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. cia special release - 05/99 - 3D Animation avi
Frank the Obnoxious Monkey, Featuring plAntz trailer
Created by Andrew Bell aka Napalm of cia productions
c 1999 A Bell cia productions - napalm@creators.org
-- Notes:
View this file with any good AVI player for Windows, Mac
or whatever. The faster your computer / hard drive and
video card the better! Uses Microsoft video compression.
Created in about a month for a school project. Made with
AVIDs Softimage3D http://www.softimage.com, Rendered
in Mental Ray, post-production audio in Adobe Premiere
-- Credits:
Concept, Models, Animation, Texture, etc: Andrew Bell
Voiceover Talent: John Cerilli
Frank the Obnoxious Monkey : Frank Tieri
Additional sounds by IMSI
-- Remarks:
While im not completely happy with how it turned out on
the whole, my friends and fellow cia members assured me
it was cool enough to release for other people to enjoy!
If you have any problems viewing it, or need a QuickTime
version or whatnot, feel free to e-mail me! Comments are
always good too... oh, and jobs, and money.. nevermind..
. - Napalm
. cia special release - 05/99 - 3D Animation avi
Frank the Obnoxious Monkey, Featuring plAntz trailer
Created by Andrew Bell aka Napalm of cia productions
c 1999 A Bell cia productions - napalm@creators.org
-- Notes:
View this file with any good AVI player for Windows, Mac
or whatever. The faster your computer / hard drive and
video card the better! Uses Microsoft video compression.
Created in about a month for a school project. Made with
AVIDs Softimage3D http://www.softimage.com, Rendered
in Mental Ray, post-production audio in Adobe Premiere
-- Credits:
Concept, Models, Animation, Texture, etc: Andrew Bell
Voiceover Talent: John Cerilli
Frank the Obnoxious Monkey : Frank Tieri
Additional sounds by IMSI
-- Remarks:
While im not completely happy with how it turned out on
the whole, my friends and fellow cia members assured me
it was cool enough to release for other people to enjoy!
If you have any problems viewing it, or need a QuickTime
version or whatnot, feel free to e-mail me! Comments are
always good too... oh, and jobs, and money.. nevermind..
. - Napalm
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