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ansi by spirit of rage of brotherhood, august 99
---end of ansi: 81 lines------------------------------------------------------hehe.. zeusII didnt know this one was coming surprise surprise
yea I won that bet, but damn. ZeusII proved to be even better then ever this
month so I thought Id congratulate him and the the rest of our crew:
jason, retribution, enzo and me on a fine job on this pack! werd were the
best group around! Ive been in several groups. But hood is the shit.
Friendship is the strongest weapon within a group!
tha ansi was draw under pressure, thunder, no masturbation n snus. and yea
the nose looks weird, but hey so did it look in the comic aswell. my point
made anyway ZEUSII RULES!!!
// spirit of rage pron and your gfs phonenumber goes to sor@hotmail.com
---end of ansi: 81 lines------------------------------------------------------hehe.. zeusII didnt know this one was coming surprise surprise
yea I won that bet, but damn. ZeusII proved to be even better then ever this
month so I thought Id congratulate him and the the rest of our crew:
jason, retribution, enzo and me on a fine job on this pack! werd were the
best group around! Ive been in several groups. But hood is the shit.
Friendship is the strongest weapon within a group!
tha ansi was draw under pressure, thunder, no masturbation n snus. and yea
the nose looks weird, but hey so did it look in the comic aswell. my point
made anyway ZEUSII RULES!!!
// spirit of rage pron and your gfs phonenumber goes to sor@hotmail.com
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