this image contains text
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.i jL 7o. o. .o .o7 Jl i.?j2
. ?Sy,?SL.iy,yi.JS?,yS? . ?1
il ?p./ .q? li ?
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b. .,oo,. .,oo,. .dy??
?So. ?jy yj? .oSSSSyo.
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?j ,oo. :: .oo, j? 1
?. ?j? ii ?j? ? io,
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.gS. .oo. .Sg. jj?i
d ?: . J--L . ? b ?
. i yyyo yy oyyy i . y?
L . .yyyy. ?jj? .yyyy. . J
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? ..,,yySySyy,,.. .? i??i
?? . ? ?
?????? . JyyyyL
J i 7 7 i L .
yyyyy+,.. .yyySSSSyyy. ..,+yyyyy fee.. sl. sucks....
cafe99 demoparty ascii compo entry
won the 2nd place
i thought, it would be the last in the compo, but it was second.
its amazing, what russian zx-spectrum fans can do with a piece of shit -
make it a winner... it was just an experiment, i wanted to know whether
theyll go this way or reject the pic. it did the first. even for me i
dont like the pic, but they do have.
.: j i , , i l :. yyyy
.i jL 7o. o. .o .o7 Jl i.?j2
. ?Sy,?SL.iy,yi.JS?,yS? . ?1
il ?p./ .q? li ?
L ?? ?? J .Jj
b. .,oo,. .,oo,. .dy??
?So. ?jy yj? .oSSSSyo.
? ?7 7? ?L
? J -? i ?L ? 2yyyy?
?j ,oo. :: .oo, j? 1
?. ?j? ii ?j? ? io,
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.gS. .oo. .Sg. jj?i
d ?: . J--L . ? b ?
. i yyyo yy oyyy i . y?
L . .yyyy. ?jj? .yyyy. . J
. ?yy yy? .
? ..,,yySySyy,,.. .? i??i
?? . ? ?
?????? . JyyyyL
J i 7 7 i L .
yyyyy+,.. .yyySSSSyyy. ..,+yyyyy fee.. sl. sucks....
cafe99 demoparty ascii compo entry
won the 2nd place
i thought, it would be the last in the compo, but it was second.
its amazing, what russian zx-spectrum fans can do with a piece of shit -
make it a winner... it was just an experiment, i wanted to know whether
theyll go this way or reject the pic. it did the first. even for me i
dont like the pic, but they do have.
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