this image contains text
// // // // w A L L ! ? /
username1: blah blah blah blah?
username2: blah blah blah blah!
username1: actually, i should write a bit more.
username2: and why is that?
sysop: it serves as a better example of how the wall will work.
username1: yeah, exactly.
username2: oh, makes sense.
jack phlash: break!ascii 2014?!@5
/ b L O O D i S L A N D /--/ / // /
username1: blah blah blah blah?
username2: blah blah blah blah!
username1: actually, i should write a bit more.
username2: and why is that?
sysop: it serves as a better example of how the wall will work.
username1: yeah, exactly.
username2: oh, makes sense.
jack phlash: break!ascii 2014?!@5
/ b L O O D i S L A N D /--/ / // /
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