this image contains text
h 1
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y !
a the 19th conspiracy info
hey, its nappy head here, for some hidden text fun!
lo all..
thanx for viewing the 19th CiA conspiracy.. it
s been a hell of a year for CiA
.. in october of 1993, CiA started off as a
small group.. throug
h december of 1994, weve attempted t
o make our presence in the art
scene, and if youre reading this
, it seems we have
.. what you will see through 1995 will be a co
mpletely revamped group,
so watch for us to take some steps in the right dire
ction.. and now a step to the
left.. swing your partner round and round!
..on to new members.. messiah,
a literature artist from blade will
now handle the coding of the music disk
which will be released as
ciadsk07.zip this month.. a
staroth has decided to come aboard as a
courier.. jazz, an ansi artist
has joined the ranks of cia, leaving
the group escape.. weve also gained t
wo excellent literary artists
this month: james bond, formerly of
iCE maxfactor, who came out
of nowhere and co-incidentally
, lives four houses down from me,
finally grateful dead who joins us from the d
ephts of canada.. also,
joining us from the ranks of iCE is spawn
, an awesome rip artist who
we hope to see a lot from in the coming months
..in headquarter news, the land of ra
pe and honey our current
southern headquarters unfortunately wen
t down this month.. weve
replaced it with our literary headquarters,
cold snap.. this should
give frost byte a better position on CiA matters
, and will reduce our
long list of headquarters.. In other ne
ws the CiA Headquarters for the
coordination of CiA Headquarters has been move
d to Zimbabwe :
..now that i got the news outta the way, i
just thought id give ya
my overall impressions of CiA, the scene
, and life in general.. its
true that CiA may not be one of the top 5 groups in
the scene now..
its also true that none of our members are outspo
ken.. these are
are some of the things that make CiA unique among the
other groups in
the scene.. perhaps thats why
weve been around for a year and a
half without a member leaving the group pissed of
f.. so before i
start sounding like a goddamn navy recruiter,
i just wanted to point
out that if you want to improve on your art skills
, want a change in
your art career, or just want to get rid
of the pressure.. why not
join creators of intense art..? why not
put a hampster down your pants?
happy new year,
blurr public relations director
and k-spiffy ansi guy :
stay tuned from a public broadcast announcement fr
om the wizard..
..hello, your fellow senior member the wizard
over here wanting to
discuss an issue that has been getting to me..
as we are re-vamping
the cia members in conjunction with the new years
, i wanted to
explain exactly what it means.. we basical
ly want the best members in
the group, the ones who will be ac
tive.. we dont want a member who
wants to join so they can put CiA on their bi
llion long sig.. cia is
a family, a large group of members all w
orking together to come out
with a kick ass a pak as possible.. we ar
e hoping to make this group
even better, and more relaxed,
yet active a group for the 1995
season.. i want everyone to have a very h
appy holiday, and cias new
years resolution is to continue working hard a
nd making this group as
high quality and friendly as always..co
me play with us, we LIKE you :
happy holidays, happy new holidays year
the wizard cia senior member
el seoro membero del cia
..b0iNg, oh.. Frosty had some i
nfo for all you k-twinkie lit guys,
you MUST get your lits to Frost Byte on Cold Snap by
the 25th of each
month so it can be reviewed, sauce
d, etc.. Get em to Frosty by ca
ing Cold Snap @ 9o4.75o.
..One more thing, my sincerest apologies t
o Demon Death for not put-
ting us-wall.cia in the last pa
ck, i could have sworn i did! sorry
anyway, its in this spiffy ETC area so it
stands out now : lates guys
napalm cia senior goof-off
Look! We DIDNT rip the union border!
hidden text writer .. maybe we should
have :
..conspiracy infofile by blurr the wiza
rd napalm..
..new cheesy font : by napalm..
james brown is dead eof
a 9
p 9
p 5
y !
a the 19th conspiracy info
hey, its nappy head here, for some hidden text fun!
lo all..
thanx for viewing the 19th CiA conspiracy.. it
s been a hell of a year for CiA
.. in october of 1993, CiA started off as a
small group.. throug
h december of 1994, weve attempted t
o make our presence in the art
scene, and if youre reading this
, it seems we have
.. what you will see through 1995 will be a co
mpletely revamped group,
so watch for us to take some steps in the right dire
ction.. and now a step to the
left.. swing your partner round and round!
..on to new members.. messiah,
a literature artist from blade will
now handle the coding of the music disk
which will be released as
ciadsk07.zip this month.. a
staroth has decided to come aboard as a
courier.. jazz, an ansi artist
has joined the ranks of cia, leaving
the group escape.. weve also gained t
wo excellent literary artists
this month: james bond, formerly of
iCE maxfactor, who came out
of nowhere and co-incidentally
, lives four houses down from me,
finally grateful dead who joins us from the d
ephts of canada.. also,
joining us from the ranks of iCE is spawn
, an awesome rip artist who
we hope to see a lot from in the coming months
..in headquarter news, the land of ra
pe and honey our current
southern headquarters unfortunately wen
t down this month.. weve
replaced it with our literary headquarters,
cold snap.. this should
give frost byte a better position on CiA matters
, and will reduce our
long list of headquarters.. In other ne
ws the CiA Headquarters for the
coordination of CiA Headquarters has been move
d to Zimbabwe :
..now that i got the news outta the way, i
just thought id give ya
my overall impressions of CiA, the scene
, and life in general.. its
true that CiA may not be one of the top 5 groups in
the scene now..
its also true that none of our members are outspo
ken.. these are
are some of the things that make CiA unique among the
other groups in
the scene.. perhaps thats why
weve been around for a year and a
half without a member leaving the group pissed of
f.. so before i
start sounding like a goddamn navy recruiter,
i just wanted to point
out that if you want to improve on your art skills
, want a change in
your art career, or just want to get rid
of the pressure.. why not
join creators of intense art..? why not
put a hampster down your pants?
happy new year,
blurr public relations director
and k-spiffy ansi guy :
stay tuned from a public broadcast announcement fr
om the wizard..
..hello, your fellow senior member the wizard
over here wanting to
discuss an issue that has been getting to me..
as we are re-vamping
the cia members in conjunction with the new years
, i wanted to
explain exactly what it means.. we basical
ly want the best members in
the group, the ones who will be ac
tive.. we dont want a member who
wants to join so they can put CiA on their bi
llion long sig.. cia is
a family, a large group of members all w
orking together to come out
with a kick ass a pak as possible.. we ar
e hoping to make this group
even better, and more relaxed,
yet active a group for the 1995
season.. i want everyone to have a very h
appy holiday, and cias new
years resolution is to continue working hard a
nd making this group as
high quality and friendly as always..co
me play with us, we LIKE you :
happy holidays, happy new holidays year
the wizard cia senior member
el seoro membero del cia
..b0iNg, oh.. Frosty had some i
nfo for all you k-twinkie lit guys,
you MUST get your lits to Frost Byte on Cold Snap by
the 25th of each
month so it can be reviewed, sauce
d, etc.. Get em to Frosty by ca
ing Cold Snap @ 9o4.75o.
..One more thing, my sincerest apologies t
o Demon Death for not put-
ting us-wall.cia in the last pa
ck, i could have sworn i did! sorry
anyway, its in this spiffy ETC area so it
stands out now : lates guys
napalm cia senior goof-off
Look! We DIDNT rip the union border!
hidden text writer .. maybe we should
have :
..conspiracy infofile by blurr the wiza
rd napalm..
..new cheesy font : by napalm..
james brown is dead eof
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