this image contains text
Welcome to the 22nd see-eye-a
te.. cia conspiracy - Theyre eyes, Mr. Jones.
- c
ia, its time for change.. can we bo
rrow some? -
... sup guys, napalm here wit
h the information you desire
the text you crave, and the le
tters you need including a,
b, c and zinc this
is the 22nd give or take a few cia
y packet, and as usual, it is a good one! we hope
you enjoyed our
april fools pack, we spent hours workin on
dat one.. which
brings me to the next subject!
... sorry about
the delay in the release of the pack, we
put mos
t of our time and effort towards other projects like
the april fool
s pack, the new intense view, and
mag. a
lso i.e. was fubar for quite a whil
e, and some of the
were busy filling out college applications! the
of us were on
spring break and piss-drunk 24-7, and who can
draw or write w
ell when they are drunk? besides eerie?..:
sitelist news: frostbyte ha
s taken down cold snap the
cia southern he
adquarters, and ie got a new 513-891-1988
keep in mind i
ts still a bit unstable and probably wont
answer when you call, but try anyway!
... i
nfofile news: i went wacky and toonized it,
... memba newz: cyberdemon
has taken off to join a vga
group called in
trance, voiz realized that there is more to
life th
an ansi groups and has left the scene.. thanks for
all the work you h
ave done for us, let us know if you ever
come back,
superfly is taking a short break after his h
ate som
e bad chineese food i hate that..
... n
ew membas: wed like to give a big welco
me to one of
our new
est members in the ansi department, the one and only
village idiot
! also,joining us from grip this month is ansi
bigge piff, its also been a big month for dat
vga dept.. we
d like to re-welcome muttonhead from the vor
merge, our seco
nd female artist, riccochet, has joined the
vga depot, also joining vga this month is headsh
ot.. last
but not least
wed like to welcome fallen angel to our
couriering di
vision, a big welcome to all of you!
... intense view/2 news: ..if you
are using the latest
version of iv t
o read this then you probably know how cool
it is,
if your not.. go run it! the new iv/2 is the
viewer in the scen
e, many thanks to crimson overlord for
working his
butt off to code it.. iv/2 features many visual
, tons of file commands including zip-
view and sauce
interfaces, mouse support, mus
ic support, 5 ansi
on one screen, rip, ascii, gif
, bin, fli and more
can be viewed.
. iv/2 functions as a complete dosshell
ment, you can run, copy, del
ete and rename files
quickly and eas
ily.. coming next month: jpg support more!
... a little note on the vgas: ..as
you may have noticed
there are quite
a few nice large vgas in the pack. well
there were mo
re, but we try to keep the size of the pack
at about a
meg or under, so some of the great vgas sent to
us for this pack have been held over for n
ext month ahah,
we just want t
o torture you and make you wait to see all
the oth
er good vgas! :
... thanks f
or reading, now go look at the pack! info file
by blurr and napalm of
cia productions - c 1995
cia conspiracy information file is
c and r cia productions 1995, po0t!
Welcome to the 22nd see-eye-a
te.. cia conspiracy - Theyre eyes, Mr. Jones.
- c
ia, its time for change.. can we bo
rrow some? -
... sup guys, napalm here wit
h the information you desire
the text you crave, and the le
tters you need including a,
b, c and zinc this
is the 22nd give or take a few cia
y packet, and as usual, it is a good one! we hope
you enjoyed our
april fools pack, we spent hours workin on
dat one.. which
brings me to the next subject!
... sorry about
the delay in the release of the pack, we
put mos
t of our time and effort towards other projects like
the april fool
s pack, the new intense view, and
mag. a
lso i.e. was fubar for quite a whil
e, and some of the
were busy filling out college applications! the
of us were on
spring break and piss-drunk 24-7, and who can
draw or write w
ell when they are drunk? besides eerie?..:
sitelist news: frostbyte ha
s taken down cold snap the
cia southern he
adquarters, and ie got a new 513-891-1988
keep in mind i
ts still a bit unstable and probably wont
answer when you call, but try anyway!
... i
nfofile news: i went wacky and toonized it,
... memba newz: cyberdemon
has taken off to join a vga
group called in
trance, voiz realized that there is more to
life th
an ansi groups and has left the scene.. thanks for
all the work you h
ave done for us, let us know if you ever
come back,
superfly is taking a short break after his h
ate som
e bad chineese food i hate that..
... n
ew membas: wed like to give a big welco
me to one of
our new
est members in the ansi department, the one and only
village idiot
! also,joining us from grip this month is ansi
bigge piff, its also been a big month for dat
vga dept.. we
d like to re-welcome muttonhead from the vor
merge, our seco
nd female artist, riccochet, has joined the
vga depot, also joining vga this month is headsh
ot.. last
but not least
wed like to welcome fallen angel to our
couriering di
vision, a big welcome to all of you!
... intense view/2 news: ..if you
are using the latest
version of iv t
o read this then you probably know how cool
it is,
if your not.. go run it! the new iv/2 is the
viewer in the scen
e, many thanks to crimson overlord for
working his
butt off to code it.. iv/2 features many visual
, tons of file commands including zip-
view and sauce
interfaces, mouse support, mus
ic support, 5 ansi
on one screen, rip, ascii, gif
, bin, fli and more
can be viewed.
. iv/2 functions as a complete dosshell
ment, you can run, copy, del
ete and rename files
quickly and eas
ily.. coming next month: jpg support more!
... a little note on the vgas: ..as
you may have noticed
there are quite
a few nice large vgas in the pack. well
there were mo
re, but we try to keep the size of the pack
at about a
meg or under, so some of the great vgas sent to
us for this pack have been held over for n
ext month ahah,
we just want t
o torture you and make you wait to see all
the oth
er good vgas! :
... thanks f
or reading, now go look at the pack! info file
by blurr and napalm of
cia productions - c 1995
cia conspiracy information file is
c and r cia productions 1995, po0t!
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