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- 1998-12-04
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- ugh the rubble searching
for food, was viciously attack
ed by them. they tore the flesh
from his body just as h
e took his last breath, too weak to move
was he. the ol
d mans flesh cannot keep the pack fed for long for
e are too many of them, they act as an entity strong. without
food the entity will break down, for if it cannot feed fr
om others
it must feed from itself. the scavengers, dis
satisfied but their
kill move off through the ruins, sn
arling, hissing, and scraping.
it wasnt always like thi
s, but after the great destruction havoc
was allowed to
overtake civilization. from within the ruins new
ngers had emerged. most adults had perished in
the grea
t war before the final destruction had taken place, and the
children were left to fight off these new found beasts. the
y failed.
what was once hidden, now prowls the streets
taking all life that
had risin. the beasts feed on the
souls of humanity, taking all other
life down with it.
only the dim fires burning away at the elements of
lization light the creatures way throught the piles of wreckage.
a week goes by and the pack can find no more than the
of yesteryear. where they once fed now lays a mas
s of skeleton, and
the hunger grows within them. these
feirce and deceteful beasts
feel hunger's grip and with
no interference of a soul, look upon
themselves as the
ir next meal given. the scavengers cry out for
food, an
d only a lone dog answers their call. as they spot it
niffing around, these savage scavengers race towards it, their t
already tasting the taste the blood. as the mass
of evil descends upon
it, the staggering mass of bones
that is the dog collapses under its
weight. as the grou
p of children tear at the flesh of their kill,
there ey
es glance at each other suspicously, snarling as they feed.
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