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scrollz lit. infofile ?!
Rants From the Guy with the Pitchfork
Let Me Speak on this! as K-dog would say
Yea I know, I watch way too much wrestling.
Anyhow lets get to the point. Scrollz 5 is here and you all must PHEAR!
Another pack goes out and this time at the begining of the New Year.
Well with a New Year comes New Members. Agent 99, Cinimin, and Rogan - X
This month we lost ZeroHour, he decided to quit lit and stick with ascii.
Lots of Luck to him. Well 1998 Sure Was fun and as it closed we are 31 members
Strong. Mad props go out this month to Chr0nix and enz0 of glue! My Glue buddiesGave me a great hookup with awesome ansi for my Nfo and Memlist thanks glue boysKeep on being Sticky! Well we are now 5 packs strong If I have not made my
Point yet, then let me say it again. We will not stop, We are having fun and
That is all that matters. Once again let me point out this, Scrollz was the OnlyLit group to release in the Fall and Winter of 1998. Whats that mean? Pure and
Simple, Like it or Not we 0wn the lit scene. How can a group that does not
Release all 4 seasons of the year claim to own the lit scene? Survey Says :
It Sure as Hell Cannot! So If I just broke someones bubble coughcough you
Know who I am refering to, well DAMN Im sorry, NOT!
Anyways In 1999 we will continue to call out the competition, If You Want Some,
Come Get Some, You Will Feel The BANG! as DDP would chant Yes I am a nut heh.
The Challenge has been made. So either do something about it or shut the FUCK upCause the train is a rolling and there is no stopping.
Are you done yet Bd? umm... No The Agent Invasion Starts in 1999 Cia will returnTo Dominate the competition and Scrollz will be right along side with it.
Mad? Want to kill me? Comments? pls email me at bluedevi@hotmail.com
Make sure to check us out on the web at www.lit.org/scrollz and send comments toCrowe@darkspiral.com Scrollz is also a proud sponsor of Oracle look for its
Return later this month. Well thats it and remeber this I am the mad tyrant withthe big pitchfork ready to stick it up your *** Happy New Year!!
*** note : I watched wrestling while I did this so it is a tad testosterone
enhanced. Really Im gonna seek professional help! heh heh
Mre Speaks
yet, another impressive month for Scrollz. we have gained some
very fine literary talent, in rogan-x and others... that i cant
remember right off hand sorry guys, but im certain that the
quality of this pack is indisputable.
its not easy running the best lit group in the scene, to tell you
the truth, its really boring right now! we need competition and
id love to see some of these other lit groups release a pack, sometime
soon. if you dont have enough lit, e:mail me... well get you lit...
im just getting tired of being the only ass kickin lit group in the
alright... enough of my ramblings. here is the pack, that you all
have waited long and hard for. enjoy... and dont e:mail me for
requests... because i dont do them.
Mister E. cia staff / scrollz yourmomma
scrollz lit. infofile ?!
Rants From the Guy with the Pitchfork
Let Me Speak on this! as K-dog would say
Yea I know, I watch way too much wrestling.
Anyhow lets get to the point. Scrollz 5 is here and you all must PHEAR!
Another pack goes out and this time at the begining of the New Year.
Well with a New Year comes New Members. Agent 99, Cinimin, and Rogan - X
This month we lost ZeroHour, he decided to quit lit and stick with ascii.
Lots of Luck to him. Well 1998 Sure Was fun and as it closed we are 31 members
Strong. Mad props go out this month to Chr0nix and enz0 of glue! My Glue buddiesGave me a great hookup with awesome ansi for my Nfo and Memlist thanks glue boysKeep on being Sticky! Well we are now 5 packs strong If I have not made my
Point yet, then let me say it again. We will not stop, We are having fun and
That is all that matters. Once again let me point out this, Scrollz was the OnlyLit group to release in the Fall and Winter of 1998. Whats that mean? Pure and
Simple, Like it or Not we 0wn the lit scene. How can a group that does not
Release all 4 seasons of the year claim to own the lit scene? Survey Says :
It Sure as Hell Cannot! So If I just broke someones bubble coughcough you
Know who I am refering to, well DAMN Im sorry, NOT!
Anyways In 1999 we will continue to call out the competition, If You Want Some,
Come Get Some, You Will Feel The BANG! as DDP would chant Yes I am a nut heh.
The Challenge has been made. So either do something about it or shut the FUCK upCause the train is a rolling and there is no stopping.
Are you done yet Bd? umm... No The Agent Invasion Starts in 1999 Cia will returnTo Dominate the competition and Scrollz will be right along side with it.
Mad? Want to kill me? Comments? pls email me at bluedevi@hotmail.com
Make sure to check us out on the web at www.lit.org/scrollz and send comments toCrowe@darkspiral.com Scrollz is also a proud sponsor of Oracle look for its
Return later this month. Well thats it and remeber this I am the mad tyrant withthe big pitchfork ready to stick it up your *** Happy New Year!!
*** note : I watched wrestling while I did this so it is a tad testosterone
enhanced. Really Im gonna seek professional help! heh heh
Mre Speaks
yet, another impressive month for Scrollz. we have gained some
very fine literary talent, in rogan-x and others... that i cant
remember right off hand sorry guys, but im certain that the
quality of this pack is indisputable.
its not easy running the best lit group in the scene, to tell you
the truth, its really boring right now! we need competition and
id love to see some of these other lit groups release a pack, sometime
soon. if you dont have enough lit, e:mail me... well get you lit...
im just getting tired of being the only ass kickin lit group in the
alright... enough of my ramblings. here is the pack, that you all
have waited long and hard for. enjoy... and dont e:mail me for
requests... because i dont do them.
Mister E. cia staff / scrollz yourmomma
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