this image contains text
elcome to the 50th edit
ion of the cia conspiracy! cia as a
group has been around since a small grou
p of guys in northern new jersey s
tarted talking to a few other guys in cincinatti,
the year was 1993. Today, over
four years later, cia has grown
to a creative force that we only dreamed about
in the early days. Th
anks to the hard work, loyalty, time and ef
fort of the hundreds of memb
ers who have come and gone, cia has managed to
establish itself as a major pl
ayer in the underground computer
art scene. This 50th cia conspir
acy extravaganza is dedicated
to all of the people who ever he
lped cia grow into what it is
today, to all the
people who helped us have a good time, to
l the people who know what its all about, and t
o all the
people who continue to support
cia to this day. Thanks!
ansi by ironghost - text by napalm
all of the following people have contribute
d in some
way to the making of cias 50
th conspiracy art pack!
be sure to check
out www.creators.org
ansi art
agent42 .... haji .....
.... napalm ..... sammael .... w
fever ....... ironghost ....
panacea .... sodium ....... zeus
ascii a
dark entity .... lord reaper
.... phonyeye .............. rumpf
jack phlash .... mHZ ............ sop
histo .... the illusionist
high res artis
agent42 .... Digital Interface ...
Jest ... napalm .... sunday
Corgon ...... El Joker ............ K
yo .... phaeton .. telstar
Deuterium ... the Grinch .......... m
ojo ... shadow ...........
Burning Chrome ..... Corgon .....
Crimson Overload ..... gzmrc
www.ca.com.au/acheron ... Gus .......
Mighty Mouse .... Warpus
www.scenelink.org......... Maestro ...
Sudden Death .. Everyone
DJ Quad at Fort Wayne Internet and Chris Berning at Web A
cres .
acid ........... everglo ..........
ice ................. pixel
blade .......... fire ............. l
ogic-gate ....... twilight
hanks again to everyone
who contributed to the making of
cias 50th! We will return to our regul
arly scheduled member
listing in next months release! Here are some of the sp
features you will find in the disks of this 50th conspira
disk 1 2
nsi and ascii from g
uests and cia members past and present,
as well as tons of high quality high resolution a
disk 3
orgons monster of a
demo, Tetrascape, with tons of graphics
disk 2
ntense View/3 Beta ver
sion for Windows 95. A Multi-format
file viewer by CrimsonO , featuring the ability to v
iew ANSI,
ASCII, VGA and more in windows, with sauce editing an
d more!
disk 5
ots of hard core porno
graphy see the fifth zip file
c 1997 Cia Productions / be sure to check www.creators.
org for the latest !
ion of the cia conspiracy! cia as a
group has been around since a small grou
p of guys in northern new jersey s
tarted talking to a few other guys in cincinatti,
the year was 1993. Today, over
four years later, cia has grown
to a creative force that we only dreamed about
in the early days. Th
anks to the hard work, loyalty, time and ef
fort of the hundreds of memb
ers who have come and gone, cia has managed to
establish itself as a major pl
ayer in the underground computer
art scene. This 50th cia conspir
acy extravaganza is dedicated
to all of the people who ever he
lped cia grow into what it is
today, to all the
people who helped us have a good time, to
l the people who know what its all about, and t
o all the
people who continue to support
cia to this day. Thanks!
ansi by ironghost - text by napalm
all of the following people have contribute
d in some
way to the making of cias 50
th conspiracy art pack!
be sure to check
out www.creators.org
ansi art
agent42 .... haji .....
.... napalm ..... sammael .... w
fever ....... ironghost ....
panacea .... sodium ....... zeus
ascii a
dark entity .... lord reaper
.... phonyeye .............. rumpf
jack phlash .... mHZ ............ sop
histo .... the illusionist
high res artis
agent42 .... Digital Interface ...
Jest ... napalm .... sunday
Corgon ...... El Joker ............ K
yo .... phaeton .. telstar
Deuterium ... the Grinch .......... m
ojo ... shadow ...........
Burning Chrome ..... Corgon .....
Crimson Overload ..... gzmrc
www.ca.com.au/acheron ... Gus .......
Mighty Mouse .... Warpus
www.scenelink.org......... Maestro ...
Sudden Death .. Everyone
DJ Quad at Fort Wayne Internet and Chris Berning at Web A
cres .
acid ........... everglo ..........
ice ................. pixel
blade .......... fire ............. l
ogic-gate ....... twilight
hanks again to everyone
who contributed to the making of
cias 50th! We will return to our regul
arly scheduled member
listing in next months release! Here are some of the sp
features you will find in the disks of this 50th conspira
disk 1 2
nsi and ascii from g
uests and cia members past and present,
as well as tons of high quality high resolution a
disk 3
orgons monster of a
demo, Tetrascape, with tons of graphics
disk 2
ntense View/3 Beta ver
sion for Windows 95. A Multi-format
file viewer by CrimsonO , featuring the ability to v
iew ANSI,
ASCII, VGA and more in windows, with sauce editing an
d more!
disk 5
ots of hard core porno
graphy see the fifth zip file
c 1997 Cia Productions / be sure to check www.creators.
org for the latest !
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