this image contains text
.,aa ::
.ad ::
,d ::
dP T :: :
lP 7P : ::
::: b 22:
::: b, 842 :
:: : a, ll
: aaa :
: ::: mmmm
----+--- c r e a t o r s o f i n t e n s e a r t :: 1 9 9 9 ---+----
c i a c o n s p i r a c y n u m b e r s i x t y n i n e
Intro / General Group Info napalm ---------------------------------------
1. weve come to this.. 69. what does that mean? well if youre for legality
sake over 18 you probably have some idea.. hopefully its something that
youve encountered in your own life, but if youre actually taking the time
to view packs and read info youre probably lost.. it boils down to one of
the worlds favorite topics: hot, raunchy, messy midget sex. you take one of
the little people and flip them arou... uhm, nevermind. Anyway, 69 is an
excuse for the cia crew to deliver some sexxy artwork, some themed directly
on sexxy objects and concepts, others are just sexxy in and of themselves..
note: some imagery may not be suitable for persons under 18 years of age, so
make sure you have another window you can pop up real quick if mom walks in!
2. changes.. thats what were doin at cia! is the scene starting to seem kinda
stagnant, boring and irrelavant to you? yeah, us too. so cia is changing.
starting soon well have a much more online web based presence with not only
our usual high quality supply of art, but an amalgamation of images, words
and even music from members inlcuding the hazmat, chaos the scrollz teams.
we have images, we have words, why not put them together, put them where many
more than the 300 people who usually see them will have easy access to them?
oooh yeah, thats the ticket. look for some good stuff soon.
3. IRC truths 4.5 - amusing musings from cia and beyond
shart/hirez funbaby only tells lies.
shart/hirez and bluedevil doesnt bathe properly.
shart/hirez hehe.
Funfetus/hirez Shart is a wonderful artist.
shart/hirez funfetus: doh.
zeebit anyway
zeebit who wants to fuck me when i am retarded
KittyM retards are easy
blkjack/ans Guys
blkjack/ans Im straight, maytag is a witness to this..
blkjack/ans But..
blkjack/ans I think Tim Robbins is good looking!
blkjack/ans Seriously!
blkjack/ans Hes got a cute face!
sudndeath napalm: im not jesus but i am your god
4. Membership Misc..
Interested in joining a talented group of digital artists, designers,
writers and musicians? email napalm@creators.org for more information
on what you can do to help out. get a spiffy new email address, some
free web space and the oportunity to work with some of the finest
artists in the digital art scene.. get off your ass and join!
5. Ftp Info: If youre wondering why the hell ftp.creators.org isnt quite
up to date, its cause i didnt have an account to access it until this
month : I should be reorganizing and cleaning it up shortly so check
it next month for all your cia resource needs. Until then check out
our deposits at the artpacks archive at ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks.
69. Thanks for everyone who worked this month, and even those who just sat
around in style and got their groove on. Fawks to naysayers, doomsdayers
and shit sprayers.
email: napalm@creators.org
irc EFnet: cia as napalm, napa1m, napalmCIA, etc..
High Resolution News Ikarus ---------------------------------------------
this month was SEXY! whips, chains, leather, oh my. we had a whippingly
dashing month, with little to share, but much to EAT? innuendos spread
OPEN, and savoring the taste of FLESH. sweat, tears, smell. emotionVSjoy ?
avant garde. avant garde. avant garde. nonsensical poemical rambles.
growing sensation, under the desk, life kid, drink the box, suck the box,
fuck the box, BRUCE LEE. may you have a RUBBEREY day.
Hazmat Ascii News de ----------------------------------------------------
Hazmat 7 dropped, and Hazmat was reborn. With T-Bob at the helm, Jack
Phlash and me at his sides, weve gotten Hazmat back on track. Since we
originally reformed Hazmat, we now have 11 members, some returning, some
debuting. We are however back in force and hazmat online is under way.
Expect our site to hit the web scene by storm sometime soon. If youre
interested in joining the hazmat allstars, drop by hazmat and let us know.
Scrollz Literature News Blue Devil --------------------------------------
Wondering where scrollz has been? Well theres been a ton of behind the
scenes work on the new cia project coming soon to www.creators.org, for
scrollz lit information contact:
BlueDevil: bluedevi@hotmail.com
The END -------------------------------------------------------------------
- c 1999 creators of intense art / cia productions / http://www.creators.org -
.ad ::
,d ::
dP T :: :
lP 7P : ::
::: b 22:
::: b, 842 :
:: : a, ll
: aaa :
: ::: mmmm
----+--- c r e a t o r s o f i n t e n s e a r t :: 1 9 9 9 ---+----
c i a c o n s p i r a c y n u m b e r s i x t y n i n e
Intro / General Group Info napalm ---------------------------------------
1. weve come to this.. 69. what does that mean? well if youre for legality
sake over 18 you probably have some idea.. hopefully its something that
youve encountered in your own life, but if youre actually taking the time
to view packs and read info youre probably lost.. it boils down to one of
the worlds favorite topics: hot, raunchy, messy midget sex. you take one of
the little people and flip them arou... uhm, nevermind. Anyway, 69 is an
excuse for the cia crew to deliver some sexxy artwork, some themed directly
on sexxy objects and concepts, others are just sexxy in and of themselves..
note: some imagery may not be suitable for persons under 18 years of age, so
make sure you have another window you can pop up real quick if mom walks in!
2. changes.. thats what were doin at cia! is the scene starting to seem kinda
stagnant, boring and irrelavant to you? yeah, us too. so cia is changing.
starting soon well have a much more online web based presence with not only
our usual high quality supply of art, but an amalgamation of images, words
and even music from members inlcuding the hazmat, chaos the scrollz teams.
we have images, we have words, why not put them together, put them where many
more than the 300 people who usually see them will have easy access to them?
oooh yeah, thats the ticket. look for some good stuff soon.
3. IRC truths 4.5 - amusing musings from cia and beyond
shart/hirez funbaby only tells lies.
shart/hirez and bluedevil doesnt bathe properly.
shart/hirez hehe.
Funfetus/hirez Shart is a wonderful artist.
shart/hirez funfetus: doh.
zeebit anyway
zeebit who wants to fuck me when i am retarded
KittyM retards are easy
blkjack/ans Guys
blkjack/ans Im straight, maytag is a witness to this..
blkjack/ans But..
blkjack/ans I think Tim Robbins is good looking!
blkjack/ans Seriously!
blkjack/ans Hes got a cute face!
sudndeath napalm: im not jesus but i am your god
4. Membership Misc..
Interested in joining a talented group of digital artists, designers,
writers and musicians? email napalm@creators.org for more information
on what you can do to help out. get a spiffy new email address, some
free web space and the oportunity to work with some of the finest
artists in the digital art scene.. get off your ass and join!
5. Ftp Info: If youre wondering why the hell ftp.creators.org isnt quite
up to date, its cause i didnt have an account to access it until this
month : I should be reorganizing and cleaning it up shortly so check
it next month for all your cia resource needs. Until then check out
our deposits at the artpacks archive at ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks.
69. Thanks for everyone who worked this month, and even those who just sat
around in style and got their groove on. Fawks to naysayers, doomsdayers
and shit sprayers.
email: napalm@creators.org
irc EFnet: cia as napalm, napa1m, napalmCIA, etc..
High Resolution News Ikarus ---------------------------------------------
this month was SEXY! whips, chains, leather, oh my. we had a whippingly
dashing month, with little to share, but much to EAT? innuendos spread
OPEN, and savoring the taste of FLESH. sweat, tears, smell. emotionVSjoy ?
avant garde. avant garde. avant garde. nonsensical poemical rambles.
growing sensation, under the desk, life kid, drink the box, suck the box,
fuck the box, BRUCE LEE. may you have a RUBBEREY day.
Hazmat Ascii News de ----------------------------------------------------
Hazmat 7 dropped, and Hazmat was reborn. With T-Bob at the helm, Jack
Phlash and me at his sides, weve gotten Hazmat back on track. Since we
originally reformed Hazmat, we now have 11 members, some returning, some
debuting. We are however back in force and hazmat online is under way.
Expect our site to hit the web scene by storm sometime soon. If youre
interested in joining the hazmat allstars, drop by hazmat and let us know.
Scrollz Literature News Blue Devil --------------------------------------
Wondering where scrollz has been? Well theres been a ton of behind the
scenes work on the new cia project coming soon to www.creators.org, for
scrollz lit information contact:
BlueDevil: bluedevi@hotmail.com
The END -------------------------------------------------------------------
- c 1999 creators of intense art / cia productions / http://www.creators.org -
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