this image contains text
Logo By Liquid Vision CiA
Creators of intense Art Pack 16 Info
Okay, here it is plain and simple. The pack is late because I, Tron
caused it to be late. I was the one that gathered all the data on all
our new members, boards, and boards for the net, therefore, I was the
only one capable of compiling all of that info for the pack. I mean,
hell, when you do as much as I do SMACK attitude adjustment performed
by image...Okay, even though that snazzy little .DIZ caught your attention
truth is, we make our member and site lists based upon the Senior Staff
phone number list which we guard like the Rebellion, against the evil
DaRK Empire, whos always dying to get their hands on it, and since Im
the one that compiles that baby, the other staff members couldnt do
their jobs in making those. So, instead of pissing off all of our new
members and sites, we decided to delay the pack.
Speaking of which, a bunch of really cool members joined us this month!
The Narccissist and Maximum Overdose joined us from the dearly departed
Imperial. Narc lends us his leadership abilities as our new Canadian
Coordinator, and the Max brings us his awesome ansi talents. Glad to
have ya, guys! Also, the guys from CAE decided to merge with us, and
that added a whole bunch of talent to our group. CAE brought us Twitch,
Flashpoint, Psi-Stalker, Skitzo, and Vapor former ACiD also to our
ansi department, Dark Spyre beefs up our coding team, and Doomsday and
Screwworm bring their awesome music abilities to the group. Thrilled to
have you, dudes. And also, The Fugitive ansi, Mirage courier, and
Dark Jester coder join us from Reactor! Hey, fellas! And finally,
Psychoskyshark joins our Lit department. Wassup, man?!?! Welcome all
new members! Looking forward to seeing your work in the coming months..
Also, weve added Pestilences board, Point of No Return, as our Canadian
Headquarters. We asked for a CHQ that gave a shit about OUR group, and
we couldnt have asked for a better board! Thanks, Pestilence!
In an effort to keep tardy, unorganized packs from happening again, I am
stepping down from some of my duties in CiA, and handing over the World
Headquarters position to Tridents board, Brave New World. My job and
the rest of my life are making it tough on me to continue as WHQ, and I
am quite sure Trident will do a much better job than I am capable of
doing at the moment.
This month, weve also decided to add a new feature to our packs, that
were calling CAB. CAB, Creators of intense Art Biographies, will be a
personal look at the lives of each of the members that make up our group.
Each month, well have a few of our members fill out a little questionaire
detailing their lives and motivations. If youd like to see a specific
question added to CAB, drop us a line.
In Crime in Progress Net news, a whole hell of a lot of boards applied
to the net, this month, and due to the overwhelming response, many were
added without notice. If you see yourself in the nodelist, you already
have mail being held on Illegal Embassy, join us! And as usual, if
youd like to join the net, fill out the net packet enclosed in this pack.
Some great boards have joined the net, and MANY groups are being represented
by the users there. It is VERY active and sure to catch your interest.
And lastly, Id like to apologize to everyone that I personally have
ignorned, forgotten about, or otherwise might have pissed off this month.
You can imagine if the pack is this damn late, I must have done more to
everyone else that you. If this applies to you, please remind me what I
was suppossed to do or reply about. As Maestro is fond of saying, there
is more to this than just the scene, lives do exsist, and mine got in the
way this month.
Thats it. Enjoy the pack!
Tron CiA
Greets go to our buds at: Shiver, UNiON, iDENTiTY, RaVE, iCE, ACiD, Mindless,
VoR, Blade, Relic, and FaT..
DaRK Member stealing attempts to date, as of 10/10/94: Two
Personal Greets:
K-Spiff: Sorry, man! I promise..Next month!
The Guardian: Yo, dude!
Betrayer: No!!
Prozac: hello. hello. Is there anybody in there. Just nod if you can hear me.
Eerie: Dangerfuck rules!
Everyone who was waiting for our pack: Sorry! Wont happen again! :
To reach CiA members, contact us on our VMB at 800-245-4366, call our WHQ,
Creators of intense Art Pack 16 Info
Okay, here it is plain and simple. The pack is late because I, Tron
caused it to be late. I was the one that gathered all the data on all
our new members, boards, and boards for the net, therefore, I was the
only one capable of compiling all of that info for the pack. I mean,
hell, when you do as much as I do SMACK attitude adjustment performed
by image...Okay, even though that snazzy little .DIZ caught your attention
truth is, we make our member and site lists based upon the Senior Staff
phone number list which we guard like the Rebellion, against the evil
DaRK Empire, whos always dying to get their hands on it, and since Im
the one that compiles that baby, the other staff members couldnt do
their jobs in making those. So, instead of pissing off all of our new
members and sites, we decided to delay the pack.
Speaking of which, a bunch of really cool members joined us this month!
The Narccissist and Maximum Overdose joined us from the dearly departed
Imperial. Narc lends us his leadership abilities as our new Canadian
Coordinator, and the Max brings us his awesome ansi talents. Glad to
have ya, guys! Also, the guys from CAE decided to merge with us, and
that added a whole bunch of talent to our group. CAE brought us Twitch,
Flashpoint, Psi-Stalker, Skitzo, and Vapor former ACiD also to our
ansi department, Dark Spyre beefs up our coding team, and Doomsday and
Screwworm bring their awesome music abilities to the group. Thrilled to
have you, dudes. And also, The Fugitive ansi, Mirage courier, and
Dark Jester coder join us from Reactor! Hey, fellas! And finally,
Psychoskyshark joins our Lit department. Wassup, man?!?! Welcome all
new members! Looking forward to seeing your work in the coming months..
Also, weve added Pestilences board, Point of No Return, as our Canadian
Headquarters. We asked for a CHQ that gave a shit about OUR group, and
we couldnt have asked for a better board! Thanks, Pestilence!
In an effort to keep tardy, unorganized packs from happening again, I am
stepping down from some of my duties in CiA, and handing over the World
Headquarters position to Tridents board, Brave New World. My job and
the rest of my life are making it tough on me to continue as WHQ, and I
am quite sure Trident will do a much better job than I am capable of
doing at the moment.
This month, weve also decided to add a new feature to our packs, that
were calling CAB. CAB, Creators of intense Art Biographies, will be a
personal look at the lives of each of the members that make up our group.
Each month, well have a few of our members fill out a little questionaire
detailing their lives and motivations. If youd like to see a specific
question added to CAB, drop us a line.
In Crime in Progress Net news, a whole hell of a lot of boards applied
to the net, this month, and due to the overwhelming response, many were
added without notice. If you see yourself in the nodelist, you already
have mail being held on Illegal Embassy, join us! And as usual, if
youd like to join the net, fill out the net packet enclosed in this pack.
Some great boards have joined the net, and MANY groups are being represented
by the users there. It is VERY active and sure to catch your interest.
And lastly, Id like to apologize to everyone that I personally have
ignorned, forgotten about, or otherwise might have pissed off this month.
You can imagine if the pack is this damn late, I must have done more to
everyone else that you. If this applies to you, please remind me what I
was suppossed to do or reply about. As Maestro is fond of saying, there
is more to this than just the scene, lives do exsist, and mine got in the
way this month.
Thats it. Enjoy the pack!
Tron CiA
Greets go to our buds at: Shiver, UNiON, iDENTiTY, RaVE, iCE, ACiD, Mindless,
VoR, Blade, Relic, and FaT..
DaRK Member stealing attempts to date, as of 10/10/94: Two
Personal Greets:
K-Spiff: Sorry, man! I promise..Next month!
The Guardian: Yo, dude!
Betrayer: No!!
Prozac: hello. hello. Is there anybody in there. Just nod if you can hear me.
Eerie: Dangerfuck rules!
Everyone who was waiting for our pack: Sorry! Wont happen again! :
To reach CiA members, contact us on our VMB at 800-245-4366, call our WHQ,
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