this image contains text
Heres a colly of all my compo sudmitions this last two months... I wouldnt say
any1 of em are any good at all, but I hate to draw for an hour and really try atleast and then just trash it even it if it looks like shit.
While im chatting and shit here id like to say some shit too
Ive gotten a alot of reqs as always but theres a thing i noticed. Everytime
some1 makes a req it feels like they think im a god or something trying to
say the right thing all the time and kiss my ass Feels kinda creepy so it
would more nice if u just threat me like a normal person instead. Cause I dont
think Im a person with higher status just cause im the artists and your the
requester... so everybody feel free to give me a msg on irc or whatever. My mailaddress is sor@hotmail.com. And to you reviewers out there.. please take this
one out of the review I KNOW it sucks already! THANK YOU!!
ps. NO changes has been made since I drew these in the compos. ds.
// spirit of rage...
- sor-bah.ans - made in 1 hour exactly by the minute, shaded in 15!!
btw I WON wow!! thats amazing!
--- nice font eh?! ----------------------------------------------------------
- sor-carn.ans - a little font I made when I saw there was a compo going on
took me about 20 min cause by then it was over.
c a r n a g e
--- font artist my ass ---------------------------------------------------------
- sor-snow.ans - started out okey but then it got all fucked up and didnt even
turn out like I wanted it too.. oh well I was late to enter
this compo too.
100 original by spirit of rage of brotherhood for a compo in compo2
made in a hurry.. snowman going bersark in the scene...
damn i hate compos with short time to make a damn ansi...
--- ansi artist my ass ---------------------------------------------------------
- sor-zooy.ans - This one was drawn for zooyork.. the guy on the pic is the
actual zoo manager I came 2nd and got myself an acid cap,
which i dont know if i really should be happy for?
1oo orig. ansi made in 1h 15m for zooyork @ artcompo by spirit of rage of hood
any1 of em are any good at all, but I hate to draw for an hour and really try atleast and then just trash it even it if it looks like shit.
While im chatting and shit here id like to say some shit too
Ive gotten a alot of reqs as always but theres a thing i noticed. Everytime
some1 makes a req it feels like they think im a god or something trying to
say the right thing all the time and kiss my ass Feels kinda creepy so it
would more nice if u just threat me like a normal person instead. Cause I dont
think Im a person with higher status just cause im the artists and your the
requester... so everybody feel free to give me a msg on irc or whatever. My mailaddress is sor@hotmail.com. And to you reviewers out there.. please take this
one out of the review I KNOW it sucks already! THANK YOU!!
ps. NO changes has been made since I drew these in the compos. ds.
// spirit of rage...
- sor-bah.ans - made in 1 hour exactly by the minute, shaded in 15!!
btw I WON wow!! thats amazing!
--- nice font eh?! ----------------------------------------------------------
- sor-carn.ans - a little font I made when I saw there was a compo going on
took me about 20 min cause by then it was over.
c a r n a g e
--- font artist my ass ---------------------------------------------------------
- sor-snow.ans - started out okey but then it got all fucked up and didnt even
turn out like I wanted it too.. oh well I was late to enter
this compo too.
100 original by spirit of rage of brotherhood for a compo in compo2
made in a hurry.. snowman going bersark in the scene...
damn i hate compos with short time to make a damn ansi...
--- ansi artist my ass ---------------------------------------------------------
- sor-zooy.ans - This one was drawn for zooyork.. the guy on the pic is the
actual zoo manager I came 2nd and got myself an acid cap,
which i dont know if i really should be happy for?
1oo orig. ansi made in 1h 15m for zooyork @ artcompo by spirit of rage of hood
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