this image contains text
a p p l ication a n s
o2/95 -
hey, its nappy head here, for some hi
dden text fun!
to all thosein the cia ansi dept...
...ok heres the deal last month in all the shuffle some
one made me the
head ansi type dude... since then one certai
n council member who shall
remain nameless coughmuffcough
has set up the responcibilities for
exactly what the co-ordinator needs to do
... knowing that ive decided
that all cia artest have to call illegal embassy and lea
ve me a message
before pack number 22... if you dont have an
acount make one... if you
do have an account it should only take a second or two
... i just want
to see if all of you guys are awake... anywa
ze if you can think of any
questions that you have for me im on irc all the time
but the nick is
res-dog not image and it is guar
anteed that i will be in cia channel
on sunday night..so make it a point to fi
nd a way to contact image.. or
else... g...
to all those who wish to apply for cia...
.in the past many of the applications for cia
have come over our famous
voice mail box... but no more.. if
you are really interested in joining
cia as an artest then you need to call either illegal
embassy or even
better would be to call hells asylum...
use the account with the
handle: cia-ansi and the password
: app... hell if you cant afford
of ld calling then you suck.. but seriously i
f you have abbused your ld
prevelages in the past and cannot call ld then youll h
abe to catch me
on the internet... if you cant do either then
yer screwed..btw- if you
are in another group as an ansi guy and you are looking
to dual.. ha!..
dont bother calling...
image ansi co-ordinator
...napalm here, you can also send your an
si applications to the cia US
Headquarters, my board, Apocalyps
e. Use the same account information as
mentioned above. you can also find me on irc
as napalm or nacia. lates
o2/95 -
hey, its nappy head here, for some hi
dden text fun!
to all thosein the cia ansi dept...
...ok heres the deal last month in all the shuffle some
one made me the
head ansi type dude... since then one certai
n council member who shall
remain nameless coughmuffcough
has set up the responcibilities for
exactly what the co-ordinator needs to do
... knowing that ive decided
that all cia artest have to call illegal embassy and lea
ve me a message
before pack number 22... if you dont have an
acount make one... if you
do have an account it should only take a second or two
... i just want
to see if all of you guys are awake... anywa
ze if you can think of any
questions that you have for me im on irc all the time
but the nick is
res-dog not image and it is guar
anteed that i will be in cia channel
on sunday night..so make it a point to fi
nd a way to contact image.. or
else... g...
to all those who wish to apply for cia...
.in the past many of the applications for cia
have come over our famous
voice mail box... but no more.. if
you are really interested in joining
cia as an artest then you need to call either illegal
embassy or even
better would be to call hells asylum...
use the account with the
handle: cia-ansi and the password
: app... hell if you cant afford
of ld calling then you suck.. but seriously i
f you have abbused your ld
prevelages in the past and cannot call ld then youll h
abe to catch me
on the internet... if you cant do either then
yer screwed..btw- if you
are in another group as an ansi guy and you are looking
to dual.. ha!..
dont bother calling...
image ansi co-ordinator
...napalm here, you can also send your an
si applications to the cia US
Headquarters, my board, Apocalyps
e. Use the same account information as
mentioned above. you can also find me on irc
as napalm or nacia. lates
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