this image contains text
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.dSPb q 9
,od ., db
d o. ,s ,
. db. ,oSSS3 .
, ,9 7bo,.7sSSOo,.
s,,:d ,,ooo,psSS
d3 .,pSSbo,.. .,ooOS,
dSSdSF .pQ .o
,odSSS d/.sb .:S
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db d 7So
d , F7
.: ,,. F. b 7,
,d 7. F b. ,,
.d ,o 7, Qbodbo,
:b ,d ,- . d,
Sb , .D , . FOOoo,. .
d ,o. Fo,hbjFObo,
S d.b, ,b. :bo F9Ob
. :b,Pb, S d3F Fb. P
b,FS ,d dQ7 b .
b,db l7 O
:dOQ9 ::
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b QObo, b ,d:
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Q: Q, d f3!
. -voOb ,. cRo
7 7p
7 .
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/ / / .d ,7
- ---/ / / --- - .,dF dO
/ O7
: Welcome to // :
: IRC.LINK-NET.SG ircd server :
...........// i n f o ..................................
: - Location ..... : Singapore, Singapore :
: - Operated by... : QALASG :
: - Ports SSL... : 7000 :
: - Administrator. : cuban cuban at link-net.org :
: - Operators..... : Beeper beeper at link-net.org :
: sokje sokje at link-net.org :
...........// r u l e s ..................................
: - No bots but if its quiet and we dont know its a bot.. :
: ..we dont care :
: - No abuse clones, flooding, spam and mass advertising :
: - No begging for O-lines - we have enough opers. :
: - Sorry, but you cannot join any channels on split. :
...........// h e l p ..................................
: - linknet .... : Main network chat channel. :
: - chanfix .... : Fixing your opless channel. :
: - help ....... : General IRC help. :
. .. ...../ ascii by fum of chemical-reaction ..... .. .
.dSPb q 9
,od ., db
d o. ,s ,
. db. ,oSSS3 .
, ,9 7bo,.7sSSOo,.
s,,:d ,,ooo,psSS
d3 .,pSSbo,.. .,ooOS,
dSSdSF .pQ .o
,odSSS d/.sb .:S
, d/d ,
b, i ,dbb,.d
db d 7So
d , F7
.: ,,. F. b 7,
,d 7. F b. ,,
.d ,o 7, Qbodbo,
:b ,d ,- . d,
Sb , .D , . FOOoo,. .
d ,o. Fo,hbjFObo,
S d.b, ,b. :bo F9Ob
. :b,Pb, S d3F Fb. P
b,FS ,d dQ7 b .
b,db l7 O
:dOQ9 ::
7- -Oo,, . ,
b QObo, b ,d:
Fb 9Qb, d
Q: Q, d f3!
. -voOb ,. cRo
7 7p
7 .
,7 7
/ / / .d ,7
- ---/ / / --- - .,dF dO
/ O7
: Welcome to // :
: IRC.LINK-NET.SG ircd server :
...........// i n f o ..................................
: - Location ..... : Singapore, Singapore :
: - Operated by... : QALASG :
: - Ports SSL... : 7000 :
: - Administrator. : cuban cuban at link-net.org :
: - Operators..... : Beeper beeper at link-net.org :
: sokje sokje at link-net.org :
...........// r u l e s ..................................
: - No bots but if its quiet and we dont know its a bot.. :
: ..we dont care :
: - No abuse clones, flooding, spam and mass advertising :
: - No begging for O-lines - we have enough opers. :
: - Sorry, but you cannot join any channels on split. :
...........// h e l p ..................................
: - linknet .... : Main network chat channel. :
: - chanfix .... : Fixing your opless channel. :
: - help ....... : General IRC help. :
. .. ...../ ascii by fum of chemical-reaction ..... .. .
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