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.oO dairy product CiA ansi artist dairy@tdreams.tpw.com Oo.
Sometime when youre really really bored,
go into Windows and run the calculater
program. try doing 3.11 minus 3.1
Biggest scandal since the Pentium bug!!
IRQ5:RAiN Great looking VGA. Glad
someone finally broke free from the
comic-book-rehashed-rehash crap.
DieHard:Broken Hey, no one can kill
that separator bar! It just wont die!
FiRM: Hey... how about putting something
in your pack next month!!
Prophet:iNTEGRiTY Lets see some more wacky ansis
Argon:REVOLT That lit about the immaturity
of man just broke my previous
bias towards art-group lit.
Iczer-1:DVS hows the New York anime scene?
heee hee...
2Loser: I think we can expect a little
call from the FBI saying Bill Gates
doesnt like us spreading the
calculater bug.
9 i 4 4 6 9 4 2 9 5 S y s o p I c z e r-1 0N3.g1G.0.4N1M3,.4N1S Co Sysop : Evil Ernie H / P / A / V / / D .7H3.DV.9R0J3C7.m3MB3R GR49H1C4L 73X7F1L3 by Dairy Product oF CiA 4NS1S C4N B3 R3QU3S73D H3R3
.oO dairy product CiA ansi artist dairy@tdreams.tpw.com Oo.
Sometime when youre really really bored,
go into Windows and run the calculater
program. try doing 3.11 minus 3.1
Biggest scandal since the Pentium bug!!
IRQ5:RAiN Great looking VGA. Glad
someone finally broke free from the
comic-book-rehashed-rehash crap.
DieHard:Broken Hey, no one can kill
that separator bar! It just wont die!
FiRM: Hey... how about putting something
in your pack next month!!
Prophet:iNTEGRiTY Lets see some more wacky ansis
Argon:REVOLT That lit about the immaturity
of man just broke my previous
bias towards art-group lit.
Iczer-1:DVS hows the New York anime scene?
heee hee...
2Loser: I think we can expect a little
call from the FBI saying Bill Gates
doesnt like us spreading the
calculater bug.
9 i 4 4 6 9 4 2 9 5 S y s o p I c z e r-1 0N3.g1G.0.4N1M3,.4N1S Co Sysop : Evil Ernie H / P / A / V / / D .7H3.DV.9R0J3C7.m3MB3R GR49H1C4L 73X7F1L3 by Dairy Product oF CiA 4NS1S C4N B3 R3QU3S73D H3R3
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