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There you are, lounging around the public library wearing nothing but a three-piece suit with womens panties underneath when suddenly you get off. Surprised, you stash the inflatable sheep under the couch and are happy to see four Jehovahs Witnesses sensuously eating a popsicle. As the cheesy music begins you cant help yourself, so you take a bite of pizza, elated by the size of the zucchini that confronts you. Before you know it a car pulls up and Leonardo DiCaprio, Mel Gibson and Jim Carrey are calling your name and pointing to their crotches. Being the gracious host, you spank all of them, much to their delight.
The air is thick with the smell of burning stew you left on the stove as 2 people are now writhing in a pile on the hood of the car riding. Youre completely absorbed in it, never having had so many people riding at once.
Suddenly you look up and see your mother staring at you and you grin foolishly. Youre caught! She joins in and you pull our your badge and welcome them to the XXX-Files as the cheesy music fades out.
The air is thick with the smell of burning stew you left on the stove as 2 people are now writhing in a pile on the hood of the car riding. Youre completely absorbed in it, never having had so many people riding at once.
Suddenly you look up and see your mother staring at you and you grin foolishly. Youre caught! She joins in and you pull our your badge and welcome them to the XXX-Files as the cheesy music fades out.
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