this image contains text
c r e a t o r s o f i n t e n s e a r t w o r k
..agent/headquarters listing for june 1995 - pack 25..
s e n i o r s t a f f
mr. muff + trident
d i r e c t o r s
ansi coordinators!... nivenh + napalm
ascii coordinator!... grey hawk
courier coordinator!... astaroth
..literature coordinator!... edicius
music coordinators!... cerebral neurosis + dark wolf...
vga coordinator!... venom
coder coordinator!... wizard of id
public relations!... superfly
telecom coordinator!... dark prophet
a n s i a g e n t s
blurr diehard diptheria
grey hawk grimm apostle jazz
lagomorph phoenix prong new school
napalm phatal nivenh proddy
shamanize switch tron wiz xanax
r i p a g e n t s
diabolos death adder hellshock
living death kerplunk pitt vision
v g a a g e n t s
darkfyre ear falcon hedshaught
mainframe matrixx muttonhead phoenix
segul superfly telstar vision venom
l i t a g e n t s
archmage the crow data ruckus
dryad edicius frost byte isded
mister e. pip the angry youth
stoner terminal velocity
c o d i n g a g e n t s
crimson overlord dark jester
mutated chia pet lynx wizard of id
m u s i c a g e n t s
beaner cerebral neurosis dark wolf
inner vision mental nova tfh
the slasher
a s c i i a g e n t s
grey hawk insanity man phatal
pliny sCandaL the blunted one
m e r c i n a r y a g e n t s
dark prophet ear mcp
mr. muff napalm
t e l e c o m a g e n t s
dataruckus dark prophet defcon 4
c o u r i e r t e a m
astaroth double 0 devestator
d.j. quad kregier maligor stoner
unholy spirit vindicator-x
j u n e 1 9 9 5 h e a d q u a r t e r s
board name ac position sysop
..illegal embassy 513 world headquarters rumpelstealskin..
..apocalypse 201 us headquarters napalm..
..system one +46 european headquarters gangstar..
..atari blues +972 israeli headquarters coolio martziono..
..evil intentions 408 western headquarters betrayer..
..the north star 908 eastern headquarters grey hawk..
the cattle kingdom 414 northern headquarters wiz..
..alcatraz 813 southern headquarters vindicator-x..
..high fidelity 217 central headquarters mr muff / superfly
..the last resort 414 courier headquarters blurr..
creators of intense art is not accepting distribution sites.
if you are in cia, and run a board, you are considered a member-board.
total cia agents: 77
members in white are constant contributing members
members in grey have not contributed the past month
members in black have not contributed for two months
members beyond that point are hereby dropped from that division
and are welcome to re-apply when they have time for art
if you feel that we are in error, get in touch with a senior
member, or leave us a message on the voice mail box 800.245.4366
..header ansi by diehard layout ansi by grey hawk..
..compiled by grey hawk mr. muff..
c copyright 1995 - creators of intense art productions
c r e a t o r s o f i n t e n s e a r t w o r k
..agent/headquarters listing for june 1995 - pack 25..
s e n i o r s t a f f
mr. muff + trident
d i r e c t o r s
ansi coordinators!... nivenh + napalm
ascii coordinator!... grey hawk
courier coordinator!... astaroth
..literature coordinator!... edicius
music coordinators!... cerebral neurosis + dark wolf...
vga coordinator!... venom
coder coordinator!... wizard of id
public relations!... superfly
telecom coordinator!... dark prophet
a n s i a g e n t s
blurr diehard diptheria
grey hawk grimm apostle jazz
lagomorph phoenix prong new school
napalm phatal nivenh proddy
shamanize switch tron wiz xanax
r i p a g e n t s
diabolos death adder hellshock
living death kerplunk pitt vision
v g a a g e n t s
darkfyre ear falcon hedshaught
mainframe matrixx muttonhead phoenix
segul superfly telstar vision venom
l i t a g e n t s
archmage the crow data ruckus
dryad edicius frost byte isded
mister e. pip the angry youth
stoner terminal velocity
c o d i n g a g e n t s
crimson overlord dark jester
mutated chia pet lynx wizard of id
m u s i c a g e n t s
beaner cerebral neurosis dark wolf
inner vision mental nova tfh
the slasher
a s c i i a g e n t s
grey hawk insanity man phatal
pliny sCandaL the blunted one
m e r c i n a r y a g e n t s
dark prophet ear mcp
mr. muff napalm
t e l e c o m a g e n t s
dataruckus dark prophet defcon 4
c o u r i e r t e a m
astaroth double 0 devestator
d.j. quad kregier maligor stoner
unholy spirit vindicator-x
j u n e 1 9 9 5 h e a d q u a r t e r s
board name ac position sysop
..illegal embassy 513 world headquarters rumpelstealskin..
..apocalypse 201 us headquarters napalm..
..system one +46 european headquarters gangstar..
..atari blues +972 israeli headquarters coolio martziono..
..evil intentions 408 western headquarters betrayer..
..the north star 908 eastern headquarters grey hawk..
the cattle kingdom 414 northern headquarters wiz..
..alcatraz 813 southern headquarters vindicator-x..
..high fidelity 217 central headquarters mr muff / superfly
..the last resort 414 courier headquarters blurr..
creators of intense art is not accepting distribution sites.
if you are in cia, and run a board, you are considered a member-board.
total cia agents: 77
members in white are constant contributing members
members in grey have not contributed the past month
members in black have not contributed for two months
members beyond that point are hereby dropped from that division
and are welcome to re-apply when they have time for art
if you feel that we are in error, get in touch with a senior
member, or leave us a message on the voice mail box 800.245.4366
..header ansi by diehard layout ansi by grey hawk..
..compiled by grey hawk mr. muff..
c copyright 1995 - creators of intense art productions
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