this image contains text
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. l4i7. 47
..l :. 4.:
,yy, .: l: ::::. :: ,y,. . lyyy,,,
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:yyi l :: 4uy,ly lyyyyy7 ::.
li,4: : il 44.
.:y, . l :::. l,: :: ll
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..::::: l: ,,,,,,,.
l, h7/cHARM : I N S I D E
do you wankers think that im lame coz i dont color my asciis? well fuck off.
asciis and ANSI are different stories. i might want to keep it that way.
and dont bother requesting i quit doing newschool and am off to do
serious oldskool . maybe permanently. anyways, greets to ld4xaxax lada
- h7 / Charm
Alien Technology
., ,i74i, ,,,,
. l4i7. 47
..l :. 4.:
,yy, .: l: ::::. :: ,y,. . lyyy,,,
:: : l :: ,7 ::..::::..: :l :
. : :l,:::.: :,: :.
:yyi l :: 4uy,ly lyyyyy7 ::.
li,4: : il 44.
.:y, . l :::. l,: :: ll
: l4yl: :::,,l :: :l .
:: .i, ,,,,l:
.:::li ,:,i
..::::: l: ,,,,,,,.
l, h7/cHARM : I N S I D E
do you wankers think that im lame coz i dont color my asciis? well fuck off.
asciis and ANSI are different stories. i might want to keep it that way.
and dont bother requesting i quit doing newschool and am off to do
serious oldskool . maybe permanently. anyways, greets to ld4xaxax lada
- h7 / Charm
Alien Technology
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