this image contains text
a c r e a t o r s o f i n t e n s e a
r t p r o d u c t i o n
so fucking money
he came to us human
4 ::
and imperfect
i changed
all that
i p
lay god
t h e g
u t t e r e l e
c t r o n i c m a g a z i n e
specializing in all your biomechanical and cybernetic needs
a monthly ansi scene publication manufactured by filth o
f cia
available at http://www.angelfire.com/pa/gutterbong
:: screen drawn by sodium
greetings to radman, napalm, basehead,
creator, filth, lord scarlet, a
nd cia.
. march nineteen ninety nine .
r t p r o d u c t i o n
so fucking money
he came to us human
4 ::
and imperfect
i changed
all that
i p
lay god
t h e g
u t t e r e l e
c t r o n i c m a g a z i n e
specializing in all your biomechanical and cybernetic needs
a monthly ansi scene publication manufactured by filth o
f cia
available at http://www.angelfire.com/pa/gutterbong
:: screen drawn by sodium
greetings to radman, napalm, basehead,
creator, filth, lord scarlet, a
nd cia.
. march nineteen ninety nine .
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