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c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
...presents... CULT OF THE DEAD COW Sought In Obscenity Case
by Weasel Boy
and Lizard
/ Everything You Need Since 1986
A friend of mine in Memphis sent me this. Its a snippet from an article
about a rather famous pornography case there, involving a server in California.
She didnt send me the whole article, just this paragraph.
-Weasel Boy
From the Memphis Daily Herald, December 16th, 1995:
Although Memphis prosecutors are indicting the couple on obscenity
charges, the real problem will not be solved for a long time.
Officials say that most computers act as a distribution source for
the material, while the producers of porn often masquerade behind
fake e-mail addresses. While the majority of individuals producing
porn is greater than actual organized efforts, one file of obscene
material on the computers involved in this case was produced by a
group calling themselves the Cult of the Dead Cow. The file was a
story involving the torture and degradation of laboratory rabbits and
was titled Bunny Lust. According to one of the prosecutors
overseeing the case, he became physically ill after reading the
contents of this file. Prosecutors say that they are seeking the
members of this group, but have been relatively stonewalled because
nobody in the group uses their real name nor can any information be
found about them. The Cult of the Dead Cow is responsible for over
300 obscene files on the Internet, containing graphic descriptions of
abhorrent behavior and obscene photographs.
Lizard Speaks Out On Internet Censorship:
You see, my friend, despite what you have been told, the United States of
America isnt a democracy. The founders of this nation, quite wise men,
realized that the people were more than capable of being utter prats, and thus,
placed many things outside the reach of many people. That is what the
Constitution means when it says Congress shall make no law. It means no
matter how much the people whine, and beg, and scream, and whine, their elected
The people be damned.
Everyone in the technology industries is concerned that the Hyde proposal
will make the US non-competitive in international markets, because it will
paralyze Internet service providers who will be forced to filter every single
piece of personal email, every single Web page, and every single post made to
Usenet through their ISP for potentially pornographic material. Which will
make running an ISP in America impossible.
Many people feel that the religious right, in their crusade to control the
world around them, do not realize that such strict laws will kill the US as a
member of the Internet community. Theyre not as stupid as people think they
are. They know the situation. They dont care. They want to rule, period, and
if what they end up ruling is a fourth-rate backwater nation, that wont
matter to them. Just so long as they are in charge.
They know about products such as Surf Watch which can restrict Internet
access to certain content. THEY DONT CARE. They do not want to protect their
children, they wish to enslave you. They are not misguided. They are not
poorly informed. They are not concerned parents. *THEY* *ARE* *EVIL*.
And, as they will be the first to tell you, there is no compromise or treaty
with evil. The censors must be fought, and defeated, *by any means necessary*.
By the ballot box if we can, by the cartridge box if we must.
- .ooM -
Oooo /
/ Copyright c1996 cDc communications. / /
/ / All rights reserved. Award-winning CULT OF THE DEAD COW /
/ is published by cDc communications, P.O. Box 53011, oooO
oooO Lubbock, TX, 79453, US of A. Edited by Swamp Ratte.
/ Save yourself! Go outside! Do something! / /
...presents... CULT OF THE DEAD COW Sought In Obscenity Case
by Weasel Boy
and Lizard
/ Everything You Need Since 1986
A friend of mine in Memphis sent me this. Its a snippet from an article
about a rather famous pornography case there, involving a server in California.
She didnt send me the whole article, just this paragraph.
-Weasel Boy
From the Memphis Daily Herald, December 16th, 1995:
Although Memphis prosecutors are indicting the couple on obscenity
charges, the real problem will not be solved for a long time.
Officials say that most computers act as a distribution source for
the material, while the producers of porn often masquerade behind
fake e-mail addresses. While the majority of individuals producing
porn is greater than actual organized efforts, one file of obscene
material on the computers involved in this case was produced by a
group calling themselves the Cult of the Dead Cow. The file was a
story involving the torture and degradation of laboratory rabbits and
was titled Bunny Lust. According to one of the prosecutors
overseeing the case, he became physically ill after reading the
contents of this file. Prosecutors say that they are seeking the
members of this group, but have been relatively stonewalled because
nobody in the group uses their real name nor can any information be
found about them. The Cult of the Dead Cow is responsible for over
300 obscene files on the Internet, containing graphic descriptions of
abhorrent behavior and obscene photographs.
Lizard Speaks Out On Internet Censorship:
You see, my friend, despite what you have been told, the United States of
America isnt a democracy. The founders of this nation, quite wise men,
realized that the people were more than capable of being utter prats, and thus,
placed many things outside the reach of many people. That is what the
Constitution means when it says Congress shall make no law. It means no
matter how much the people whine, and beg, and scream, and whine, their elected
The people be damned.
Everyone in the technology industries is concerned that the Hyde proposal
will make the US non-competitive in international markets, because it will
paralyze Internet service providers who will be forced to filter every single
piece of personal email, every single Web page, and every single post made to
Usenet through their ISP for potentially pornographic material. Which will
make running an ISP in America impossible.
Many people feel that the religious right, in their crusade to control the
world around them, do not realize that such strict laws will kill the US as a
member of the Internet community. Theyre not as stupid as people think they
are. They know the situation. They dont care. They want to rule, period, and
if what they end up ruling is a fourth-rate backwater nation, that wont
matter to them. Just so long as they are in charge.
They know about products such as Surf Watch which can restrict Internet
access to certain content. THEY DONT CARE. They do not want to protect their
children, they wish to enslave you. They are not misguided. They are not
poorly informed. They are not concerned parents. *THEY* *ARE* *EVIL*.
And, as they will be the first to tell you, there is no compromise or treaty
with evil. The censors must be fought, and defeated, *by any means necessary*.
By the ballot box if we can, by the cartridge box if we must.
- .ooM -
Oooo /
/ Copyright c1996 cDc communications. / /
/ / All rights reserved. Award-winning CULT OF THE DEAD COW /
/ is published by cDc communications, P.O. Box 53011, oooO
oooO Lubbock, TX, 79453, US of A. Edited by Swamp Ratte.
/ Save yourself! Go outside! Do something! / /
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