this image contains text
l: .,sS:
.,sSb. l .sS:
.sSb. lb.d l .,ssSSl
.db. :7 lsS
.d7Ssl7 :4S:
.d7 :: 4:
47 l ll .dl
:. 47 ll :s SS7
: : lb. .,s: l :7 .dSs,. .d
: 7 d .
l l: ll :l : . .d SSl : S: SS .dS .d 4ss,. :Ss,. s,.,sS
c :. h a d r . m
b. ,d7 .l
4s,,,,s7 .:
47 lSS:
charm info july 1998
h7 - despite some ugly rumors, were not dead. nTR broke his
arm a while ago and Ive organized a bit. Due to lack
of time caused by job and girlfriend every project ive
been involved with, has either stopped or carried on
without me.
weve got FOUR new members, Jab Horza from Stream,
Shank from former Echo and Apollo from bc! ARLA. We
all in charm welcome these guys, you ppl should check
out their works in this pack. I believe these guys need
no further introduction, so carry on.
nTR - no comments
b, l7 4SSss,. 4
l dl charming 4 .,7
b. 4l members lSS lb. dS
Neurotrance Leader ................. tomi.riipinen@pp.inet.fi
* Apollo ..................................... apollo@dystopia.fi
h7 ....................................... joasis@mindless.com
* horza ............................................ horza@sci.fi
* jab ..................................... jaakko.luoto@mbnet.fi
* shank .................................. heck@venture.fipnet.fi
twain ......................................... twain@icenet.fi
venturus ................................... tepkei@cedunet.com
* indicates new member
Astute and Horizon were kicked out for inactivity, Prosthesis
got kicked out for severe lameness.
if youre interested in joining, contact h7 or Neurotrance and
well talk about it.
b, l7 4SSss,. 4
l dl charming 4 .,7
b. 4l bulletinboards lSS lb. dS
Highlands WHQ +358-NEUROTRANCE
Haciend Ntw MEMBER +358-H7
Immanence MEMBER +358-HORZA
Kosmos MEMBER +358-TWAIN
Abstract Hall. DIST +358-ASPHYNX
Find our packs in charm boards or
smurf to artpacks.acid.org and
seek for charm*.zip/rar .
b, l7 4SSss,. 4
l dl text: h7 nTR 4 .,7
.,sSb. l .sS:
.sSb. lb.d l .,ssSSl
.db. :7 lsS
.d7Ssl7 :4S:
.d7 :: 4:
47 l ll .dl
:. 47 ll :s SS7
: : lb. .,s: l :7 .dSs,. .d
: 7 d .
l l: ll :l : . .d SSl : S: SS .dS .d 4ss,. :Ss,. s,.,sS
c :. h a d r . m
b. ,d7 .l
4s,,,,s7 .:
47 lSS:
charm info july 1998
h7 - despite some ugly rumors, were not dead. nTR broke his
arm a while ago and Ive organized a bit. Due to lack
of time caused by job and girlfriend every project ive
been involved with, has either stopped or carried on
without me.
weve got FOUR new members, Jab Horza from Stream,
Shank from former Echo and Apollo from bc! ARLA. We
all in charm welcome these guys, you ppl should check
out their works in this pack. I believe these guys need
no further introduction, so carry on.
nTR - no comments
b, l7 4SSss,. 4
l dl charming 4 .,7
b. 4l members lSS lb. dS
Neurotrance Leader ................. tomi.riipinen@pp.inet.fi
* Apollo ..................................... apollo@dystopia.fi
h7 ....................................... joasis@mindless.com
* horza ............................................ horza@sci.fi
* jab ..................................... jaakko.luoto@mbnet.fi
* shank .................................. heck@venture.fipnet.fi
twain ......................................... twain@icenet.fi
venturus ................................... tepkei@cedunet.com
* indicates new member
Astute and Horizon were kicked out for inactivity, Prosthesis
got kicked out for severe lameness.
if youre interested in joining, contact h7 or Neurotrance and
well talk about it.
b, l7 4SSss,. 4
l dl charming 4 .,7
b. 4l bulletinboards lSS lb. dS
Highlands WHQ +358-NEUROTRANCE
Haciend Ntw MEMBER +358-H7
Immanence MEMBER +358-HORZA
Kosmos MEMBER +358-TWAIN
Abstract Hall. DIST +358-ASPHYNX
Find our packs in charm boards or
smurf to artpacks.acid.org and
seek for charm*.zip/rar .
b, l7 4SSss,. 4
l dl text: h7 nTR 4 .,7
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