ansis
Have a shitty 9600 modem
Masquerade as a female
Be one of the nicest people in the scene
Lord Jazz
Have no clue whats going on in the conference
Hate Americans because they are communist bastards
.. ?!? Treason
Kick people off of ansi Val
Have his 800 go down within a week Bor
Never do me an ansi Mag
netic M
Never get me cards or call me again Fel
onius Monk
Get Beat up by an old lady with the Me
littlewheelbarrow from Monopoly
Btw, you have no life, just like me. Call Apocalyp
e. The number is
201-934-5613. Napalm is the nigga with the biggest
Call failure. The 800 is somewhere, grab it, so y
ou can bug me.
i hate this ansi. i think my skills are busted or someth
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