this image contains text
And you thought that it couldnt be done........
Date : 06 June 1994
Greets If you would like
a logo or a full
Napalm, ansi done by Mandor,
Please contact
Tron,Cetis me on FinalNet, or cal
l my BBS,
Cavalier, Technical Ecstasy 813
.379.39o5 and
Sudden leave me feedback
Death, This fine, quality, CiA ansi was
Manifest created by Mandor of Creators
Destiny Intense Art 1994
Video mode : 80x50 Name : MD-T
ECH3.CIA Creators of Intense Art c 1994
t e c h n i c a l e c s t a s y 8 1 3 . 3 7 9
. 3 9 o 5
. sysop : mandor
cia .
. co-sysop : manifest destiny
. new loser password : lords of acid
. network connections : infinet, finalnet,
enigmanet .
affiliations : cia member board
. speed : usr 16.8k hst dual standard
. Size : 2oo megs and growing
. whats here : artwork, music, h/p
texts .
call now or, ill tell your mom.....
got an art group? looking for a site in 813? look no further.
call today
Date : 06 June 1994
Greets If you would like
a logo or a full
Napalm, ansi done by Mandor,
Please contact
Tron,Cetis me on FinalNet, or cal
l my BBS,
Cavalier, Technical Ecstasy 813
.379.39o5 and
Sudden leave me feedback
Death, This fine, quality, CiA ansi was
Manifest created by Mandor of Creators
Destiny Intense Art 1994
Video mode : 80x50 Name : MD-T
ECH3.CIA Creators of Intense Art c 1994
t e c h n i c a l e c s t a s y 8 1 3 . 3 7 9
. 3 9 o 5
. sysop : mandor
cia .
. co-sysop : manifest destiny
. new loser password : lords of acid
. network connections : infinet, finalnet,
enigmanet .
affiliations : cia member board
. speed : usr 16.8k hst dual standard
. Size : 2oo megs and growing
. whats here : artwork, music, h/p
texts .
call now or, ill tell your mom.....
got an art group? looking for a site in 813? look no further.
call today
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