this image contains text
1o0 Virus Free - CiA, Sanitized f
or your protection!
. aCk!
lo.. this is blurr taking over for tron this m
onth with the nifty public
relations end of CiA.. tron decided to make the c
hange so he could draw some
more ansi.. so.. thanks for helping us commerate a year and
a half of intense
art by downloading the 18th CiA conspiracy.. which is virus
free, really!na
where do i go about beginning.. how bout the internet.. i
f you hop on cia,
you may happen to run into our very own music co-coordinator b
eaner and his
bot.. hence the name, CiAbot.. CiAbot is a file
and news server which you
will be able to dcc stuff like this .nfo file and even non-C
iA related stuff..
altho CiAbot has been known to wander from cia a bit, so dont be
if hes not there 24 hrs. a day..
while im talking about new stuff, lets give a big hello
to a new addition
to a new literature agent: lord valgamon.. even t
hough i admit to skipping
over the lit in most packs, i must say that lord valgamon pu
ts out some high
quality work.. i know hell be a valuable asset to our staff
.. in addition,
please welcome lifetime from reality, and arc
hmage to our literature team..
to our music division, weve also added a great musician,
quarex.. the cia
vga member, vision, has decided to give .rip a sh
ot, looks great!
oh yeah, it seems there was a minor controversy over one o
f our VMB greets,
it seems some people were offended by emulated Indian and Af
ro-American voices
performed by members of CiA.. all i have to say is, lighten up.. it
meant to offend anyone.. speaking of the VMB, if youd like
to give us some
feedback, apply to the group, or request some work.. call
you will also be welcomed by a politically correct greeting.
it seems crime in progress CiP net is still running in f
ull gear.. once
again, an informational sub-zip has been included in the pac
k.. if youd like
to apply to CiP, drop tron a line at illegal embassy 1
one more thing.. for the last time, we are NOT accepting a
ny more distros..
so please stop bugging CiA members about getting yourself a
site.. cuz its no
gonna happen..
blurr cia public relations director
ello.. this is nappy head here, id like to peronally apolo
gize for that
nasty little whisper virus that snuck into last m
onths pack.. if you didnt
know about it, delete cia-del.exe from pack 17, t
hats the only infected file
this month, and every month thereafter is guaranteed 100 vi
rus free! if you
have been infected, grab a copy of F-prot from an
y pd board, that will clean
all infected files with no problems.
next month cia is going to do some major re-organizing so
that we can
improve the overall quality of cia productions.. we would te
ll you what these
reforms are going to be, but wed have to feed you green spa
napalm cia seor staph infection
blurr greets: napalm spams:
tron - thanks for the new job hormel: its about @ing t
the guardian - shiver is cool and stuff.. mog: meow, meow
, arrrr.. meow..
c. neurosis - wheres my theme .mod?.. sony: hajimemashit
e, doozo yoros-
treason - hope your group tic takes off.. hiku napalm desu. Ogen
ki desuka?
or your protection!
. aCk!
lo.. this is blurr taking over for tron this m
onth with the nifty public
relations end of CiA.. tron decided to make the c
hange so he could draw some
more ansi.. so.. thanks for helping us commerate a year and
a half of intense
art by downloading the 18th CiA conspiracy.. which is virus
free, really!na
where do i go about beginning.. how bout the internet.. i
f you hop on cia,
you may happen to run into our very own music co-coordinator b
eaner and his
bot.. hence the name, CiAbot.. CiAbot is a file
and news server which you
will be able to dcc stuff like this .nfo file and even non-C
iA related stuff..
altho CiAbot has been known to wander from cia a bit, so dont be
if hes not there 24 hrs. a day..
while im talking about new stuff, lets give a big hello
to a new addition
to a new literature agent: lord valgamon.. even t
hough i admit to skipping
over the lit in most packs, i must say that lord valgamon pu
ts out some high
quality work.. i know hell be a valuable asset to our staff
.. in addition,
please welcome lifetime from reality, and arc
hmage to our literature team..
to our music division, weve also added a great musician,
quarex.. the cia
vga member, vision, has decided to give .rip a sh
ot, looks great!
oh yeah, it seems there was a minor controversy over one o
f our VMB greets,
it seems some people were offended by emulated Indian and Af
ro-American voices
performed by members of CiA.. all i have to say is, lighten up.. it
meant to offend anyone.. speaking of the VMB, if youd like
to give us some
feedback, apply to the group, or request some work.. call
you will also be welcomed by a politically correct greeting.
it seems crime in progress CiP net is still running in f
ull gear.. once
again, an informational sub-zip has been included in the pac
k.. if youd like
to apply to CiP, drop tron a line at illegal embassy 1
one more thing.. for the last time, we are NOT accepting a
ny more distros..
so please stop bugging CiA members about getting yourself a
site.. cuz its no
gonna happen..
blurr cia public relations director
ello.. this is nappy head here, id like to peronally apolo
gize for that
nasty little whisper virus that snuck into last m
onths pack.. if you didnt
know about it, delete cia-del.exe from pack 17, t
hats the only infected file
this month, and every month thereafter is guaranteed 100 vi
rus free! if you
have been infected, grab a copy of F-prot from an
y pd board, that will clean
all infected files with no problems.
next month cia is going to do some major re-organizing so
that we can
improve the overall quality of cia productions.. we would te
ll you what these
reforms are going to be, but wed have to feed you green spa
napalm cia seor staph infection
blurr greets: napalm spams:
tron - thanks for the new job hormel: its about @ing t
the guardian - shiver is cool and stuff.. mog: meow, meow
, arrrr.. meow..
c. neurosis - wheres my theme .mod?.. sony: hajimemashit
e, doozo yoros-
treason - hope your group tic takes off.. hiku napalm desu. Ogen
ki desuka?
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