this image contains text
Greets: KS,NT,FP,TW,TR,BN,PO,FU,DF,RM,AA,And a bu
nch of other acronyms
And I can be cool and stuff but I aint got no stinking afro
Skitzo presents another Nifty Keentm
ansi wiff k-
rad colours and stuff
To g
et an ansi from me write me on
Illegal Embassy or find me on IRC.
I usually
do for free unless you want
something like this which costs 10!
I mean els
e will give you a 200 lineer
for only 10?!? What
a deal!
IKnow A girl, Whos a good Host, Shell ma
ke you breakfast Shell Make you
toast, but she dont use butter, and sh
e dont use cheese, She dont use
Jelly or any
of these she only uses
Vasoline... Vasoline... Vasoline..
-From some
song I heard on the radio
I know a man, Who goes to shows, Then he goe
s home and blows his nose, but
he dont use napkins or his sleeve
, he dont use tissues or any of these, he
only uses Magzines... Magzines... Mag
-From the same Song
I know a girl, who reminds me of cher, always
changing the color of her hair
but she dont use nothin you buy at the st
ore, She wants her hair to be just
so much more, she uses Tangerines... Tangerines...
-I might have gottenthe lyrics wrong
but who cares
R OF K E W 3
This board has like some stats and like 14 nodes, and like
a lot of HD space
,and a sysop, and a phone number in some area code, and
its like a HQ of som
eplace I just dontremember any of them...
nch of other acronyms
And I can be cool and stuff but I aint got no stinking afro
Skitzo presents another Nifty Keentm
ansi wiff k-
rad colours and stuff
To g
et an ansi from me write me on
Illegal Embassy or find me on IRC.
I usually
do for free unless you want
something like this which costs 10!
I mean els
e will give you a 200 lineer
for only 10?!? What
a deal!
IKnow A girl, Whos a good Host, Shell ma
ke you breakfast Shell Make you
toast, but she dont use butter, and sh
e dont use cheese, She dont use
Jelly or any
of these she only uses
Vasoline... Vasoline... Vasoline..
-From some
song I heard on the radio
I know a man, Who goes to shows, Then he goe
s home and blows his nose, but
he dont use napkins or his sleeve
, he dont use tissues or any of these, he
only uses Magzines... Magzines... Mag
-From the same Song
I know a girl, who reminds me of cher, always
changing the color of her hair
but she dont use nothin you buy at the st
ore, She wants her hair to be just
so much more, she uses Tangerines... Tangerines...
-I might have gottenthe lyrics wrong
but who cares
R OF K E W 3
This board has like some stats and like 14 nodes, and like
a lot of HD space
,and a sysop, and a phone number in some area code, and
its like a HQ of som
eplace I just dontremember any of them...
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