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Hi, This is my new ansi. Well the colors arent great
but still i like diz picture. Ive done this ansii
Ko specially for Poison and his DARK ETERNITY board.
Greets goes to Magneto , Painless , Havok, and other
cool artists around here. Also i want 2 greet the TRX
group and also Prankish and Lord Zoran of Sgi.
KiNGPiN Octopu 1997. 2:5020/505.11@fidonet.org
but still i like diz picture. Ive done this ansii
Ko specially for Poison and his DARK ETERNITY board.
Greets goes to Magneto , Painless , Havok, and other
cool artists around here. Also i want 2 greet the TRX
group and also Prankish and Lord Zoran of Sgi.
KiNGPiN Octopu 1997. 2:5020/505.11@fidonet.org
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