this image contains text
The Only Magazine Wrote Entierly By Verbatum C 1996
* Keep Vision-x Alive Conquest! - Please Read!! Chapt. 5!@!@!@ *
BullShit Issue Number One, The Official Magazine of Cancer tm.
I the writer/editor/artist/coolguy/gimp have any intentions of harming anyone
emotionaly or phisicaly through this magazine, all ansis i used are ripped and
are copy write to the artist, who i give my ut-most respect for.
Table of Contents:
Cancer : 1
Things i Fucking Hate : 2
My Little Lit : 3
Board Plug: 4
Vision-x? Please Read!: 5
How to draw like me: 6
Greetz: 7
Lets see... what can i say about cancer... well rite now we have some of the
leading artists in the country, are run by a guy named WhiteTrash. And have
a great group whore! But for now i can only wait until the pack comes out
to have you see what i have seen.
I have seen the two beta packs, and i think that they look great, it has
been put together very nice, and features a very indepth look at how to do logosby whitetrash himself.
I feel that the pack is lacking something very great. After looking over
pack time and time again which your probably doing now i found that there is
only a few pictures of girls with big breasts. I hope and pray to god that
cancer is able to fix this horrible problem and maybe have someone do an ansi
for my board of just one huge breast.
Besides that i feel that the pack will tit fuck your grandma, run a nice long
boner out of your fathers pants, and have great anal sex with your mom.
Chapter 2 : Things i Fucking Hate
I Realy Fucking Hate....
the way my boss asks me to wash out the garbadge cans.
the way someone can setup a bot on ansi and proclaim himself king.
the way people have a tendency to eat and talk at the same time.
that lord jazz?, toon-gooniCE wont make me ansis.
how i have 3 fucking nodes and an 800 and no one ever calls my board!
how i cant have everyone in ansi do me an ansi.
when people always ask me what do you do for cancer
little white rich white kids, think there pore black kids.
how every other word out of a rappers mouth is bitch, or fuck.
this fat girl always waves to me and smiles.
how i cant get intouch with ryec.
how i have to write this long ass mag.
fucking phlome. nuff said
that people call my house at 3:00 in the morining to see if im awake.
my mom wont fucking leave me alone.
all the black kids call me nigger.
Chapter 3 : My Little LIT!
I see your mom,
shes big and fat,
her bush is like,
a hairy cat.
I see your dad,
hes old and bald,
his dick limp,
and not very tall.
I see your grandma,
dressed up as a strip dancer,
she will soon find out,
shes dieing of cancer.
I see a whore,
he likes it when you beatum,
he runs a real ereet board.
and his handles verbatum
I see a guy,
hiding his stash,
then he eats some garbadge,
it must be whitetrash.
the end.
Chapter 4
What My BBS Looks Like From 1,000,000,000 miles away....
* Notice all the awsome ansis - .
ok heres a board plug time...
split 242
node 1: 9 oh 8 563 . 4996 node 2: 9 oh 8 868 . o6o3 node 3: 8oo2nd-call! syzpimmpz
verbatum CNC!TANG!FRCT!BS xEDGEx RiLE zer0c00l fATE!ARSENiC HH rzr
You see all the affilz, you guest the board stats
Chapter 5:
Please Read This Section...
Vision-x Version 1.0???
I have been running my board off of vision-x for about 2 years, just recently
I tried out iniquity, but found the bugs to be a problem running a 3 node system Vision-x is written by RYEC a person who has been bbsn for a very long timeand knows what the hell he is doing. But as time goes on we notice that people
tend to slip away. And he has been doing this for the last 2 years..
The last version of vision-x was .99F and was release autumn of 95, ryec on
his bbs Concealed Weapon has had an ansi up anouncing the great stuff that 1.0will be able to do, and that it will be availible summer of 1995, as of now RYEChas basicly stopped working on this software, 1.0 is said to have a proggraming
language built in.
If this is true it will bring forum hacks back up to speed. But now vision-x
has been in a coma for a very long time, and it looks like there is no hope of
it ever being released! What does this mean for the sysops, people like me who
have stood by vx for a long time. Well basicly it means i will have to run an
obsolete bbs software, that doesnt support a fileid.diz above 5 lines, and has
NO light-bar ability from any menu, accept for the generic matrix.
What can you do?? I have been a programmer in turbo pascal for 2 years now,
and have wrote 2 bbs softwares for fun. I am curently taking advanced C in
skool, and have a very good grasp on how to use it. What i am asking for is notto take the whole vision-x idea away from ryec or the hard working staff that
make it possible, but just to update it, and make the programming language come
out. I do not want any of the money that Vision-x will bring in and have offerdRyec ALL OF IT, and allow him to have the source code anytime i release a new
version, and also be able to give the rite to have people check my board out
at random. I dont want to be the WHQ or anything like it, i just want to help.
Please mail RYEC at the from the matrix of his bbs encouraging him to letz me dodis: 1-613-723-7656
tell him to let verbatum help, not take over something that he worked hard for.
ok first you make the shape of what you want to do...
Lets Do A Simple Letter S
Ok Step 2... Select Colors You Want... Lets Do Blue With BackGround Green
Ok Step 3... Must Be Using Aciddraw, Or TheDraw For dis 2 werk Hit ALT-C
Stepperz Numbha 4... Release You Just Fucked Up And Give Up.
Step Number 5: Center Cursor then type S
there u go your own verbatum phont!
That concludes dis issue of BULLSHiT! Maybe next issue ill have my ansi done
by lord jazz, or toon-goon, probably not though! :
Greets- WhiteTrash, Flea, LordJazz, Cidica, ZeroCool, HH, Your Mom, Trident,
Trakker, Euphoric, loi, Shnicker, flame, xEDGEx, All The iRC people.
Ohhh Well... Call My Board Damnit!
The Magazines Over...
Hit Exit Bitch..
Get A Fucking Life!
o Look Its A Dancing Man! Happy? Now Leave!
* Keep Vision-x Alive Conquest! - Please Read!! Chapt. 5!@!@!@ *
BullShit Issue Number One, The Official Magazine of Cancer tm.
I the writer/editor/artist/coolguy/gimp have any intentions of harming anyone
emotionaly or phisicaly through this magazine, all ansis i used are ripped and
are copy write to the artist, who i give my ut-most respect for.
Table of Contents:
Cancer : 1
Things i Fucking Hate : 2
My Little Lit : 3
Board Plug: 4
Vision-x? Please Read!: 5
How to draw like me: 6
Greetz: 7
Lets see... what can i say about cancer... well rite now we have some of the
leading artists in the country, are run by a guy named WhiteTrash. And have
a great group whore! But for now i can only wait until the pack comes out
to have you see what i have seen.
I have seen the two beta packs, and i think that they look great, it has
been put together very nice, and features a very indepth look at how to do logosby whitetrash himself.
I feel that the pack is lacking something very great. After looking over
pack time and time again which your probably doing now i found that there is
only a few pictures of girls with big breasts. I hope and pray to god that
cancer is able to fix this horrible problem and maybe have someone do an ansi
for my board of just one huge breast.
Besides that i feel that the pack will tit fuck your grandma, run a nice long
boner out of your fathers pants, and have great anal sex with your mom.
Chapter 2 : Things i Fucking Hate
I Realy Fucking Hate....
the way my boss asks me to wash out the garbadge cans.
the way someone can setup a bot on ansi and proclaim himself king.
the way people have a tendency to eat and talk at the same time.
that lord jazz?, toon-gooniCE wont make me ansis.
how i have 3 fucking nodes and an 800 and no one ever calls my board!
how i cant have everyone in ansi do me an ansi.
when people always ask me what do you do for cancer
little white rich white kids, think there pore black kids.
how every other word out of a rappers mouth is bitch, or fuck.
this fat girl always waves to me and smiles.
how i cant get intouch with ryec.
how i have to write this long ass mag.
fucking phlome. nuff said
that people call my house at 3:00 in the morining to see if im awake.
my mom wont fucking leave me alone.
all the black kids call me nigger.
Chapter 3 : My Little LIT!
I see your mom,
shes big and fat,
her bush is like,
a hairy cat.
I see your dad,
hes old and bald,
his dick limp,
and not very tall.
I see your grandma,
dressed up as a strip dancer,
she will soon find out,
shes dieing of cancer.
I see a whore,
he likes it when you beatum,
he runs a real ereet board.
and his handles verbatum
I see a guy,
hiding his stash,
then he eats some garbadge,
it must be whitetrash.
the end.
Chapter 4
What My BBS Looks Like From 1,000,000,000 miles away....
* Notice all the awsome ansis - .
ok heres a board plug time...
split 242
node 1: 9 oh 8 563 . 4996 node 2: 9 oh 8 868 . o6o3 node 3: 8oo2nd-call! syzpimmpz
verbatum CNC!TANG!FRCT!BS xEDGEx RiLE zer0c00l fATE!ARSENiC HH rzr
You see all the affilz, you guest the board stats
Chapter 5:
Please Read This Section...
Vision-x Version 1.0???
I have been running my board off of vision-x for about 2 years, just recently
I tried out iniquity, but found the bugs to be a problem running a 3 node system Vision-x is written by RYEC a person who has been bbsn for a very long timeand knows what the hell he is doing. But as time goes on we notice that people
tend to slip away. And he has been doing this for the last 2 years..
The last version of vision-x was .99F and was release autumn of 95, ryec on
his bbs Concealed Weapon has had an ansi up anouncing the great stuff that 1.0will be able to do, and that it will be availible summer of 1995, as of now RYEChas basicly stopped working on this software, 1.0 is said to have a proggraming
language built in.
If this is true it will bring forum hacks back up to speed. But now vision-x
has been in a coma for a very long time, and it looks like there is no hope of
it ever being released! What does this mean for the sysops, people like me who
have stood by vx for a long time. Well basicly it means i will have to run an
obsolete bbs software, that doesnt support a fileid.diz above 5 lines, and has
NO light-bar ability from any menu, accept for the generic matrix.
What can you do?? I have been a programmer in turbo pascal for 2 years now,
and have wrote 2 bbs softwares for fun. I am curently taking advanced C in
skool, and have a very good grasp on how to use it. What i am asking for is notto take the whole vision-x idea away from ryec or the hard working staff that
make it possible, but just to update it, and make the programming language come
out. I do not want any of the money that Vision-x will bring in and have offerdRyec ALL OF IT, and allow him to have the source code anytime i release a new
version, and also be able to give the rite to have people check my board out
at random. I dont want to be the WHQ or anything like it, i just want to help.
Please mail RYEC at the from the matrix of his bbs encouraging him to letz me dodis: 1-613-723-7656
tell him to let verbatum help, not take over something that he worked hard for.
ok first you make the shape of what you want to do...
Lets Do A Simple Letter S
Ok Step 2... Select Colors You Want... Lets Do Blue With BackGround Green
Ok Step 3... Must Be Using Aciddraw, Or TheDraw For dis 2 werk Hit ALT-C
Stepperz Numbha 4... Release You Just Fucked Up And Give Up.
Step Number 5: Center Cursor then type S
there u go your own verbatum phont!
That concludes dis issue of BULLSHiT! Maybe next issue ill have my ansi done
by lord jazz, or toon-goon, probably not though! :
Greets- WhiteTrash, Flea, LordJazz, Cidica, ZeroCool, HH, Your Mom, Trident,
Trakker, Euphoric, loi, Shnicker, flame, xEDGEx, All The iRC people.
Ohhh Well... Call My Board Damnit!
The Magazines Over...
Hit Exit Bitch..
Get A Fucking Life!
o Look Its A Dancing Man! Happy? Now Leave!
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