this image contains text
ach month a random well, somewhat member will be profiled
in this file. That includes all members, including
telecom and couriers, etc. this month Frost Byte
is being profiled he had the highest trivia score combi
ned between spam and kiddie trivia. . . it was tho
se damn stawberry shortcake questions.. were not
going to ask about those ones : ...napalm cia
CiA Me
mber Profile Information 1/95 Frost Byt
e : Frost Byte
Real Name
: Brian Age : 18
: USA, Florida
Years in th
e scene Ansi:4 BBS:5
Hobbies : Tel
econfs, Trivia,
Breathing, calling Tron too much.
Greets to : Tron
, Napalm, QuadZilla,
Mr. E., Hood, Khyron, ConCo
p..... Frost Byte
Artist : psychoskylark Movie : M
. Python Holy Grail
Book : Black Sun Rising Music :
TMBG, Phish, Hendrix
Food : Pizza, Rally Fries Person
: Scooby Doo
Game : The Scene TV Show : ST
ach month a random well, somewhat member will be profiled
in this file. That includes all members, including
telecom and couriers, etc. this month Frost Byte
is being profiled he had the highest trivia score combi
ned between spam and kiddie trivia. . . it was tho
se damn stawberry shortcake questions.. were not
going to ask about those ones : ...napalm cia
CiA Me
mber Profile Information 1/95 Frost Byt
e : Frost Byte
Real Name
: Brian Age : 18
: USA, Florida
Years in th
e scene Ansi:4 BBS:5
Hobbies : Tel
econfs, Trivia,
Breathing, calling Tron too much.
Greets to : Tron
, Napalm, QuadZilla,
Mr. E., Hood, Khyron, ConCo
p..... Frost Byte
Artist : psychoskylark Movie : M
. Python Holy Grail
Book : Black Sun Rising Music :
TMBG, Phish, Hendrix
Food : Pizza, Rally Fries Person
: Scooby Doo
Game : The Scene TV Show : ST
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